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Thread: Nick's Silly Bullshit

  1. #511
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY


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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah Archenbronn View Post
    Post some video of your squat snatches!

    Also, congrats on these PRs. I feel like you heal faster than I..
    Thanks Sarah! I'll have to get John to take a few the next time we train.


    Squat: 475x3@8, 515x3@9 PR, 495x3@9, 475x3@8
    Bench: 300x4@7, 327.5x4@8 PR, 332.5x4@9 PR, 315x4@9
    Chins: 5x5 BW

    Back was feeling sore from Sunday. If I Snatched I could feel it would have been a bad day so I held off. I can't remember if that 515x3 tied my previous PR or is a new one. All I know was the last time I was in the 510-515 area for 3 it was much harder. This went pretty smoothly and I wasn't really feeling it today. Bench felt real good.

  2. #512
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY


    Got the shit kicked out of me today. Lots of misses.

    Snatch: 50x3x2, 70x3, 90x2, 100x2, 110, 120, 130x1x2F, 130, 135x1x3F second attempt I caught it and lost it when I started to stand up.
    Clean and Jerk: 70x2, 110x2, 130x1, 150x1, 160x1, 170x1x2F missed the jerks.

    Still feel real beat up from Tuesday. I'm sure by Sunday I'll be feeling much better and hopefully be in PR territory.

  3. #513
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    Squat: 475x1@7, 525x1x3@8
    Press: 215x1@7, 245x4@10 PR, 235x4@9, 225x4@9
    Deadlift: 495x1@7, 545x1x3@8

    Starting to taper for a meet next Sunday. Wanted to keep the intensity high but cut the volume. The 245 press should have been a 9 but I kicked it out a few inches forward and it took everything I had to get it back online and make the lift.


    Snatch: 50x3x2, 70x3, 90x2, 105x2, 115x2 F (missed the first), 125 F, 125, 130, 135x1x5 F, 135 PR
    Clean and Jerk: 70x3, 90, 110, 130, 145, 155, 165, 170F (missed jerk behind)

    My stomach was bothering me and just overall did not feel good going into this. I'm really proud of myself that I just kept trying and walked away with a squat snatch PR. I've never missed so many times in a single session and yet all of that failure lead to a major success. In the past I was afraid to miss that many times in a session, thinking the misses would be doing something bad. I was afraid to fail. This is one of the reasons I liked the split snatch so much, I had a much higher success rate with heavy weights. I realize now the more I fail the more I will learn in every aspect of training. Each failure is an opportunity for reflection, if necessary a chance to change and become a better athlete. Change can be scary step but I know I'll never realize my full potential if I'm afraid of changing.

  4. #514
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    Long Island, NY



    Snatch: 50x3x2, 70xx2, 90x2, 100x2, 110x2, 120x2, 125x2 PR (no misses)
    Squat: 475x1@7, 505x4@9 PR, 485x4@8.5, 465x4@8.5

    Was just an unstoppable force today. It was the best my body has felt going into training in the last couple of weeks. I was mentally just completely in the zone and committed to every snatch. This is a big confidence booster going into the meet this upcoming Sunday.

  5. #515
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    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Nick D'Agostino View Post
    I was mentally just completely in the zone and committed to every snatch.
    This struck me as funny. But you're gonna kill it at the meet. These numbers you're putting up are insane. Good luck!

  6. #516
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Skillin View Post
    This struck me as funny.
    Heh. Nice catch, Adam.

    Training looks good heading into the meet. I'm annoyed I won't be able to be there to root for you, but am excited to hear about it. I second the request for squat snatch vids, I've never seen you do one.

  7. #517
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn, NY


    How did you do? I saw the video Inna posted of the 297 power-snatch. What else went down?

  8. #518
    Join Date
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    Huntington, New York


    Nick, I just found the results for the meet. A 135kg snatch and a 175kg clean and Jerk is very impressive. I hope your back has not acted up from the meet. I am sorry I missed this meet. your total was 2 kg less than Don Shankle's total in the Liberty Games.

  9. #519
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    Quote Originally Posted by pkelly54 View Post
    A 135kg snatch and a 175kg clean and Jerk is very impressive.
    Beyond impressive. Hard to even comprehend for us mere mortals. Way to go, Nick!

  10. #520
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    Hey Nick, are you still training? You had some great meet results a while back, hope you did not injury yourself...

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