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Thread: Deadlift form check 231 lbs

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
    Thank you for taking a look. Are you refering to a lower back with a concave arch...
    Tuna, the way you worded that wasn't exactly right. Let me just make sure we're on the same page. There is such a thing as Over extension and some lifters are certainly capable of doing it. It's an excessive concave shape in the lumbar - more easily achieved by underweight individuals and very flexible individuals. You're nowhere near that point and you currently need to learn what proper extension feels like and looks like.

    I only make this stipulation so you know what you're aiming for, and for the benefit of other new lifters reading your thread. A good coach can help you into proper extension - which isn't flexion and isn't overextension. The ideal position can look different when you observe lifters with different body weights and shapes.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    those shes probably straighten out some as they get into the lift,
    But you are already bowed opposite, humped,
    there's a straight9er) back position there somewhere that is better,

    as you set your back before the lift, aim your ass at the wall behind you, and or drop your belly between your legs,
    read up on the superman exercise to set that lower back.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2024


    Thank you for the pointers everybody. Physical stupidity it is then. In fact I don't know anybody, and I pestered quite a lot of friends and family, who wasn't able to bend over with a straight back on the first try. I'll go through the resources you provided and try again.

    By the way if I try to keep my back straight while bending over with bent knees I feel an intense stretch in my hamstrings. Could this be related to my back rounding?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    Generally, the hips are low enough in the deadlift that this isn't a major issue. But these are related. The erectors and the hamstrings are in a war for control of the pelvis, and the erectors have to win.

    This is a pretty classic problem. It can be fixed pretty readily.

  5. #15
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    254 lbs YouTube

    Next try. Does this look marginally better than last time? (If not, do I still go up in weight?)

    A few notes:

    - I sometimes still lose a bit of air at the top, I'll get that sorted out.
    - Tried to make the "belly between thighs" cue work
    - I can easily do what Rip is doing here at 54 seconds while standing, but for some reason it's difficult for me when bent over like in the deadlift starting position.

    As always thanks for taking a look.

  6. #16
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    Still go up in weight. You are taking like three "run ups" to the back setting and going on the final and sloppiest one. Set your back, FREEZE, then pull.

    Your hips are bit low. Your elbows should sit midway in the crook of your knee, but at the beginning of each rep they are wandering forward. This is because you are dropping your *hips* rather than your *belly.* Once your shins touch the bar, nothing below the belt moves even a hair. You might need to wider your stance a hair to make this feel more natural.

    You achieve the correct position several times, then wiggle your way out of it. Which means the problem is volitional rather than physical. This position SHOULD feel uncomfortable. Perhaps even VERY uncomfortable.

  7. #17
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    Jul 2024


    You achieve the correct position several times, then wiggle your way out of it. Which means the problem is volitional rather than physical.
    This is actually a big relief. Thank you for saying that. Could you please give me a timestamp where my position is correct?

    You are taking like three "run ups" to the back setting and going on the final and sloppiest one.
    That's because I have no clue what "drop your belly between your thighs" is supposed to feel like. So I attempt and re-attempt, apparently fucking it up in the process.

    For reference, here is today's attempt at 258 lbs, made before I could read your post: YouTube Link
    Apart from the form issues, this is starting to feel shitty to do three times a week. Should I switch to phase 2 of the program?

    As always thank you for helping and please let me know when it's time to pay for a coach. I don't want to overstay my welcome in terms of free advice.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
    This is actually a big relief. Thank you for saying that. Could you please give me a timestamp where my position is correct?
    It's each "run up" to a rep. 0:13 is what I'll pick for the "best, first" instance. The bar tends to wander forward of midfoot as you keep "running into" the setup. When you get to this position, stop and pull.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
    That's because I have no clue what "drop your belly between your thighs" is supposed to feel like. So I attempt and re-attempt, apparently fucking it up in the process.
    It's supposed to feel like your belly is in between your thighs. If you can't feel where those things are, maybe...point your dick at the floor? You are never going in the "wrong direction" here. If you don't feel like your back is extended enough, unextending it and rextending it isn't going to extend it any further. Just push *harder.*

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
    For reference, here is today's attempt at 258 lbs, made before I could read your post: YouTube Link
    So, on 0:28-0:29, do you see how your hips "shoot up" before the bar leaves the floor? That's because your repeated "setup" has knocked the bar forward of midfoot. Your back extension collapses immediately to "swing the bar back" over the midfoot. If you extend your back with your hips in the correct position, this won't happen.

    Widen your stance/point your toes out more. Your hip angle should be as closed as you can get it. Your pelvis might be in the way of your thighs: it's hard to tell from this angle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
    Apart from the form issues, this is starting to feel shitty to do three times a week. Should I switch to phase 2 of the program?

    As always thank you for helping and please let me know when it's time to pay for a coach. I don't want to overstay my welcome in terms of free advice.
    You will get what you pay for. A coach should be able to fix this in one session. Ideally your deadlift is perfect before you move on to the power clean, and you have a good 60 pounds of real estate between your squat and deadlift. A coach can help you with that too.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2024


    Great details, thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maybach View Post
    It's each "run up" to a rep. 0:13 is what I'll pick for the "best, first" instance. The bar tends to wander forward of midfoot as you keep "running into" the setup. When you get to this position, stop and pull.
    Ah! I thought the green line here was still too much downwards curvature, compared to the sample images I posted earlier (link). I'll work on your pointers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maybach View Post
    You will get what you pay for. A coach should be able to fix this in one session. Ideally your deadlift is perfect before you move on to the power clean, and you have a good 60 pounds of real estate between your squat and deadlift. A coach can help you with that too.
    I think an in-person session would be best. Unfortunately there's no SSC in my country. I think a strategic vacation is in my future (unfortunately cannot be earlier than next year). It's cool there are helpful people in these forums who are helping out in the meantime.

  10. #20
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