starting strength gym
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Thread: Wolf's Log: From Cub to Direwolf

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Weds, 2/8/12

    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Didn’t eat enough today, was worried going into the workout that I wouldn’t have enough gas. Drank some of my shake during workout (instead of all post-workout) to compensate, I think it made the difference.

    Foam Roll/Lacrosse Balls/SMR etc…

    Movement Prep etc…

    KB Swings: 24kgx10, 32kgx10

    Deadlift: 145x5, 225x3, 295x2, 365x1, 430x3x2 - chalked up for the first time in ages - finally lifting enough weight to justify it. Felt great! Still no belt.

    Press: 95x5, 125x3, 155x1, 190x5x3

    BB Squat (recovery): 135x5, 185x5, 225x5x2

    Pullups: 6,6,8 - recovery

    225m Rows/1:45 rest x 4 @ 1:55, 1:47, 1:43, 1:42
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 02-08-2012 at 05:55 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Mon, 2/13/2012

    I missed Friday's lift and Saturday conditioning due to my grandmother's passing. Flew to Chicago where my dad sat shiva, and spent 3 days in an uber religous and uber-unhealthy eating environment. So I figured I might have to regress a bit, or reset, after that. Fortunately, I didn't have to - used the weights I used for my last workout with these lifts and all went fine.

    Foam roll/smr/etc...
    movement prep

    45x5, 95x5, 145x5, 205x3, 245x1, 280x1, 315x5x3
    Felt a little "off" - knees came forward a few times, but not bad considering.

    Bench Press
    135x5, 175x3, 225x2, 255x1, 290x5x3
    Almost asked Alec Baldwin for a hand off - seriously!! I didn't realize it was him, he was wearing shabby clothes and a winter hat inside. I only didn't because someone closer finished a set and looked available. Only about 15 mins later did I realize it was Alec Baldwin!

    Pullups: 10, 10
    Neutral Grip: 9, 8

    1/4 milers - done several hours later
    several at about 8.5mph

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    Dude, that's hilarious! Where does Alec Baldwin work out? 30 Rock is my favorite show....

    Sorry about your grandmother man. Shiva is intense... I'm not observant or anything, but that whole ritual makes a lot sense to me.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Alec was working out at Equinox Greenwich. I guess he moved in with his girlfriend recently, from the UWS where he lived for years.

    Shiva was hard - I wasn't close with my grandmother (she basically ignored her grandkids, only met her 3x), but me being non religious and my family being super religious creates tension. I act along and do all the religious stuff when I'm there, so as not to rouse any rabble, but internally it's hard for me to say and do so many things I don't believe it. Further, my family just isn't easy to be around, for a variety of reasons. Was REALLY glad to get back.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Thursday, 2/16/12

    Foam Roll/SMR/Movement Prep etc..

    KB Swings w/ Hip Flexor Stretch in between

    24kgx10, 32kgx10

    BB Deadlift (Hip crossover stretch between some warmup sets)

    155x5, 235x3, 315x1, 375x1, 440x3x2

    BB Press

    95x5, 130x3, 160x1, 192.5 x 5,5,4 - missed 5th rep of last set. Rested 2 mins and did it. Will have to re-do 192.5 next time.

    BB Squat - recovery
    135x5, 175x5, 215x5, 245x5x2

    BB Power Snatch

    Practiced hitting lower belly on the jump - empty bar for some jumps and power snatches from the hang and hang below knee. Did this instead of 1/4 milers cause I felt like it. Will have to hit conditioning hard after Squats, Bench, and Pullups on Saturday.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    screw that redo on the press-- 2 minutes rest? Of course you failed. MHO

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Is View Post
    screw that redo on the press-- 2 minutes rest? Of course you failed. MHO
    Guess I didn't explain very clearly: I was resting 4-5 minutes between sets. After I missed the 5th rep of the 3rd set, I then waited about 2 minutes before doing the single "make-up" rep.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Saturday Night Edition: 2/18/12

    Was planning to do an early afternoon lift. Was up WAY earlier than usual today (8am instead of the usual 11), did laundry and grocery shopping. My body had rejected my early wakeup by the time I got to my planned 1:30ish workout time, and I napped. So ended up lifting this evening. What’s better than Saturday night @ rthe gym?!

    Foam roll/movement prep/etc

    The bad news: knees were still coming forward on several reps. 1-2 each on sets 1 and 3, and 4/5 on set 2. I don't know why I have such trouble with this! Well, I do - it's probably due to HB Squatting my entire life till a few months ago, but still.
    The good news - still got all 15 reps.

    BB Bench Press
    Rep #5 on set 2 was a grinder. Rep #5 on set 3 was an epic battle. But I got it up with no spotting help.
    The bars and benches at this gym sucked, so I'm using that as an excuse. Not sure whether to microload the bench yet or not, but definitely getting close.

    Weighted Pullups
    BW +25 x 5 x 3

    First weighted pullups in a long time.

    1/4 milers: 5 @ 8.0-9.0mph
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 02-18-2012 at 08:08 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default 2/20/12 - First Belted Lift

    I got my brand new lifting belt in the mail today, from Best Belts. Suffice it to say lifting with the belt was amazing - Dean Best at Best Belts has amazing customer service and makes a great product as well.

    This is “Part 1” because I decided to split in 2 and do my conditioning later. I was training at the Tribeca Equinox, where I’m currently teaching a course to the trainers in barbell lifting. A couple of the trainers came and asked some Q’s mid-workout, so took longer than planned just to finish my lifting. I had time to do conditioning but just wanted to get out of the gym by that point (2hrs), so will do my sprints later.

    Foam Roll/movement prep/etc

    45x5x2, 135x5, 185x3 - loose belt, 235x2 - firm belt, 285x1 - tight belt, 325x5x3 - tight belt

    Felt more solid and secure than without belt. I previously felt like my squat LP was 10-20lbs away from halting (330-340 range). With the belt, I feel like I should be able to go into the upper 300's on steady linear progress of 3x5.

    95x5, 120x3, 145x2 - loose belt, 165x1 - tight belt, 192.5x5,5,4 - tight belt. Again, waited ~2 mins then did the 1 make-up rep.

    Missed 5th rep on 3rd set for the 2nd straight time. Might have to concede that linear progress is done on the Press, and switch to weekly progressions. Re: belt - felt more solid and secure through my torso, but had a harder time filling up my lungs for full inhales between reps. Might need to start paused pressing if I’m to use the belt.

    I haven't read much on Belted Pressing (focused mostly on DL and Squat), so any suggestions would be welcome. I felt like I might've gotten that rep if I had full inhalation as usual.

    Power Cleans (Unbelted)
    does anyone belt in on these? I doubt it.
    135x2, 165x2, 195x2, 215x2x3, 185x1x2

    Easy but felt a bit off on a couple of the 215 reps so did 2 sets of 1 rep back-offs at 185 to solidify full extension.
    Last edited by Michael Wolf; 02-20-2012 at 05:19 PM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brooklyn, NY


    starting strength coach development program
    I'm not using a belt on pulls from the ground as mine (a great Toro lever belt) just is too big and bulky for a comfortable start position. Have been considering getting a tapered belt for deadlifts. Cleans-- too light to warrant for me at least.

    As for the presses-- I have a much harder time catching my breath with longer squat sets than pressing-- it's never been a problem and I definitely prefer pressing with the belt than without. My coach says you should be able to get all your fingers under the belt pretty easily, if not it's too tight. Maybe it's too tight?

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