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Thread: Deadlift Followup

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Can't see your low-back set from this angle, but they don't look too bad otherwise. But my god, man, what is that obnoxious noise the background of these two videos? Do you listen to train wrecks too?
    lol! Sorry coach! Next time I'll play some Canned Heat or Norman Greenbaum or something. I'll also bite the bullet and do the set in my tshirt so you can see the back angle better.

    All that said, having read all 3 books including The Barbell Prescription, you are very clear about how uncommon it is to encounter someone who can't or shouldn't deadlift. This all begs the question - what would you typically prescribe for someone like me, who is relatively young and healthy (compared to many in the general population), but just happens to ben extremely load sensitive due to pre-existing back issues?

    From what I gather, my options are 1) train through it, continue to add 5lbs (which is starting to feel like a bad idea), 2) DL modifications (e.g., elevated, rack pulls, sumo), or 3) simply find a weight that doesn't hurt and then continue to progress go from there.

    Meanwhile I have my squat up to 275 and even though I struggle with knee slide, it doesn't have to have any significant negative impacts on my back. I know the goal is the process, but it feels almost silly to work with a DL that is lighter than my squat...

  2. #12
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    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by lolnickybobby View Post
    All that said, having read all 3 books including The Barbell Prescription, you are very clear about how uncommon it is to encounter someone who can't or shouldn't deadlift. This all begs the question - what would you typically prescribe for someone like me, who is relatively young and healthy (compared to many in the general population), but just happens to ben extremely load sensitive due to pre-existing back issues?

    From what I gather, my options are 1) train through it, continue to add 5lbs (which is starting to feel like a bad idea), 2) DL modifications (e.g., elevated, rack pulls, sumo), or 3) simply find a weight that doesn't hurt and then continue to progress go from there.
    I'm no coach but as someone who suffers from similar back ailments to yours I would say get hands-on/direct SS coaching to ensure that your form is spot on. Nothing beats direct real-time observation and correction when you suffer from chronic lower back irritation. I was able to do this ~20 years ago in a Crossfit/Starting Strength seminar and it has served me well as I move forward into the sunset stage of my life.

  3. #13
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    Albany, Western Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Donaldson View Post
    God bless you, sir - you're very kind, and I appreciate you. Thank you for your encouragement, and a very merry Christmas to you, your mum, and all your family. (And if this message doesn't clear moderation in time, then a happy Boxing Day to you all, as well - y'all do that limey holiday down there, too, right?)
    Thanks for this, I don't know how I missed it but Christmas ended not the best this year. Wife and kids all got sick. They then passed it to me and I've just finished three straight days of fever, body shakes etc. I am better but still feel like I've been hit by one of OPs musical experiences.

    Still alive though and I did order a new outdoor griddle or flat top bbq whatever you like to call them so I can do bulk chicken fried steaks or smash burgers.

    We do all holidays now except Thanksgiving, independence day and our own Australia Day because that one offends white city folk who think indigenous country folk are offended by it.

  4. #14
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    North Texas


    TECHNIQUE, Martin.

  5. #15
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    Aug 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    TECHNIQUE, Martin.
    Not sure if that was for meant for me or for Martin, but regardless - thanks for answering my questions on episode 299!

    There were assumptions that I did situps or back extensions (I don't). Assumptions that my numbers are "not indicative of a 192 lbs man doing strength training", which is fair, and assumptions that my lifts are shit and that I should go to a seminar, which is also fair. The good news is I have an appointment with Anthony from SS Orlando in a couple weeks, so hopefully that will help my cause.

    The only concern I had there is that I could hear (not sure if it was Nick or Rusty) talking about how "This might be something Chronic", which wasn't elaborated upon. What if it is something chronic? like a bulging or herniated disc or stenosis or scar tissue actively causing issues for me? What does that mean in practical terms?

    Seeing how you regularly bring people back from the brink of literal disability, I kinda have a hard time believing that me, Nicky f*ckin Bobby, a 39 year old man who has been active all his life, does physical labour regularly, bikes to work in the summer, hunts, and does all these activities without issue, is a total write-off when it comes to strength training and deadlifting in particular. I'm open to the idea of switching out DLs for pull ups or rows or whatever, but I'm still kinda skeptical to the idea that I'm a write off. I'm not that special.

    Given this is Canada and I can get it for free I will be asking for an MRI, but the results are likely going to be "you have stenosis, bulging and/or herniated discs, scar tissue from the previous injury. And I'll go "yep", and that'll be that.

    Before you ask, my T is 635 as of last year so I got plenty of man juice left.

  6. #16
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    North Texas


    Yeah, that was for you NB, sorry Martin. If I were you I would not want that MRI on my record, especially in Canadia. They may decide you're a candidate for euthanasia.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Yeah, that was for you NB, sorry Martin. If I were you I would not want that MRI on my record, especially in Canadia. They may decide you're a candidate for euthanasia.
    lol! Fair enough. We'll start with TECHNIQUE. I'll let this latest episode settle, have the SSC assess my shit, and go from there. If not then I'll look in to travelling to attend a seminar somewhere in the northeast US. And if that doesn't work then I guess it's functional patterns and sets of 12 on the leg press for me (kidding).

    Have you ever shared your thoughts on Louie's (may he rest in peace) reverse hyper machine and that whole approach to back rehab?

  8. #18
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    North Texas


    There are no seminars in the northeast, only here in North Texas. And we learned a long time ago that the first things you stop doing with a creaky back is situps and back extensions -- if your back has boney changes at the intervertebral level, it makes very little sense to grind the discs between arthritic vertebral bodies. Just squat, deadlift and press with correct technique.

  9. #19
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    Aug 2023


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    There are no seminars in the northeast, only here in North Texas. And we learned a long time ago that the first things you stop doing with a creaky back is situps and back extensions -- if your back has boney changes at the intervertebral level, it makes very little sense to grind the discs between arthritic vertebral bodies. Just squat, deadlift and press with correct technique.
    Copy that. I hadn't picked up on the difference between seminars and training camps. I thought a squat and deadlift training camp would be enough to address my technical issues.

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