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Thread: Justin's Log--Aiming for the Brisket Sandwich

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Justin's Log--Aiming for the Brisket Sandwich

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Had another log somewhere here with ridiculous goals.
    Dialing down a little bit...goal here is to train well enough to earn a weekly brisket sandwich.

    Jim Steel is doing my programming...looking forward to logging here.
    Squat day tomorrow! for competition plans:
    Powerlifting meet fall 2012
    Highland Games season 2013
    Last edited by JustinK; 06-29-2012 at 06:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Today's training was a placeholder as I move my split to Tues/Thurs/Sat.
    Squat Emptyx5x2, 155x5, 225x3, (begin work sets) 245x2, 262x2, 280x2, 315x1x2, 332x2
    *Worked off 350 max today--15 lbs less than Steel has me hitting this current cycle. Needed a slightly lighter day today.
    Reverse Grip Rows 155x3, 165x3, 175x3, 185x3, 195x3, 155x12. Barbell Rows don't really click for me--reverse grip def didn't.

    Hills tomorrow. Gym I own is expanding 3x soon so we're looking at lots of 70 lb stall mat drags this next week. It'll be a good week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Back to logging. Hit a meet two weeks ago--goal was to beat my Nov 2011 242 #s (341/226/451) as a 220. Did so (355/225/465) at about 217. Steel kept me right.

    Next two months will be devoted to rehab block...addressing upper body and reestablishing aerobic base. Goal of this block ia to build a little size, continue to moderate bodyweight via lower carb/paleoish diet, and get to "I can run a couple of miles at a respectable pace" status via conservative weekly mileage before winter. End of 2012/beginning of 2013 will bring a renewed strength focus to prepare for a meet in March and the Highland Games season thereafter.

    Today: warmup 5 min bike, shoulder rotations
    BB Kirk Shrugs, 135x6, 155x6, 165x6x3
    Db Kirk Shrugs 45s x 12 x 3
    Rangefinding on these today. Need heavier dbs.
    Swiss Bar Press 85x12, 85x10, 95x8, 100x6, 65x12
    Should have started at 75 instead...prob about my 50% with this movement. Unacceptably weak.
    Db Press 15s x 12 x 5 @30 sec rest
    30 min bike. Sweated out last night's halloween candy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    welcome back! looking forward to the log.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Thanks dude. Stay safe while mother nature tells us the story of the hurricane today.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    bike warmup 5 min
    some hip mobility (fire hydrants, band stretch)
    squat emptyx5/135x5/185x2/work@ 205x12x5
    rdl 135x12x5

    This was a good day. Squats were brutal but good for just kind of getting into the movement and out of my own head. I've got 12 to do each set so I try to trust the groove and straight bar path and let the set work itself out. RDLs...haven't done those in a while, maybe could have gone heavier but was trying to make each rep perfect per Steel's instructions.

    Going to add in some morning walks. Black coffee, a little tyrosine, and the truth.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Few days to make up.
    DB Incline 35x12, 40x10, 45x8, 45x6, 40x12--need heavier dbs
    Swiss Bar Bench 135x10x6
    Pushups 4 sets of 12

    Deadlifts (touch and go) 315x7x5--these were hard. Not a good rep deadlifter so I am glad to be doing these.
    Bent Row 135x12x6
    One-Arm Row 70 lb kb x 15 x3

    Db curls 30x12x5 superset w/tricep extensions @20s
    Had to cut this one short--had another BB curl & tri superset left to go

    We are adding in a mock meet at the gym the Saturday before Christmas for some of the more dedicated lifters (and those who are still a little hesitant to try a legit meet and step into a singlet)...thought that would be a fun thing to train if not peak for, so back at the 2x/wk powerlifting template Steel has for me as of tomorrow. This should also make it easier to get the aerobic base up w/2 or 3x/wk runs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    how do you like the touch and go deads? I was thinking of using these for a backoff set.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Demps...I like them, but I have to be really careful to keep the back locked in. I think Stephen on Steel's site wrote that they can feel like a hard Prowler push--definitely sucking wind at the end of a set. Got some more programmed this week so we will see, this time @80%

    11/8, got a late start on this week. 10 library hills today--love running hills in the snow. Feel like hell now, it's been a while. Got some volume squats tomorrow, time to get to work.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Been a while. Hit Steel's 2x/wk and during the 105% week hit 2012 gym bests for the squat (366), press (174) and pull (462 on our whippiest bar). Goal for 2013 is 400/200/500 in better shape (around 200 lbs). This will be pretty tough, particularly the press. Back to rehab BB/pressing template now that 2012 gym prs have been set

    Today: back on the volume with squats @60% x 6 x 10 every two min
    Warmup 45x 10/135x5/185x5/255x2 then 215x6x10

    30 min bike.

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