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Thread: The quest for a 405 deadlift before I turn 50

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Gilbert, Arizona, USA


    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Also belt use leads to greater abdominal strength

    Quote Originally Posted by Smack View Post
    I am still at a loss as to why one would want to shun the belt. Lift more weight, safer. Seems like a win-win to me. A belt isn't even on the same league as suits.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Madison WI


    Hi Charles,

    Thank you for the suggestions. When I plateau I may reconsider using a belt.

    Skill practice, all these done throughout day in singles or doubles:

    Very slow pike press to headstand with head elevated on 6" of books, heel of hands 4" from crown of head. More head elevation is getting my arms straighter with the goal of stradde pressing with straight arms into a handstand. Great progress with these; a couple weeks ago I could barely do one from a head on floor headstand. Finally understanding how to move my midsection to make this happen and I'm even acquiring a bit of flexibility so my thighs are coming closer to my chest which makes the movement much easier. I'm no gymnast, but their strength and ability inspire me.

    Tuck planche pushups on rings. Singles or doubles....keeping back horizontal to floor without falling off the rings is freaking hard.

    Very slow straddle L-sits to horizontal elbow lever back to straddle L-sits.

    Very slow no kip muscleups on rings. As I will be doing these from a partner's hands I am relearning the movement with zero kip and done very slowly. One quick move with a partner and I could hurt both of us badly. Time to learn about real strength and control.


    AMRAP in 10 minutes = 4 rounds + 10 pullups and 6 sandbag shoulders

    10 kipping pullups
    5/5 62# sandbag shouldering from the ground (alternating shoulders each rep)
    Down and back 50' broad jumps (had to jump at least my height each attempt or I had to redo the toys are great distance markers)
    Last edited by Kelly Moore; 12-25-2009 at 01:52 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    South Central Los Angeles


    wow, you are awesome.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Madison WI


    Thanks BigJavs...not awesome, I've just been lifting (the first decade of it non-productive - think M&F magazine articles - with crap technique) for 27+ years.

    My real interest now is being able to do some basic cirque du soleil movements...a friend and I were so inspired after seeing the massive and incredibly strong handbalancers after the October Las Vegas World PL competition that we started goofing around with some movements and discovered we can do some of the easiest ones. With practice, we can polish them up and make them look better. We decided to work hard to acheive the slow partnered muscleup to L-sit straddle to horizonital elbow lever (I'm no where near strong enough for a planche. Yet.) back to an L-sit straddle. How I get down from overhead we haven't figured out yet!

    I've been practicing on parallettes/rings, and have built a wood "ledge and wall" I can move inside my power rack to do slow assisted MUs. MUs with no kip and done with flat hands are different and much harder than MUs on a bar or rings.

    If I had not received an invitation to compete at the Arnold I would be focusing on the gymnastics stuff and returning to kettlebell sport competition. But now the idea of pulling four plates per side has taken root....

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Madison WI


    Done many times throughout the day in this order:

    Tuck planche pushups on rings. Triples or fives with back horizontal to floor. Hard but I am getting more control and balance.

    Very slow straddle L-sits to horizontal elbow lever back to straddle L-sits. Focus on pushing up hard in the sit.

    Very slow pike press (and very slow return) to headstand with head elevated on 5" of books, thumbs of both hands in line with edge of books, crown of head on very edge of books. This hand placement is much closer to what I need for the handstand and significantly more difficult to balance, even with head on books. Really feeling these in my anterior delts, triceps and abs.

    No MU work today...installing shelves and hooks for my weight equipment around the power rack...too lazy to move things around for the needed assist.

    L-sit lift from the floor. Cripes these are hard! Lucky to get my fat ass and legs off the floor an inch. Tried to hold for 10 seconds but was happy with 2 seconds. How do those gymnasts do it???? Massive tricep and thigh cramping.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Madison WI


    Back Squats:

    205x3 - very easy
    215x3 - very easy
    230x3 - easy

    Bench Press (all the first reps of each set done with 2 sec pause on chest, remainder touch and go):

    147x3 - very easy
    157x3 - very easy
    167x3 - easy

    3x6 185# Fast Hip Bridges with 2 second pause at the top (35# and smaller plates to keep ROM, shoulders elevated 6" with sandbags). Uncomfortable, not too difficult. Really feel it in my hams and glutes.
    3x5 Full ROM Handstand Pushups (hands on 12" stools, top of head touching floor). I do these instead of BB presses as they are easier on my shoulders and have more ROM (hands are about an inch below the top of my shoulders) than BB presses. No breaks on the sets...moderate difficulty. Need to add another rep to the sets.
    3x10 Doubled Pink band Hip Abductions
    3x10 Bwt GHR (slow, no momentum, hands behind head)
    3x5 Assisted Planche Pushups (one pink band under feet, 36" from floor. Feet move in planche position with body)

    3 rounds for time:

    15 1 pood Russian kb swings (power swing style)
    Down and back broad jumps (50' total, with cat toys for distance markers. if I don't make the distance each jump, I have to do over).

    3:39 - Managed each down and back in 4 jumps....actually did the final leg in 3 1/2 jumps! This is great progress as I was lucky to jump 5' per effort several weeks ago. Jumping in any form is a huge hole in my program.

    Time to put down a couple glasses of raw milk, raw milk cream and raw egg yolks flavored with a bit of cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg. A great natural protein drink that tastes like eggnog! I remove the egg whites as they seem to upset my stomach. Here is the recipe if anyone is interested:
    Last edited by Kelly Moore; 12-27-2009 at 01:11 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Madison WI


    30 minutes of yoga and joint mobility


    51 yards each, done in alternating 9 yard rounds:

    Lateral Handstand walks against wall (picking up hands each step, not dragging them on the carpet)

    L-sit rope climbs (starting and ending seated on the floor. L-sits looked more like chair sits the last couple rounds. No cirques on the rope today, just controlled hands only descents)

    No rushing, just walking across the room between the wall and the rope for rest

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default "230x3 - easy"

    Squatting twice your bodyweight is "easy"? Yowsa.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelly Moore View Post
    ...not awesome, I've just been lifting... for 27+ years.
    I don't care how long you've been lifting -- still awesome. (And I almost never use that word.)


  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Madison WI


    Hi Kate,

    Thank you. Squats were my weak lift back when I was serious about competing; using Rip's squat technique has brought my squat around. I feel I am under working my squat right now, but the confidence of knowing I can easily now lift weight raw that used to bury me without using a belt, suit and wraps is making a difference.


    30 minutes of yoga and joint mobility. Took the day off to build closet shelves.
    Last edited by Kelly Moore; 12-30-2009 at 08:44 AM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Kate View Post
    Squatting twice your bodyweight is "easy"? Yowsa.

    I don't care how long you've been lifting -- still awesome. (And I almost never use that word.)

    What she said.

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