Thumb is healing - slower than I'd like, but enough to do some stuff today. I got out of the big dressing yesterday, and into just a big, thick band-aid, but wrapped up up a bit for this workout so it wouldn't re-open. I got up roughly 90-95% of what I wanted to do in most things - which is pretty good - and did a little less volume, as it started to hurt a bit. So this was a workout and not just a warmup. Had to skip conditioning stuff altogether.
95x8, 135x5, 165x5, 185x5, 205x5 @9.5, 185x5
Notes: Had to adjust my grip a bit here and not squeeze as hard, which left my wrists a little more prone to extension. So 205 was hard, but I expected to only get to 165-185, so this was good.
Barbell Row
135x5, 225x5, 255x5, 265x5x2
BWx4x4, BWx3x4, respectively
DB Curls
40x10, 45x8x2
Better than I expected to be able to do today, all things considered. Hopefully it'll be healed enough to do some heavy rack or block pulls at Joyce's place before the seminar on Friday. I'd like to do 495x5 and work up to a single at 545, thumb-willing.
Was supposed to arrive in Austin at about 2 today to train before the seminar but traffic turned that into 4pm, so had less than an hour to get this all done so had to rush and superset a bit, and cut short chins and missed tris for the guys. Still glad to get the main stuff in and that my thumb is healing up.
Bench Press - 3" belt
325x5 @8
355x1, 375x1 @8.5
315x5 @8
Notes: Not much. Pretty solid. Skipped the last backoff set for time.
Block Pulls - 6"
495x5 @6.5, 545x1 @6.5 - 3" belt
415x5 @6
Notes: Very happy with speed of these, and thumb holding up.
495 and 545 Block Pulls on IG
BWx6,8,7,7,8 = 36. Ran out of time and changed my shirt before giving the coaching lecture, cause I'm classy AF.
Got back from Austin yesterday just in time to get to work and then pick up the dog from boarding before they closed so no lifty. Had to rush today for time reasons.
185x5, 200x5, 210x5 @9, 185x5
Notes: Last I did 210, or anything higher, it was harder. I wanted to do more today but I'm still absolutely smashed from the seminar weekend + travel and kept it a little lighter. Added a back off set, as I'm going to be moving to more volume and need to transition and readjust to that.
210x5 on IG
BB Rows & RDLs
135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 255x5, 275x5x2
Notes: Did a set of each of these with the same weight before adding for the next set. Nothing interesting here.
BWx3, +10x3, +20x3x4, +20x6
Notes: Wanted to use more weight here, too, but missed weighted chins Friday and feeling smashed today so went a little lighter.
87x8, 97x8x2
Almost skipped today for so many reasons. Was a little short on time, was woken up at 4:40am and unable to get back to sleep due to a local noise problem, and had a bad headache. But I did the damn thing, and it went fine.
Bench Press - 3" belt
330x5 @9
305x5x2 @7.5-8
285x5 @6.5-7
Notes: Was a little worried about adding more weight but warm-ups went well so I threw the next five lbs on. My triceps, which felt a little fatigued all day, started puckering out a little so the last rep was slow, but the first few reps moved real fast. Back-offs were pretty easy.
Block Pulls from 6"
505x6 @7 - 3" belt
465x5 @ 6.5, 425x5 @6 - beltless
Notes: On the 505 top set, my head a-splode, and I lost count and did an extra rep. Bar speed suggests more like @6, but I honestly don't think I could have done more than 3 more today, even though it didn't slow down much. Today, the feelz were realz.
505x6 on IG
BWx4x4 = 40
Conditioning - missed two weeks so went low volume. Now that knee treatment has been completed, I will also begin mixing in some rowing instead of #crossfit.
3 rounds, 1 min rest
KB Clean + Press: 1+3, 1+2, 1+1 / side @ 20kg
KB Swing: 15 @ 24kg
KB Snatch: 5/side @20kg
DB Curlz
45x8, 50x8x2
You were smart enough to do this after less than a year, right? I'm closing in on 16, and am the embodiment of the definition of insanity at this point.