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Thread: Finding Out that the Iron Never Lies

  1. #721
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sioux City, Iowa


    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Nov 23, 2015

    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 295 lbs-6
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 305 lbs-6
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 310 lbs-6
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 315 lbs-6 RPE 9.75

    Sumo deads @ 410 lbs-1,1 RPE 9 Setup feels very awkward even though I'm not straining from effort.
    Sumo deads @ 325 lbs-4,4,4,4 RPE 8 Pretty easy.

    Press @ 175 lbs-3
    Press @ 185 lbs-3
    Press @ 190 lbs-3 RPE 9.5

  2. #722
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sioux City, Iowa


    Nov 25, 2015
    Bodywt 223 lbs

    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 320 lbs-3
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 325 lbs-3
    Bench w/ wraps, 1st rep paused @ 335 lbs-3
    Bench w/ wraps, 1st rep paused @ 340 lbs-2. The spotter grabbed way early when 3rd rep slowed down so I can't even tell if I would get it. I yelled at him I had it but he had already grabbed the bar and helped move it about 3 inches. There wasn't anyone I knew around so I was stuck with unknown spotter, who of course screwed it up.

    Squats @ 335 lbs-8,8
    Squats @ 345 lbs-8,8 RPE 9.25 but tiring

    Chins w/ 45 lbs-5
    Chins w/ 50 lbs-5
    Chins w/ 55 lbs-5 RPE 9.5

  3. #723
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sioux City, Iowa


    Nov 28, 2015

    Bench 1st rep paused @ 295 lbs - 8 , 8 , 8
    Bench 1st rep paused @ 300 lbs- 8. Rpe 9.5

    Sumo deadlift @ 425 lbs - 1. Rpe 9
    Sumo deadlift @ 332 lbs- 4,4,4,4 Rpe 8. These are getting better and feeling more natural. There's definitely a sweet spot where the pull feels easier but I can only get it about half the time.

    Press @ 145 lbs - 8
    Press @ 155 lbs -8
    Press @ 160 lbs - 8. Rpe 9.5

  4. #724
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sioux City, Iowa


    Dec 1, 2015
    Bodywt 226 lbs

    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 295 lbs-6
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 305 lbs-6
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 315 lbs-6, 6 RPE 9.75

    Squats @ 385 lbs-6
    Squats @ 395 lbs-6
    Squats @ 405 lbs-6
    Squats @ 410 lbs-6 PR RPE 9.75 I was pretty tired after this.

    Chins-12,12,7 I was exhausted and ran out of steam on the 3rd set.

  5. #725
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sioux City, Iowa


    Dec 3, 2015
    Bodywt 224 lbs

    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 325 lbs-3
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 330 lbs-3
    Bench w/ wraps, 1st rep paused @ 335 lbs-3
    Bench w/ wraps, 1st rep paused @ 340 lbs-3 RPE 9.5

    Sumo Deadlift @ 395-2 RPE 8-8.5
    Sumo deadlift @ 340 lbs-4,4,4,4 RPE 8. This is starting to feel more natural, and I am using a fairly narrow stance for sumo with feet just outside hands. The cue to keep my hips close to the bar seems to help too.

    Press @ 155 lbs-6
    Press @ 165 lbs-6
    Press @ 175 lbs-6 RPE 8

  6. #726
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sioux City, Iowa


    Dec 7, 2015

    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 295 lbs-8
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 315 lbs-8 PR Rpe 9.0 Not bad at all.
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 305 lbs-8,8 RPE 9.5

    Squats @ 415 lbs-3
    Squats @ 425 lbs-4 PR RPE 9.25 Fine
    Squats @ 435 lbs-3
    Squats @ 440 lbs-3 RPE 9.5

    Chins- 5 min block- 10,10,10,5,5 Total 40 I really ran out of steam after the 3rd set.

  7. #727
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sioux City, Iowa


    Dec 9, 2015

    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 295 lbs-6
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 315 lbs-6,6
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 320 lbs-6 RPE 9.75

    Sumo deadlifts @ 445 lbs-0,1,1 RPE 11, 9.75, 9.25 First one I didn't even get it off ground. I pulled feet in more narrow and got it up on 2nd try but only just barely. 3rd try I pulled feet just outside hands and it went up much better.

    Sumo deadlifts @ 355 lbs-4,4,4,4 I focused on getting tight and squeezing bar off floor and it went pretty well until last set when I was tired and had some form breakdown.

    Press @ 185 lbs-3,3
    Press @ 195 lbs-3 RPE 9.5

  8. #728
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sioux City, Iowa


    Dec 11, 2015
    Body wt 225 lbs

    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 335 lbs-3,3
    Bench w/ wraps 1st rep paused @ 340 lbs-2 Fail- I wanted 3 but got stuck about 2 inches above chest, my common sticking point. I should have had this but I just felt off the whole session.
    Bench w/ wraps 1st rep paused @ 325 lbs-3 RPE 9.5

    Squats @ 335 lbs-8
    Squats @ 345 lbs-8
    Squats @ 355 lbs-8,8 RPE 9.5 but I was just beat by the end. I haven't had enough sleep this week due to family responsibilities and I think I'm just worn out.

    Skipped chins due to exhaustion. This whole session was a grind. I probably just need more sleep.

  9. #729
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sioux City, Iowa


    Dec 14, 2015

    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 305 lbs-8
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 320 lbs-7 PR. RPE 9.5 Spotter I didn't know tried to grab it when it slowed but I got him to let go before he helped. I later saw him struggling to bench 115 lbs so he was probably too nervous about the weight.
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 305 lbs-8.
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 310 lbs-8 RPE 9.75

    Sumo Deadlifts @ 455 lbs-1 RPE 9
    Sumo deadlifts @ 365 lbs 4,4,4,4 RPE 9

    Press @ 150 lbs-8
    Press @ 160 lbs-8
    Press @ 170 lbs-8 RPE 9.75

  10. #730
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sioux City, Iowa


    starting strength coach development program
    Dec 16, 2015
    Bodywt 226 lbs

    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 315 lbs-6,6
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 320 lbs-5- Fail- I got it almost all the way up on 6th rep but it took so long I couldn't quite lock it out. I needed a break from bench so I actually did my squats next, then came back to get a 4th set in to get enough volume.
    Bench, 1st rep paused @ 295 lbs-6

    Squats @ 395 lbs-6
    Squats @ 405 lbs-6
    Squats @ 415 lbs-5 PR RPE 9.0
    Squats @ 405 lbs-6 PR RPE 9.5 I was tired after this.

    Chins w/ 45 lbs-5,5

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