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Thread: Kyle's PL log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Well, I decided to try to learn the squat the way Rip teaches. I think I'm probably close to genetically maxing out my oly squat. When I had hip problems with the low bar squat in the past, I was using a Westside (i.e. exagerrated wide stance, sit way back) style. Moreover, I've been burned out as hell recently and need a change of pace. I'm tired of squatting 3x/week, and the last few months I've just found myself generally unmotivated. So, I took a couple of light weeks recently and resumed some real training this week. For now, I'm planning to squat either once per week or three times every two weeks. I started light on the squats on Tuesday. They felt very easy but looking down was awkward. That said, I could really feel my hamstrings working better than I've ever felt before during a squat. They are sore as hell today. I have confidence I'll ultimately squat more this way, my posterior chain will be stronger, and I can avoid the hip problems that have plagued me in the past. Thus far this week:

    Tues 1/31
    Squat 315 3x5 (nice and easy. Just going to add 10 lbs per workout for a while and give my body a while to recover from the last year of feeling chronically overtrained.)
    Front squat - did doubles starting at 135, adding 20 lbs per set, and topping out at 265 (again, very, very easy)
    Hypers 3x15
    Ab pulldowns 3x10

    Thurs 2/2
    Bench 295 4x3 (Good day on this. Felt great today)
    Db Row 120 2x16, supersetted w/ bench 225 2x5
    Last edited by KyleMask; 02-02-2012 at 07:27 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN



    3 good workouts in a week is just too much to fucking ask.

    3.5" deficit deadlift miss at 585. I had the bar as high as I needed to have it and just needed to push my hips forward and the bar slipped out of my left hand...while I was using a hook grip. Chalk this one up to nothing but stupidity. I didn't have enough chalk on my thumbs. Will try again in 1 week.

    Push press 205 3x5, 225 3x3 (decided to punish myself with shitload of volume)

    Pullups bwx5, bw+60x5, bwx5

    Db curls 45 4x5

    some planks

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN



    Squat 325 3x5 (still learning the new style. Weight is pretty light, but it feels awkward.)
    Front squats - doubles up to 275x2 (very easy)
    Ab pulldowns 2x15

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN



    Bench 305 4x2, 225x12
    T-Bar rows 2 platesx10, 3 plates 3x5

    Damn fine day today. Bench is def moving the right direction.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN



    3.5" deficit deadlift 585x1 (PR)
    Narrow stance sumo pulls 315 3x5
    Push press up to 230x5
    DB row 120 3x10
    DB curls 45 4x6

    Pretty good day today. Been pushing the deadlifts hard lately. Will take at least 3 week off from pulling. I usually get stronger when I do this.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN



    Squat 335 3x5 (Best the low bar has felt yet. Still very light. But I didn't look down today lol.)
    Front Squat up to 285x2
    Bench 315 2x2 (PR), 235x10
    Pullups did 5 w/ bw then felt a little pull in my lat and decided to call it a day. Decent day.
    Last edited by KyleMask; 02-15-2012 at 07:07 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN


    2/18/12 went to train strongman with a bunch of my buddies today. nice change of pace.

    12" log clean each rep and press 210x4, 220x2 (rep left in tank on each)

    yoke - several runs up to 570x80 ft in 17 seconds (good god, I have gotten slow on this)

    220 farmers walk 50 ft, 500 tire 5 flips in 28 seconds (pretty fast here)

    Did some stone shouldering with stones from 165 to 240 w/out tacky. The 240 was a bitch. I shouldered it for 3 singles but also missed a lot of reps. But I hate tacky and there's no way I was putting it on for training.

    --Good day today. The girlfriend had a good day as well, hitting 230x5 on deadlift and getting her feet wet on the events.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN



    Squat 345 3x5 (super fast, this style is starting to feel very natural now, will continue to just take it slowly)

    Abs 3x10, hypers 3x10

    Concept 2 Rower - three 2 min rounds with 1 min rest in between
    Last edited by KyleMask; 08-16-2012 at 05:14 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN


    2/23/12 Deloading on bench before I take a max next week. My shoulders feel beat to hell right now. Hope to hit 330-335 on bench next week.

    Bench 225 4x3
    Pullups bwx5, bw+35 3x6, bwx5
    Db curls 50 3x5
    Three 2 min rounds on concept 2 rower

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nashville, TN


    starting strength coach development program

    Squat 355 3x5 (still very easy but starting not to feel like a speed squat at least)
    Push press 240 3x3 (post labral repair PR)
    Db Row 120 2x15
    Three 2 min rounds on concept 2 rower

    Pretty good day today.

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