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Thread: Dozer's Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Bulgaria, Pleven

    Default Dozer's Training Log

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    Hello fellow lifters and forum members!

    My name is Iksan Ismailov and I'm from Bulgaria. On the internet you can see me using the nicknames Dozer or Dean but usually my friends call me Dozer. I've recently moved to intermediate training and decided to start a training log. My idea is to share my experience with you guys and to give something, through that experience, back to the community considering how helpful and supportive all of you have been (form checks etc.)

    1.Lifting history

    Current stats 25/12/17:

    Age: 23 male
    Height: 175cm (5ft 9in)
    BW: 96kg (212lbs)
    SSLP start: Mon 04/09/17 @ BW: 77kg (170lbs) BF: 15%
    SSLP end: Fri 22/12/17 @ BW: 96kg (212lbs) BF: 23%

    SSLP starting weights SSLP ending weights
    SQ 40x5x3 (90lbs) 147.5x5,140x5x2 (325,310lbs)
    DL 75x5 (165lbs) 147.5x5 (325lbs)
    BP 45x5x3 (100lbs) 101.25x5x3 (227.5lbs)
    OHP 27.5x5x3 (60lbs) 63.5x5x3 (140lbs)

    "Training" through the years:

    • 2010 skinny nerd @ 74kg (165lbs) - bodyweight exercises and calisthenics during high school

    • 2011-12 skinny @ 76kg (169lbs) - started training with weights, mainly for looks, BB splits

    • 2012-13 not that skinny @ 80-82 (180lbs) - training for looks, BB splits, frequent DOMS, no volume control, finished high school

    • 2013-2016 skinny @ 76-78 (170lbs) - on and off from training, BB splits, managed to get some muscular definition, no real quantifiable results, university started

    • Summer of 2016 - educated myself on nutrition and started exercising with good macro-management and calorie tracking, started "cutting" for abs

    • Oct 2016 - Jan 2017 super skinny @ 74kg (163lbs) 12% body fat - finished my "cut" and acquired a nice set of abs, the caloric deficit + lack of good programming lead to a low back injury

    • Feb 2017 - Sep 2017 skinny @ 76-77kg (165lbs) 15% body fat - bought Starting Strength and Practical Programming and educated myself, absolutely no weight training was done during this period because of low back injury, only calisthenics and some HIIT 3xweek

    • Sep 2017 - Dec 2017 bulky, muscular with a belly @ 96kg (212lbs) 23% body fat - started and finished SSLP

    Best lifts before SSLP
    SQ 115x4 (255lbs)
    DL 117x5 (258lbs)
    OHP 45x7 (100lbs)
    BP 70x5 (155lbs)

    As you can see for the majority of my lifting career I've been underweight and fooling around, using BB splits, programs not suited for a novice and looking at magazines of sweaty, bulky men flexing - can't get more trivial than this, oh and abbZ... can't forget that.

    2.Background information

    I'm a 5th year medical student, studying in Pleven, Bulgaria. Excluding the 3xweek training I pretty much live a sedentary life, non-employed, mostly sitting and studying. I haven't been involved seriously with any kinds of sports. I'm a recreational lifter and basically enjoy working out and being in shape. I'm very competitive by nature and always strive to give my best at the thing I'm doing (i.e. sports, lifting, studying, projects etc.) I feel very fortunate to have discovered strength training and the SS Community at such an early stage in my life. I agree that strength is a fundamental trait that every human should have in order to live a productive and confident life. I am fascinated by the contribution of all the coaches, doctors and staff and this brings me immense joy, motivation and makes me want to be not only a part of this community but also a better doctor and a teacher to the people in need.

    3.Injury history

    Chronic Low Back Issues:

    The time from Sep 2016 - Jan 2017 I was in a constant caloric deficit. I was doing a random BB split, having no idea what volume, intensity, frequency was. I often times felt over-trained but pushed through the workouts. My goal was to lean up and have abs.
    The combination of a caloric deficit + overtraining resulted in a low back injury in Jan 2017. The feeling was of constant stiffness, ache, numb or dull pain which came to be the following days of my last workout. It wasn't associated with any kind of movement. I just had it constantly like a never ending DOMS. I can't point out any provoking moments it was there whatever I did. Usually the aches go away when I go to bed (sleep) only to come back the next day when I become active. I think that the upright posture has something to do with it.
    As an addition to the constant, diffuse low back stiffness and aches I was experiencing frequent flare ups of a burning sensation in my right low back area (over the SI joint). Often times it was with a pulsing character, localized and very inconsistent (I had it for one day I didn't for the other, I had it for a week then it's gone for a day etc.) These complaints were happening at the same time as the low back aches. I had an X-ray and a medical examination, the diagnosis was right-sided sacroilitis. I got treated with some non-steroidals for a month and that was it.
    I didn't train for 6 months and nothing changed. I still have these symptoms but training is a part of my life and I'm not about to give it up. I really don't know how to approach this issue I was hoping to strengthen my low back in order to feel better.
    In my opinion I have 2 conditions: the first one is a chronic back pain issue from overtraining and the second (I can't tell if they are related or not) - an ongoing inflammation of the right SI joint which flares up frequently. After working out sometimes I feel better but sometimes 2-3h post workout my back feels stiff and achy. The discomfort, stiffness, aches come and go but they are present most often than not.

    Right Elbow Aches:

    I started experiencing them about 2 weeks ago. The feeling is of a numb or dull ache all over the elbow joint (not like golfer's or tennis elbow). It goes away 4-5h post workout. Provoking moments are at the bottom of a heavy bench or after a heavy squat session.
    I contribute them to pushing the bar forward when I'm in the hole or grinding out of the hole on the squat and I'm currently working on a fix. I can't explain the flare ups at the bottom of the bench though (when there are no squats prior to benching).

    4.Lifting goals

    • To achieve a 100kg (225lbs) press
    • To be big and strong
    • To participate in a powerlifting meet in the near 1-2 years

    5.Where I am now

    I'm currently in a transition phase to a TM variant which looks like this:

    Mon Wed Fri
    SQx5x5 @90% of Fri DLx5RM SQx5RM
    BP/OHPx5x5 @90% of Fri BP/OHPx5x3 @90% of last Mon BP/OHPx5RM
    Chinz x BW x 3 SQx5x2 @80% of Mon *Tempo DL 3-0-3x5x2 @80% of DL
    *Tempo DLs are used for pulling volume because I couldn't learn the PC on my own and BR are not allowed in my gym

    My low back was constantly feeling fatigued (Forum Thread) from the heavy SSLP squats and after consulting with the forum members I decided to move to intermediate programming. My plan is to de-load all of my main lifts for the first 2 weeks, hit the last 3x5 weight on the 3rd week and set new PRs on the 4th - a method borrowed from Andy Baker's Article
    Example for the SQ:

    Mon Wed Fri
    Last week of SSLP 145x5x3 (320lbs) 115x5x3 (255lbs) 147.5x5,140x5x2 (325,310lbs)
    Texas Method Week 1 122.5x5x5 (270lbs) 100x5x2 (225lbs) 137.5x5 (305lbs)
    Texas Method Week 2 127.5x5x5 (280lbs) 102.5x5x2 (230lbs) 142.5x5 (315lbs)
    Texas Method Week 3 132.5x5x5 (290lbs) 105x5x2 (235lbs) 147.5x5 (325lbs)
    Texas Method Week 4 135x5x5 (295lbs) 107.5x5x2 (240lbs) 150x5 (330lbs)
    The other lifts will follow the same pattern.


    • Practical application of strength training and nutritional knowledge in the medical field
    • Finding SS trainees from Bulgaria and exchanging experience and working out
    • Hiring a coach (when I get employed and start making a living)
    • Coaching other people
    • My own project of setting up a home gym
    • Music - heavy metal such as Pantera, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Testament, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden etc.
    • Anime


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    SS Forums: Dean312
    Last edited by Iksan Ismailov; 01-01-2018 at 01:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Bulgaria, Pleven


    BW: 96.23 (212lbs)

    122.5x5x5 (270lbs)

    140x5 (310lbs)
    137.5x5 (305lbs)
    65x5,3,3 (145lbs)

    102.5x5,3,3 (230lbs)
    60x5x3 (132.5lbs)
    5min rest
    100x5x2 (225lbs)
    Tempo DL 3-0-3
    Working up to a working set
    100x5 (225lbs)
    SQ and DL switched to TM, switching OHP and BP to TM next week
    *right elbow pain after BP, when the bar is at it’s lowest point (touching the chest) the pain is the most (dull pain)
    DL) do a couple of 5kg jumps next workouts, low back felt very good, stopped @ one set cuz I was exhausted, 105x5x2 next time, had to exhale @ top on some reps – work on that!
    *OHP and BP were still on SSLP here
    Last edited by Iksan Ismailov; 01-13-2018 at 08:40 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Bulgaria, Pleven


    BW: 96,74kg (213lbs)

    127.5x5x5 (280lbs)
    5min rest

    145x5 (320lbs)
    142.5x5 (315lbs)
    55x5x5 (125lbs)
    5min rest

    80x5x3 (175lbs)
    5min rest
    61.25x5 (135lbs)
    5min rest

    102.5x5x2 (230lbs)
    5min rest
    Tempo DL 3-0-3
    105x5x2 (235lbs)
    5min rest
    SQ) found myself pushing on the bar last 2 sets – fix it!
    *3 days off prior to this workout – new year, alcohol, bad sleep, felt like crap during workout, everything was heavy
    *next time focus on SPEED
    *low back felt stiff and achy after workout, felt like crap whole day
    SQ) make the plates rattle, keep focusing on SPEED, control your explosion!
    Don’t be so bent over @ top of the squat, stand up straight!
    *right elbow slightly achy after SQ – pushing the bar again or too narrow grip – fix it!
    *low back felt good after workout
    DL) losing breath very fast, sets felt hard
    Last edited by Iksan Ismailov; 01-13-2018 at 08:55 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Bulgaria, Pleven


    BW: 97,25kg (214lbs)

    132.5x5x5 (290lbs)
    5min rest

    147.5x5 (325lbs)
    147.5x4 (325lbs)
    56.25x5x5 (127.5lbs)
    5min rest

    82.5x5x3 (180lbs)
    5min rest
    62.5x5 (137.5lbs)
    5min rest

    105x5x2 (235lbs)
    5min rest
    Tempo DL 3-0-3
    110x5x2 (245lbs)
    5min rest
    OHP) need to stay tighter and I push the bar forward sometimes – “throw the bar back” “elbows in front of the bar!”
    SQ) reps feel slow
    *felt much better than last Tu – food and sleep was better this time
    DL) very good, felt strong, bar started to drift forward cuz I relaxed my lats – “keep it close”. Good idea to wait 3-5mins before workset
    SQ) some form issues – hips bending first, no hip-drive
    *low back felt good after DLs
    *achy left medial epicondyl
    *went to bed @ 00:00 but fell asleep after 02:00 still got 7hrs but can’t say that it was quality sleep
    *drank an additional shake (651kcal) with breakfast (usually I have just a normal breakfast and then train) –
    30-1hr preworkout
    *felt extremely sluggish during warmup
    *was overthinking form, couldn’t focus on the effort, didn’t get a bounce out of the hole, looked like a paused squat
    *it is possible that I de-trained because I took a too big of a deload in the transition from SSLP to TM


    1.Major possible causes for the miss:

    • adding a new variable to the preworkout meal (a 651kcal shake) 30 - 1hr before workout
    • focusing more on form rather than on the effort
    • too big of a deload (SSLP to TM) -> detraining -> too big jump (10lbs) -> miss
    • not grinding at least for 5sec (i.e. giving up too early)

    2.Minor possible causes for the miss:

    • low quality sleep
    • stress of the incoming exam the next day

    Consequent changes

    • Reduce weight for next Intesity Day to 145 (320lbs)
    • Aim to improve recovery
    • Do not introduce new variables (especially variables that make your stomach feel bloated and make you feel sluggish) to the meal plan for the first time, on the intensity day
    • Switch Chinz to Pull ups (I can feel the epicondylitis coming)
    • Switch to 2.5kg (5lbs) jumps on the Tempo DL

    *last 2 changes are not linked to the squat miss
    Last edited by Iksan Ismailov; 01-20-2018 at 06:25 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Bulgaria, Pleven


    BW: 97,5kg (215lbs)

    135x5x5 (295lbs)
    6min rest

    150x5 (330lbs) PR
    145x5 (320lbs)
    57.5x5x5 (130lbs)
    5min rest

    85x5x3 (185lbs)
    5min rest
    63.75x5 (140lbs)
    5min rest

    107.5x5,6 (240lbs)
    5min rest
    Tempo DL 3-0-3
    112.5x5x2 (250lbs)
    5min rest
    SQ) Max effort on the ascent, make the plates rattle, don’t push the bar forward on the ascent, keep it over mid-foot
    OHP) form is very susceptible to fatigue – last 2 sets form started to break down, bar was going forward, glutes and overall tightness was bad => increase rest time
    Pull-ups need some warming up, some epicondylitis pain @ bottom
    *felt much better than last Tu – played my music, was only one in the gym, pushed hard on the squats – a very nice day!
    DL) pause @ top for 1s, dig your feet into the ground, don’t drop hips when you reset for the next rep
    BP) pause @ top for 1s
    SQ) don’t shift to your toes @ bottom,
    Stay over mid-foot – feet glued to floor
    *right elbow aches @ bottom of BP, were present during SQ, too
    *sacroilitis flare up after workout, felt better the next day after rest and sleep
    SQ) @9.5
    hips started breaking before knees after 3rd rep, last rep horrible – dive bomb, hips breaking way before knees
    OHP) @10
    Last rep – too much lay back, not enough bounce, bar drifted forward – a grinder
    DL) easier than last week
    *right epicondyle aches when DLing


    • This week's SQ felt very hard.
    • I can't understand why I'm struggling with this weight I was doing it for a 3x5 approximately 3-4 weeks ago and I was doing 147.5x5 with back offs at the end of SSLP which was still hard but I was not missing.
    • Might have to switch to triples sooner than I expected, still not sure about it though
    Last edited by Iksan Ismailov; 01-20-2018 at 05:35 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Bulgaria, Pleven


    BW: 98kg (216lbs)

    137.5x5x5 (300lbs)
    7min rest

    152.5x5 (335lbs)
    147.5x4 (325lbs)
    58.75x5x5 (132.5lbs)
    7min rest

    87.5x5x3 (190lbs)
    5min rest
    65x4 (142.5lbs)
    5min rest

    110x5x2 (245lbs)
    5min rest
    Tempo DL 3-0-3
    60x5,2 (135lbs)
    5min rest
    SQ)some anterior hip pain, bar moving forward when I drive up from the hole, inconsistent hip drive, “not in the hips”, I have a feeling that I’m applying just enough pressure for the bar not to stop… I want to fix this I want to learn to push as hard as possible on the ascent, “to make the plates rattle”
    OHP) I push the bar forward on some of the last reps when I’m fatigued, most of the reps looked clean – form 8/10
    Pull-ups felt better only after set 1 (even though being warmed up this time), still feeling that epicondylitis
    *increased rest time was noticeable – lifts felt easier and I felt stronger, form was better than last Tu
    DL) “pull and lower the bar in a straight vertical line over mid-foot”, think: mid-foot, straight line
    BP) don’t put excessive pressure on the low back when you arch, try to arch from the upper-back, “sternum to the ceiling”, more leg drive
    SQ) tried to widen stance but felt uncomfortable, wasn’t feeling as strong, video looks good though, will try the wider stance next volume day
    Losing my balance @ bottom, shifting to my toes, not staying over mid-foot
    *very mild elbow ache after BP, SQ increased it a bit (not as much as last Thu), was gone when I came home
    *sacroilitis flare up ~2hrs post-workout
    SQ) 4th rep I felt a sharp pain in my right SI joint, last rep I just dive-bombed it and relaxed @ bottom and couldn’t drive up, the pain increased
    OHP) minimal pain when pressing, good form, 4th rep was an all-out grinder, no way I couldn’t have gotten the 5th
    DL) I felt pain when I initiate the push from the floor, when I push with the feet and the back is in isometric contraction – had to call it a day
    *I injured my right SI-joint badly
    *I need a change in programming, apperantly I can’t make progress on TM – missing weights I did for 5s on SSLP


    I badly injured my right SI-join when I was squating.
    On the 4th rep I felt a sharp, localized pain over my right SI-joint. After I failed the 5th rep the pain increased even more, I didn't feel any numbness or paresthesia, I was feeling pain when I put pressure on my right leg - when I was walking. I did some air squats, pain was below parallel, quarter squats didn't provoke it so much but it was still there. The pain increased when my hips drop below my patella and the low back region is stretched.
    I could press with minimal pain so I pressed.
    After the press I tried to DL. I did some RDLs with a broomstick for ROM-work - pain increased when the stick went bellow my patella. I tried some warm-up sets with 60kg (135lbs). I felt pain when I initiated the push from the floor, when I push with the feet and the back is in isometric contraction (again pain was localized only over the right SI-join area, low back was fine). I felt the same on the 2nd warm-up set and decided to call it a day.
    On my way home from the gym I was feeling pain when walking - applying pressure to my right foot (pain was in the right SI-joint again). After 20mins of walking it eased a bit but I was feeling it during the whole day.

    Things that provoke the pain:

    • Pressure on right foot (walking)
    • Bellow parallel squats
    • Deadlifts, RDLs when bar is under the patella
    • Side flexion (left, right side flexion of the spine provokes it the most)

    I think I need to change my programming.
    I think TM is too stressful for me. I don't feel over-trained, I sleep and eat well and I still can't do my end-SSLP weight for 5 reps. This means that for the past month I have 0 progress with TM.
    As an addition I injured my right SI-Joint. This might call for a lower volume and some exercise substitution (looking @ SQ and DL).
    Last edited by Iksan Ismailov; 02-23-2018 at 10:22 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Bulgaria, Pleven


    BW: 98kg (216lbs)

    40x5 – no belt
    40x5 – belt ,better
    60x5 – good
    80x4 – felt uncomfortable,slight ache on ascent
    70x5 – slightly better,still some ache
    60x5x3 (135lbs)

    40x5 (belt)
    60x5 (135lbs)
    80x5 (175lbs)
    40x5 (belt)
    100x5 (225 lbs)
    60x5x3 (135lbs)
    5min rest

    90x5x3 (195lbs)
    5min rest
    62.5x5 (140lbs)
    60x5x3 (135lbs)
    7min rest

    5min rest

    RDL with arms x10
    RDL with broom x5
    RDL with bar x5
    RDL with 30kg x5 (belt)
    RDL with 40kg x5
    Conv.DL 60x5
    90x3 – slight discomfort
    RDL with bar x10
    RDL with 40kg x5
    Conv.DL 60x5
    110x5 (245 lbs) - no pain but some strange feeling of numbness in the right SI-area

    ! used belt on all warm-ups + worksets
    SQ) I have SI aches on the ascent when the weight gets over 70kg, the explosive effort out of the hole triggers it, will try Tempo SQ next time, FOCUS ON BRACE.TIGHT CORE. REALLY FOCUS ON THE BRACE
    OHP) no aches whatsoever
    Pull-Ups) elbows feeling better, epicondylitis seems to be healing good
    *started non-steroidal treatment Mon 29/01/18:
    Oral: 75mgDiclofenac/25mgOmeprazol 2x1
    Local: Aceclofenac(crème) 3x1
    *symptoms reduced greatly from Sat until Mon (even before I started the medication), I think it was just a strain, I didn’t have to sub the SQ, just went easy on the weight

    SQ) did Tempo reps concentrating very hard on bracing, didn’t experience any pain, no pain on the ascent either. After the sets my erectors were feeling sore, might have been overextending my back
    BP) didn’t arch as good as I could, I was cautious of my low back and did the reps relatively flat backed – suboptimal form but still got decent sets in – no SI pain, no elbows pain either (@last week)
    DL) was using new powerlifting 3”belt, it was digging hard into my ribs or hip bones. I felt some discomfort in my right SI-area on the last set and I listened to my “gut feeling” and stopped there. The feeling of discomfort was provoked by the start of the DL where the feet push into the ground and your back is in isometric contraction. Other than that I had no complaints from the DLs.
    *my symptoms are improving very nicely, I felt good throughout the workout with no aches, still continuing treatment till Mon at least
    *I noticed that the SI-joint aches appear when I’m sedentary – sitting, laying in bed, doing nothing at home, and they get better when I become more active and stop thinking about it - going to uni, walking, going to the shop, just doing something outside of my room
    SQ) some reps were not deep enough, still getting used to the new belt, last set was pain-free but I felt unsafe because the rack was a joke – 2 wobbling poles (new gym)
    OHP) good reps, bracing and keeping it tight can use a little work, bounce can use a little work, too
    DL) no pain, I pull the bar back and up, instead of up in a straight vertical path over my mid-foot, I got scraped shins and knees as a result. After the workout I got a strange feeling like numbness or stiffness in my right SI-joint area which consisted post-workout but no pain or aches !

    *I didn’t know how to program my lifts after an injury so I went by feel. My thought process was to revert back to LP and see what movements trigger the pain and work from there.
    *P.S. SQ and DL sets&reps are not "real warm-ups" to a working weight. They are more like "testing the weight" to see @ what point I'm comfortable and pain-free.
    Last edited by Iksan Ismailov; 02-23-2018 at 10:22 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Bulgaria, Pleven


    BW: 99kg (218lbs)

    100x5 (225lbs)
    105x5 (235lbs)
    110x5 (245lbs)

    5min rest

    110x5 (245lbs)
    115x5x2 (255lbs)
    5min rest
    115x5x2 (255lbs)
    5min rest
    95x5x3 (205lbs)
    7min rest

    60x4,5,4,3 (135lbs)
    55x5 (125lbs)
    6-7min rest

    90x5x3 (195lbs)
    5min rest
    120x5 (265lbs)

    5min rest
    Didn't pull today
    SQ) Warmed up to 225lbs and did 3 ramping sets, on rep 4 set 1 I relaxed on the ascent and the pain came back, not so severe though, next rep I was bracing hard and squeezing abbs and I was fine. Next 2 sets were painless. I think that I'm overextending my back on the desc. - might be the reason for the excessive erector soreness.
    BP) New gym didn’t have 2.5lbs plates had to make a 10lbs jump that’s why I increased my rest intervals to 7mins. Used my usual arch and form -No back or elbow pain! Form needs work!
    DL) Warm-ups were pain free. On the working set I felt my right SI-joint area tighten up mid-set. It was stiff for about 5mins after the set and remained achy for a couple of hours post-workout, evolved into a constant dull pain in the evening. The stiffness appeared halfway through the ascent – bar @ knee level, during the push with the feet. I was bracing hard and nothing was loose! Next day my erectors were very sore and my Si-joint was aching really bad.
    *new belt loosened up, no bruising, felt good
    Options for the DL:
    *I might have gone too aggressive with the DL loading (20lbs increments) => reduce the weight and start with lighter jumps (10lbs)
    *Instead of doing 1x5 I can try 2x3 because I've noticed that the pain comes as the set gets longer
    *Switch the Conv.DL for Sumo DL and see how does the SI-join behave
    *Switch the Conv.DL for Rack Pulls temporarily (no leg component)
    SQ) Knee slide, too upright, insufficient hip drive, tried bracing and crunching abs hard to avoid sticking my butt back and overextending like I regularly do. Decided to stop @ 255 and work up from there 3x5 (10lbs increments). Form definitely needs more work! Felt a bit of stiffness in the SI-joint after the squats, no pain.
    OHP) New gym, smallest plates were 5lbs, I didn’t know how to proceed from last time 62.5x5 (140lbs)
    60x5x3 (135lbs) so I decided to go 60x5x5 (135lbs) but failed miserably.
    *SI-symptoms markedly better from last workout and previous day, still a bit achy throughout the day.
    Variables that may have affected the workout:
    *new gym, dinner @ 23:00, went to bed @ 1:00 still got 8hrs sleep
    SQ) I wasn’t so tight on the ascent on rep 4, set 2 and felt a sharp localized pain over my right SI-joint again (just like Tuesday), rep 5 I braced very hard and it was pain-free. Decided to stop @ 2 sets because I got scared, pain came back 3mins after finishing the 2nd set and stayed as a dull ache all workout - I have to start from a lighter weight and have to brace very very hard every single rep. I’m considering other SQ variants (front SQ)
    BP) Right SI-joint aches when I arch (extend low back), I benched relatively flat backed. I didn’t use leg drive cuz my arch gets bigger and I get pains. I lowered the weight to accommodate the change.
    *Right SI-join pain increased throughout the day, it was most pronounced at the evening.

    *I decided to move pull-ups to Th so I can spread the DLs across the week evenly.
    *Finished my non-steroidal medication on Sat 05/02/18. It helped to some degree but I still get lingering symptoms like stiffness, mild aches which are provoked by sitting with bad posture, manual labor while being hunched over, after a DL workout (as can be seen post-Tuesday workout)
    Last edited by Iksan Ismailov; 02-23-2018 at 10:22 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Bulgaria, Pleven


    BW: 98.65kg (217lbs)

    Front SQ
    60x5x3 (135lbs)
    5min rest

    Front SQ
    65x5x3 (145lbs)
    5min rest

    Front SQ
    70x5x3 (155lbs)
    5min rest
    55x5x3 (125lbs)
    5min rest

    95x5 (205lbs) - misloaded
    92.5x5x2 (200lbs)
    5min rest

    56.25x5x3 (127.5lbs)
    6min rest
    5min rest

    100x3x2 (225lbs)

    Pull-Ups (loaded)
    5kg x5x3 (10lbs)
    5min rest
    SQ) I decided to switch the Low Bar for Front SQ temporarily – they don’t bother my SI-join as much as Low Bar. I’m gonna progress on these for a couple of weeks (10lbs increments) and come back to Low Bar. Using straps on these. Wrap the strap around the knurl next time – it slides on the smooth!
    OHP) 10% reset on these. They felt medium, gonna LP them back-up and work towards a conservative max and start a %-based intermediate program just for presses. 2x week.
    Pull-ups) Epicondylitis pain is completely gone.
    *No SI-pain this workout.
    *Back to my original gym. Can stop fooling around now!
    SQ) Have to focus extra hard on the brace and keeping the core tight!
    BP) Need to stay tighter. Last rep drifted towards my head – need to push up not back. Putting excessive pressure on the low back when arching. No back aches when arching (@ last Sat)
    DL) Worked up to 2sets of 3. Going to continue with 3s (10lbs increments).Focus extra hard on the brace.
    *No pain whatsoever this workout. Felt good.

    SQ) All good. Keep focusing on extra tight core. Core getting fatigued after rep 3.
    OHP) Wait for the rebound then press! Last 2 reps 3rd set bar started drifting forward – FOCUS, keep it close and keep armpit tight!
    *No pain whatsoever this workout. Felt good.

    *Sun 11/02, Mon 12/02 I was feeling very good. I didn’t have any SI-symptoms. I started working on my posture (keeping the core engaged throughout the day, not allowing my gut to hang-out). I suspect that my “anterior pelvic tilt” has something to do with my back issues.
    *Next week I’m switching to M/W/F in order to accommodate my university schedule.
    Last edited by Iksan Ismailov; 02-23-2018 at 10:27 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Bulgaria, Pleven


    starting strength coach development program
    BW: 97.86kg (216lbs)

    Front SQ
    75x3x5 (165lbs)
    3min rest

    Front SQ
    80x3x5 (175lbs)
    3min rest

    Front SQ
    85x3x5 (185lbs)
    5min rest

    57.5x5x3 (130lbs)
    7min rest

    105x3x2 (235lbs)
    5min rest

    58.75x5,4,3 (132.5lbs)
    7min rest

    5min rest

    95x5x3 (205lbs)
    5min rest

    Pull-Ups (loaded)
    7.5kg x5 (15lbs)
    6.25kg x5x2 (12.5lbs)
    5min rest
    SQ) I switched to 5 sets of 3 reps. Didn't use straps. Wrists were feeling achy after squats
    OHP) Don’t wear the belt too high, can’t brace good enough.
    Pull-Ups) Left epicondylitis aches (mild).
    *No SI-pain this workout.

    SQ) Went back to straps. My rack position is not good. My wrists are hurting like hell after the SQs.
    Increase rest time to 4-5mins.
    BP) Leg drive needs more work. Be extra careful not to arch too much so that your low-back is achy ! I was overarching. Increase rest time!
    DL) Reps felt good. I have the tendency to slightly bend my knees a second or two earlier on the eccentric – keep them straight for a sec longer and push the butt back when lowering !
    *DL before BP – rack was busy.
    *Drank a shake 30min before workout – belt was 1 hole looser (4,instead of 3).
    *No pain during/closely after workout BUT had mild pain 2-3hrs post-workout until bed. Next morning right SI-pain was very pronounced (was hurting when I bent over to wash my face),it eased up (but wasn't gone) after 12:00 after
    I became more active.

    SQ) Weight felt very hard. Bar was trying to slip from my rack position. Going over toes on some reps. Switch to 2.5kg (5lbs) increments!
    OHP) Misses – bad form. Elbows flared out, bar moving forward, not tight enough, bad bounce. Need to commit to the grind (at least 5s of grind) I give up too early.
    Pull-Ups) 1st set too heavy.
    *A very bad day – learned that I need to undergo an operation. Bad news, running from doctor to doctor, fight with girlfriend.
    *Everything felt heavy!
    *Woke up with pains. SI-pain was provoked only once from bad form OHPs, mainly cuz I relaxed when bouncing (wasn’t continuous). Overall painless workout.

    *University started => New wake-up time ~7:00 a.m. (was 9 a.m.)
    *I've noticed that my SI-pains (if they are present) come upon waking up from sleep and stay until I get moving or get busy with something (groceries, university, walks, busy day)
    *I was told that I need to undergo an operation (hydrocele) scheduled for the week after 07/02/18. My plan is to train regularly until then and see how the post-op period goes. If everything is ok I want to get back to LP @ about 1-2 weeks post-op
    Last edited by Iksan Ismailov; 02-23-2018 at 11:41 AM.

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