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  1. Platypus' intermediate log of impending awesomeness
  2. Damn the Torpedoes! Sam's 6-Day Split Routine Training Log
  3. Attempting to go from HirschMAN to HirschMACHINE
  4. 51 yo ld male inermediate log(old man tm)
  5. Jacob Walters Training Log
  6. What's a Programming? - BostonRugger's a Real Intermediate Trainee Now
  7. Tsaftaridis Nick's Training Log
  8. Suboptimal's Training Log
  9. Old Lady Picks Things up and Puts Them Down Again
  10. Lugh's Log
  11. gotta beat my dads total, and some.
  12. Luis's Training Log
  13. Llamaaa's Intermediate Squat Log - 16 yr old
  14. Dave's Intermediate Training Log
  15. An Underweight Shortstop's Transition Into the World of Intermediate Training
  16. Dalton's Intermediate Log
  17. weak dude trying to not be weak anymore
  18. Inhyuk's log
  19. Dozer's Training Log
  20. Or, How to Philosophize with a Barbell
  21. Kung Fu fighter goes Texan
  22. One More Log In The Fire
  23. Tone's log
  24. Waters' World: Beyond LP
  25. Program Hopper - H-L-M
  26. The Philosopher's Grind
  27. A leg-dominant lifter's training log.
  28. Another Old Dude's Probably Not Justified Intermediate Training Log
  29. Continued convergence
  30. Cargotruck - Destination: Stronger
  31. Tweak's Mile Run Experiment
  32. BFD's Middle Aged Crazy Training Log
  33. Nick's Intermediate Log
  34. Nick's Intermediate Log
  35. Tom's Intermediate Log
  36. Chesty's Texas Method Accountabilibuddy
  37. Texas Method in Michigan!
  38. My 2nd-ish Run at Intermediate Training
  39. Captain’s Log
  40. Want get strong. Lift weight now.
  41. Kyle's Int Log...Saying "Thanks, I'm good" to gym bros for another year.
  42. Captsurge's Training log
  43. The Quest for More Deadlift
  44. Big White Thighs
  45. Training Log
  46. Malik's Training Log
  47. Rathofthebeard's Intermediate log
  48. Justin S. Training Log
  49. Sheffs log
  50. SSOC Client's Road to: 205,315,405,500
  51. HLM - Post OMTM and Rehab
  52. Bobby Barbells Part II
  53. David Clark's log
  54. Here Comes Hercules.
  55. Dillon's Intermediate Log
  56. Recovery Log - first real injury a year into Starting Strength
  57. 68whiskey on the rocks
  58. Geoff's youngish-old-guy Intermediate Training Log, v1.0
  59. Damien’s Lifting Log
  60. Joel’s intermediate log
  61. J's Training Log
  62. Devyn's Training Log
  63. Eric's Log
  64. Geezer Intermediate Log
  65. Muntasirs training log
  66. Stefan's Intermediate Log
  67. Heavyiron8 Training Log
  68. Amusing Anecdotes From The Nervous Breakdown
  69. We Have a Situation
  70. Bobby Barbells
  71. They say if you enjoy it...It's not work.
  72. To Beef or not To Beef
  73. Amazonian Goes Intermediate
  74. Powers Training Log
  75. Willie's (b)Log
  76. 4-Day Texas Method 1435 total mid 20's dude
  77. Advanced Newb? Maybe?
  78. Corey's road to 2-3-4-5
  79. Geoff's Intermediate Log, v2.0
  80. Andy Baker's 14-week KISS made complicated
  81. Adaptive programming to avoid injuries, experimentation, and further gains
  82. Giving a go at HLM
  83. Back to Texas (Method) - The Comeback continues!
  84. Aiming for 1000
  85. Ddtediejm's H/L/M
  86. When Keepin' It Real Goes Wrong
  87. 1405 Strengthlifting total mid 20s dude sort-of-a-4day TM
  88. Jonathan’s Intermediate Training Log
  89. Trying Texas Method for 90 Days....
  90. I am Ed's 4 Day HL Log
  91. One Lift Per Day - TM Intermission
  92. 30yo female lifter starting TM from NLP
  93. The Gaston Method
  94. Jared’s Post LP Log
  95. Leangains
  96. Going back to strength training
  97. Karelipoeg
  98. BWare's Intermediate Training Log
  99. Andy Baker's Rotating Linear Progression
  100. Training at home for a bigger Press & bigger Deadlift!
  101. Wotapalaver log
  102. HLM Pro Patria
  103. DFP Training Log - Intermediate programing
  104. Geoff's Late Intermediate Log v1.0
  105. Jacob's 500/405/300/205
  106. Getting Stronger in The 18's
  107. Fat Adapted Training - Texas Method
  108. Tim's Intermediate Log
  109. Adam, @1yr on the barbell, 5,5" @200lbs, 43 yo
  110. Starting with the end in mind: 500/350/600
  111. LOU T's LOG
  112. Other Tim's intermediate training log.
  113. Harder to Kill - 5 Pounds at a Time
  114. FAT Log
  115. Always moving forward (unless I need to reset)
  116. No brain no gain. Leveling up through consistency.
  117. itsssme Texas Method Log
  118. Bench Press Intermediate Program
  119. Late 2020 Texas Method Run
  120. Greatness is a journey
  121. Snatch only for a year
  122. Geoff's Late Intermediate Log v2.0
  123. Back to Basics
  124. And so it continues....
  125. Lifting to Live
  126. The PR at the end of the curve
  127. My first intermediate log (May 24, 2021-?)
  128. Road to 70 kg weighted chinup and 100 kg overhead press
  129. Using NLP post-covid
  130. Power Building Log 101
  131. Pressing 4x a week
  132. First TM run
  133. jjlek intermediate log
  134. Casual Lifter Training Log
  135. Life goes on and on and on.
  136. End of 2021 log
  137. Ryan's GTM Training Log
  138. Lifting the Lifestyle
  139. Rosco’s log
  140. Return to Starting Strength
  141. German KLOTZ (LOG) - Texas Method
  142. Andy Baker Programming
  143. 4 day TM split 2022
  144. Barbell Training In The 20's
  145. Bill and Melly go Intermediate
  146. Abby Goes Intermediate
  147. Yeshua's Texas Method Log
  148. Josh's 5/3/1 Log
  149. Yeshua Olympic Lifting Log
  150. Stronger than yesterday
  151. Experimenting with programming
  152. Derek's Log
  153. Yeshua's 5/3/1 Log
  154. Transitioning to Texas Method
  155. lifting for lifetime prs
  156. Old and trying to make intermediate training work out for me.
  157. FlabbyDucky’s Logs
  158. 4 Day Split
  159. Intermediate training for the army.
  160. JamesF training log
  161. Big Chungus Training Log