Day two of intermediate training did not go so well. Not sure what exactly happened, if I ran out of gas, or just had crappy form, but my heavy dead lift, 330-which I have pulled in the last couple of weeks, I was barely able to break it off the ground today. Then, had issues trying to drop weight to get to one where I could pull it, and kept failing. So, tanked the dead lift today, and I am not too happy about that. I am hoping it is just getting used to the volume, and that I can come around on it. I have also decided that Andy Baker is much better at programming than I, so I picked up a copy of his Garage Gym Warrior and will start executing that program for the next 12 weeks starting next week. So let us see how that goes. Today's numbers for those interested:
Lt. Squat: 255x5x2
Press: 140x5, 130x5x4-the press was my highlight today, as I have been struggling to get 5 reps of 140 up. Today I did it fairly easy, but kept to my back off sets for the volume. I am hoping that this will continue to move upward, as slowly as it goes. I started taking my micro plates with me in my gym bag, and will more than likely start using them again to push this and my bench along. I am also hoping that this was not the cause of my dead lift fail.
DL: 280x5, I struggled with any other combos after my fail at 330. Tried 315, then 295, just didn't have the juice to pull it off the floor and was running out of time. So called it and headed to the showers to get ready for work. Only other thing I can think of, I did do some rowing yesterday, 20 min. for some cardio, but don't think that was the problem. I have been eating about 3000 calories or more the last week, sleep is as good as it usually gets (6-8 hours depending) so maybe it was a factor. I was also only giving myself 3 min. between sets on the "lighter" back off sets of Press and the Squat, so not sure what exactly happened today. I just know, I have to climb back up on that horse, and go at it again on Friday.