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Thread: Squat Form Check - weight shifting out of the hole

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2023

    Default Squat Form Check - weight shifting out of the hole

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey Guys,

    I’d love a little feedback on my squat form here. I’ve been trying to work out some kinks, but I’m having a hard time identifying exactly what I’m doing wrong.

    I had noticed my bar path is wobbly at times, often shifting forward out of the hole, then shifting back. I had worked up to 355, but I noticed I was breaking at the hips first, so my knees were having to catch up at the bottom, which I believe was causing the forward shift. Below is the video for reference.

    Squat 355- side view
    Squat- 355 - YouTube

    To work on this I dropped weight a bit and am trying to make sure I am breaking knees and hips together and pushing my knees out. I am observing that I still see and feel the bar shifting slightly forward out of the hole, but I’m not sure what is causing it. I’m very consciously shoving knees out and trying to make sure I maintain my back angle out of the bottom, but it’s still happening. It seems to get worse as the reps process. I do think it’s better than it was, but I figured sone if you guys might be able to identify if it’s something I’m doing on the descent or as I begin to come up. It’s frustrating because I know it’s not as efficient as it could be and it’s costing me progress. Thanks in advance for your feedback. Here are my latest sets.

    Squat Set 1- 325- rear quarter

    Squat Set 1 -325- Rear Quarter - YouTube

    Squat Set 2- 325- side view

    Squat Set 2- 325- Side View - YouTube

    Squat Set 3- 325- rear quarter

    Squat Set 3- 325- Rear Quarter - YouTube

    If helpful here is a front view from my last session

    Squat -320 - Front View - YouTube

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    The bar is too low on your back.

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