Standard high-bar squat.
Shared album - John McCrary - Google Photos
Would like a form check on these. Felt good but I'm new to the low bar squat. Thanks!
Standard high-bar squat.
Oh boy... it's worse than I thought. I will lower the weight and work on it.
Is the bar position in the right spot? I'm having trouble finding the right spot. This feels very low on my back compared to my "normal" squat
This question has been addressed in articles and videos on this website for years. It's not so much about bar placement as it is what you do with the bar during the movement. Look it up.
You see how before each rep, as you take a breath in, you kind of "shrug" the bar up, as the muscles which should already be locked into contraction as tight as they can be are contracted? What do you suppose that indicates you are not doing as part of your grip, that you should be doing?