Grip is good but every single one of these is extremely high. Narrow your stance, read the book and try again
Restarting NLP after a couple of years break. After watching some videos on the correct grip, I’ve been trying to use a narrower grip and keep my elbows down as before I was using a too wide grip and my arms were too high behind me.
Grip is good but every single one of these is extremely high. Narrow your stance, read the book and try again
Even though we can't see your feet, your stance looks too wide and this is preventing you from hitting depth.
Apologies I realised on the last one I wasn’t at depth. I’ve tried to narrow my stance a bit and had another go… these felt deeper but is this still not enough? Or any other form issues?
You cannot set the goddamn camera on the fucking floor and expect us -- or you -- to accurately judge depth from that angle.
Sorry Mark - I’ve used a box to record so hope this is a better angle. Here’s the link:
Current stats if helpful (on second week of NLP):
Age: 32
Weight: 90kg
Height : 6’4
Squat : 72.5kg
Deadlift: 95kg
Bench: 35kg
Press: 30kg