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Thread: weak dude trying to not be weak anymore

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Default 25y/o trying to milk some LP and HLM

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    Hey buddies!

    I've been training for a bit more than four years now. First i had decent gains in physique but after a year everything stalled. I tried to get stronger and more muscular by eating maintenance calories for more than two years. It was a complete waste of time.

    Now i am gaining weight and trying some LP for my lower body lifts. Already had some progress. Hopefully it keeps on.

    My stats:

    Age: 25
    Weight: 94kg (207 lbs)
    Height: 183cm (6ft 0)
    BF: something between 20-25%

    Actual weight used in lifts:

    Squat: 5x 140kg
    Deadlift: 5x 150kg
    Benchpress: 5x 100kg
    Overheadpress: 5x 67.5kg
    Dips: 5x Bodyweight + 40kg
    Chin ups: 8x Bodyweight + 7.5kg

    My trainingsystem is starting strength for lower body lifts with paused deadlifts instead of the power cleans. For upper body i have some HLM training going on. I am posting in this intermediate log because i am somewhere between novice and intermediate and if i post in the novice section i might have to change it in one month anyway.

    Day 1:
    Squat: 5x1, 5x2 -10kg previous set
    Bench: 5x3
    Paused deadlift: 3x5

    Day 2:
    Squat: 5x1, 5x2 -10kg previous set
    Overhead Press: 5x3
    Chin ups: 8x3
    Curls: 10x3

    Day 3:
    Squat: 5x1, 5x2 -10kg previous set
    Dips: 5x3, 8x2 -20kg added weight previous set
    Deadlift: 5x1

    I am from Germany if anyone cares.
    Thanks for reading!
    Last edited by Destyy; 12-20-2017 at 11:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Tuesday 19.12.2017

    Squat: 5x 137.5kg , 5x2 127.5kg
    Dips: 5,4,3 x 94.6kg + 40kg added, 8,6 x 94.6 + 20kg added
    Deadlift: 5x 147.5kg

    Squat felt pretty good. I am always a bit scared because the weights raised so fast the last two month and it feels heavy as fuck on my back. But this time everything went okay. Have to grind superhard every set but i think thats kind of the nature of starting strength.

    Dips were too hard this time. Had problems keeping the balance and this is the reason I lost a lot of potential. At the sets with reduced weight at the end my triceps just couldnt handle any more reps.

    Deadlifts were easy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Friday 22.12.2017

    Weight at the morning: 93.3kg

    Squat: 3x 140kg, 5x2 130kg
    Benchpress: 5x3 100kg
    Paused deadlift: 3x5 135kg

    Squat: didnīt have it in me. Felt pretty weak and didnīt want to fight through it with bad form.

    Bench: pretty easy after adjusting grip in the second set. Gripping a bit wider now after doing most likely a close grip bench press. It is still pretty close since my thumps end at the end of the middle knurling when pointed inwards.

    Paused deadlift: pretty easy aswell.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Sunday 24.12.2017

    Squat: 4x140kg, 5x 130kg, 3x 130kg
    Overheadpress: 5x3 67.5kg
    Chin up: 8x, 7x, 7x 95.7kg BW + 7.5 kg
    Barbell Curls: 10x, 10x, 8x 30kg

    Squat: again i could have fight through but my technique feels a little more stable every set and my back is tight. I think a rep more would result in a pretty bad form. Third set was just me not willing to fight through. Christmas stress and stuff made me weak...

    Overheadpress: pretty easy. I think the bar couldve been a 17.5kg bar. Not sure so i just assume it was 20kg and increase weight next workout. Letīs see what happens.

    Chins: Weight just before the chins was 95.7kg so it was an increase in total weight compared to last week where i did the same amount of reps. All in all it was okay.

    Curls: Just being curls. Who cares.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Wednesday 27.12.2017

    Squat: 4+1x140kg, 5x 130kg, 4x 130kg
    Dips: 5,5,4 x95kg BW + 40kg, 8,7 x 95kg BW + 20kg
    Deadlift: 5x 150kg

    Squat: does not make any sense to force this weight. I am going to deload next session.

    Dips: felt good. Progress compared to last week.

    Deadlift: having a new starting position with my hips being higher than usual. Pretty comfortable. Getting some problems with my grip. Have to work on this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Saturday 30.12.2017

    Squat: 5x 122.5kg, 5x 112.5kg, 5x 112.5kg
    Benchpress: 5x3 102.5kg
    Paused deadlift: 3x3,4 x 137.5kg

    Squat: First set felt pretty hard even after deloading. Other two sets were kinda easy

    Benchpress: Didn`t even have to grind in the last set.

    Paused deadlift: Didn`t have the time to do a 5th set so i did 4reps at the 4th set and finished my training. Increasing weight next week.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Tuesday 02.01.2018

    Squat: 5x 125kg, 5x2 115kg
    Overheadpress: 4,4,3x 70kg
    Chin ups: 8,7,7x 96kg BW + 7.5kg
    Curls: 10,7,6x 30kg

    Squats: Very easy compared to last training with the deloaded weight.

    Overheadpress: Hard as fuck. Had to grind out the 4th reps on the both first sets. Couldn`t do it in the third set.

    Chins: Stalling. Dunno what to do.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Friday 05.01.2018

    Squat: 5x 127.5kg, 5x2 117.5kg
    Dips: 5x3 95.1kg BW + 40. 6,5 x 95.1kg BW+ 20kg
    Deadlift: 152.5kg x5

    Squats: It felt a bit harder but nothing compared to the first time i was at that weight.

    Dips: Third set +40kg destroyed me. Dunno but the 5th rep was the hardest grinder i ever had in Dips. Most likely 5seconds of nothing moving. After that set my backoff sets were a mess.

    Deadlift: easy

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Monday 08.01.2018

    Squat: 5x 130kg, 5x2 120kg
    Benchpress: 4x3 105kg
    paused Deadlift: 3x5 140kg

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    Wednesday 10.01.2018

    Squat: 3x3 132,5kg
    Overheadpress: 4x3 70kg
    Chin up: 8,8,7
    Curls: 30kg 10,8,6

    Squats: switched to 3x3. Hopefully it works better this way. First set i wanted to do 5reps but my technique was off at the third rep so i decided to switch it up and concentrate on technique

    Overheadpress: Not sure how I was able to do 4reps in every set. Tried to grind out the 5th in the first set but there was no way that the weight moved past my head.

    Chin ups: Tried BW chins again with looking for full ROM every rep. No cheating. Last set was pretty hard for my biceps.

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