Friday Aug 27th 2010 - Deadlift Day
20kg Complex
Snatches, cleans, overhead, front and back squats, lunges, drop snatches, presses, curls etc, about 30 reps.
Power Clean
70kg (154 lbs) x 3,3,3
Speed Deadlift
120kg (265 lbs) x 3 (snatch grip)
150kg (331 lbs) x 3 (clean grip)
170kg (375 lbs) x 1 (hook grip)
185kg (408 lbs) x 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
Thankfully much easier than 2 weeks ago when I used the same weight for 6x2.
Close Grip Bench Press
70kg (154 lbs) x 5
100kg (220 lbs) x 3
110kg (242 lbs) x 5,4,4,4,3 (first set is PR for reps)
70kg (154 lbs) x 5
100kg (220 lbs) x 6,6,6
Wide Grip Pullup
BW x 7,7,7