Standard high-bar squat with too vertical a back angle.
23yr old, 5'7, 172 lbs
Form check for grip, back angle, hip drive, depth ...etc
My last set of squat with 220lbs on my back:
Standard high-bar squat with too vertical a back angle.
Your hips are not back nearly enough. However much you are telling yourself to move them back, you need to do it MORE.
A TUBOW or similar device may be helpful here.
Aziz, the placement of the bar low on the delts is one part of the form, but not the only one. If you keep moving your knees forward as you descend, that will keep your torso more upright and your hips further forward, which is what Maybach is referring to.
Freeze the forward movement of your knees early and reach back with the hips. Then think of pushing just your hips up out of the bottom. If it helps, imagine someone sitting on your back, down by the hips (like the old school donkey calf raises that Arnold and his contemporaries used to do), and think of pushing them up while keeping your chest down. That image may help you feel the hip drive better.
Thanks Jason, I used a tubowlike invention of mine in today's workout, and I lifted 175lbs instead of 220 since I am not used to this new form (more horizontal). Here are my sets:
1st set (side):
2nd set (side):
3rd set (rear 45):
This is more horizontal?
What should I do else?
I am really asking to learn because I don't know if there is anything else I can do.
Am I missing something because I don't slide my knees forward, I do force my hips back and knees out, my foot position and angle is right I guess.
Please help me