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Thread: Starting Strength Austin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Austin, TX

    Default Starting Strength Austin

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello, friends!

    We're back and better than ever (I'm biased)!

    I'd like to introduce you to the new coaching staff at Starting Strength Austin.


    Mark Diffley

    Mark Diffley has been involved in barbell coaching for over a decade. He discovered Starting Strength in 2011 while coaching CrossFit and received his Starting Strength Coach (SSC) credential in January of 2013. Mark has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and was immediately hooked by the mechanical analysis and logic found in the Starting Strength method. Mark is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt and a former firefighter in the Atlanta metro area. In the Spring of 2021, he moved to Austin, TX to be the Head Coach at Starting Strength Austin. Mark is excited for the opportunity to teach The Method and share the benefits of strength training with an even greater audience.

    Austin Khamiss

    Austin Khamiss’ interest in becoming a Starting Strength Coach grew shortly after completing his novice linear progression. He caught the “lifting bug”, and wanted to spread it to anyone and everyone he could. At the start of 2020, while teaching middle school math in San Antonio, Austin took the opportunity to coach the high school track and field athletes with the Starting Strength method. He continued to teach and coach in San Antonio while Apprenticing at Starting Strength Austin through Spring of 2021 when he made the decision to become a full-time Coach and move to Austin. Austin will take the platform exam (his first of two tests) to become a certified SSC in August! Austin holds a bachelor's degree from St. John’s College, Santa Fe, where he studied the “Great Books”, focusing primarily on philosophy, literature, and the history of science and mathematics.

    Andrea Mates

    Andrea Mates began lifting in 2013 after nearly dropping her then 3-year-old daughter. Realizing she wasn't strong enough to keep her kids safe, she read Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training (aka The Blue Book), taught herself the lifts, and became stronger than she ever thought possible before becoming a member of Starting Strength Austin when it opened in April 2019. Andrea has trained back from multiple surgeries and a long illness. In October 2020, she decided to make the switch from member to Apprentice Coach, all while working full-time teaching high school computer science and middle school remedial math and being a mom of two. Because becoming stronger has improved her own life so much, it has been her goal to become a Starting Strength Coach for a number of years - Andrea has just recently retired from teaching to focus full-time on her pursuit of becoming a Starting Strength Coach. Having taught in various capacities for 20 years, learning to teach the barbell lifts through the Starting Strength Coach Development Program and Apprentice Coaching at Starting Strength Austin has been a natural transition. Andrea has a doctorate in Applied Linguistics from UCLA and bachelor degrees in Russian language and Public Policy from Duke.

    Aaron Frederick

    Aaron Frederick began strength training about 9 years before becoming a member of Starting Strength Austin in June 2020. In January 2021, he decided to make the switch from member to Apprentice Coach.. He is currently working through both the Starting Strength Coach Prep Course and Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification Program with the intent to bring a more diverse skill set to the gym. Aaron has served 20 years in the U.S. Army where he undertook and spearheaded each unit's Fitness Training Program with great success. He will be retiring from the military at the end of this year to pursue his dream of becoming a Starting Strength Coach. Aaron brings a passion to help others achieve their goals and a desire to watch others find the same fulfillment in training that he has.

    Matt Gemmill

    Matt Gemmill began strength training to improve his performance outside of the gym and as a way to consistently have a problem which he could break down and plan out undeniable results. His athletic background is in fencing, rock climbing, tennis, and snowboarding. Matt wants to become a Starting Strength Coach because he believes that strength, along with the process of obtaining strength, teaches us to conquer our worlds. Squatting 405 may seem insurmountable to some but there is an achievable starting point for everyone, and everyone is just 5 pounds away from achieving something they have never done before. This process of incrementally building upon what we are already capable of achieving transfers into every aspect of our lives. Matt is currently working through the Starting Strength Coach Prep Course and has obtained his Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification. He has a bachelor’s degree in Biology with a minor in Chemistry, and a master’s degree in Kinesiology.

    Ignore John over on the left... He's one of those Boise people now

    If you're in the Austin area, come join us to get strong!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Melbourne, Australia


    Fantastic Mark! What a sensational team you have in place. Great to see this at the very first SS gym! I look forward to visiting when I can finally get to Texas.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Austin, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by Travis Reid View Post
    Fantastic Mark! What a sensational team you have in place. Great to see this at the very first SS gym! I look forward to visiting when I can finally get to Texas.
    You are always welcome. Just reach out to us at when you are visiting!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Austin, TX


    In the Austin area but haven't signed up for a class yet? Need a tune up or a full instruction on the Squat and Deadlift?

    Sign up for our camp on August 29 with Victoria Diaz from Starting Strength San Antonio and myself.

    Squat & Deadlift – August 29, 2021, Austin, TX – The Aasgaard Company

    Only 12 spots are available. Don't miss out!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    Austin, TX


    The city of Austin has gone to "Stage 5" which is it's highest COVID warning level.

    At Starting Strength Austin, everyone gets their own 8' x 8' platform so social distancing is built in. Since the gym reopened in May 2020, there has been no community spread in the gym.

    All this time, we've had lifters regularly setting PRs, improving their mobility and balance, having fun and enjoying each other's company.

  6. #6
    Ray Gillenwater's Avatar
    Ray Gillenwater is offline Administrator, Starting Strength Gyms
    Starting Strength Coach
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    Aug 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Andrea Mates View Post
    All this time, we've had lifters regularly setting PRs, improving their mobility and balance, having fun and enjoying each other's company.
    And in the process, you've very likely made them more resilient if they happen to catch a respiratory virus. Thanks for the update, Andrea.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    Austin, TX


    Absolutely agree, Ray. Our lifters are sturdy people. One might even say useful and harder to kill.

    __________________________________________________ ________

    Each quarter we invite members to come in on a Saturday and work up to a PR in a lift.

    This quarter lifters will be testing their press PR. Next quarter will be the deadlift and so on.

    This has always been a fun gym event. Keep an eye out; we'll post results.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    Austin, TX

    Default Press PR day for Lara

    On Saturday, Lara who has been lifting with us for 4 weeks hit big milestones.

    Her press 1RM was 57.5 after 45lb as sets across on Tuesday.
    Her squat reached triple digits at 100 x 5 x 3.
    Her deadlift reached bodyweight at 145.

    Congratulations, Lara!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Austin, TX


    For those local to Austin, we host a free open house every Saturday from 3-3:30 pm.

    Come learn about the gym, the method, and we'll teach you how to deadlift!

    Please sign up below:

    OPEN HOUSE - Starting Strength Gym in Austin, TX | Get Strong – Guaranteed

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    Austin, TX

    Default One of ours!

    starting strength coach development program
    The lifter on the main SS website splash page today (September 13) is one of ours -- Gena!

    She brightens our days whenever we see her, and we're glad she was able to travel up to the Self Sufficient Lifter camp this weekend.

    As a coach, working with her has been ace because she is an eager learner, but also she stretches my coaching mind as we work together around various the various insults of age to various joints. It's a good gig being one of her coaches.

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