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Thread: Trei's Attempts at Lifting Heavy Shit

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trei View Post
    405# 1x5
    Fuck. Yes. Hit a milestone for reps. And as if to add icing to the cake, 4 plates was easier than 400#.
    Downside? I was an idiot and forgot to fucking record this.
    I did this so long ago. I forget, Do they present you with your balls when you complete the lift, or do you submit the application afterwards?

    Real Taco, good work, and dead hangs from the chin-up bar after training help combat back soreness.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


    Have to apply. But since we're in Canada, it only takes about 2 weeks, unlike the 6 months in the states. Kind'a sweet.

    Also, I started lifting in November, and intend to lift 500 in December. So I'm catching up to you, fucker... while being heavier. Fuck.
    What weight class or you going for in December, again?

    That's what I forgot to do after. I meant to do some dead hangs but was too excited about balls and totally forgot.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Not sure if I'm doing the December meet, I may not compete again until May at nationals.
    I want those world records real bad, and don't want to waste any training weeks, or days even for that matter, because I'm pushing real hard to squat 550 and deadlift 600 by then.

    If I do get them, since I'm planning to stay in Ottawa the night before and the night following the meet, you can come out and party.
    If I don't get them, you can help me tie the noose.

  4. #24
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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


    There's another one in May? I did not know this. Hrm... That makes sense, though. How high was the Russian dude in July? I'm assuming that you figured he'd get to just below 550/600 by Mayish?

    And sounds good. I'll practice my noose tying skills.

  5. #25
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    Nationals is early May this year, which is coincidentally right before I turn 20.
    He was 512/570, but I think he was right on the edge of turning 20, so he wouldn't be able to reset the records.
    It would really help if the WPC website would update all of their fucking records changes so that when I get to the meet the Squat record isn't 80lb higher than listed and the deadlft record 40lbs higher.
    I'll probably ask Bruce to send me the actual numbers before the deadline to sign up for the December meet, and again before the May meet.

  6. #26
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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


    Should prob'ly check to make sure he's not in the running anymore, just in case. Somehow. And seriously, I can't believe you got fucked 'cause of that.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trei View Post
    Should prob'ly check to make sure he's not in the running anymore, just in case. Somehow. And seriously, I can't believe you got fucked 'cause of that.
    Ruined my day, tbh.
    I definitely intend to have everything confirmed before hand.

    There's also a meet in Detroit in July, on the plus side it's an international meet which would be AGL, but it is in Detroit so I'd probably be shot.

  8. #28
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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


    All I know about Detroit is that I got through customs like it was a joke, that it's dirty as all fuck, and that there's a BK within walking distance of the bus station to get coffee. And it's dirty. Seriously, how does a city get that dirty? It was fucking disgusting. Even the surrounding area (for like 30km+ south of the city) looked like nature was having sex with a retarded donkey with aids that had IBS.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trei View Post
    All I know about Detroit is that I got through customs like it was a joke, that it's dirty as all fuck, and that there's a BK within walking distance of the bus station to get coffee. And it's dirty. Seriously, how does a city get that dirty? It was fucking disgusting. Even the surrounding area (for like 30km+ south of the city) looked like nature was having sex with a retarded donkey with aids that had IBS.
    We should go, We can hang around 7 mile and do whatever's cool around there. Smoking crack, I think?

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


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    Quote Originally Posted by Marotta View Post
    We should go, We can hang around 7 mile and do whatever's cool around there. Smoking crack, I think?
    Or accidentally shooting our balls off.

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