Grats on the PR press and nice looking power snatch. You are hella strong.
Damn Nick - that rep looked strong brother.
Thanks guys for all the support. Today was a pretty good day, way better than last Wednesday. I'm starting to feel more comfortable in the bottom of the full snatch so I went heavier. Also the jerk definitely felt more consistent, still need to bend the back leg but the drive is getting better.
90x1 started snatching on the minute
95x1x2 F missed first one in front, missed second behind
Clean and Jerk
145x1 tiny press out
I took video of the 105 snatch and 140 clean and jerk on an app called coaches eye. I'm having trouble figuring out how to email myself the video so I can post it. If anyone knows how to export videos from the app to email let me know.
Nice work Nick. Get ready for Saturday. We are going to keep pushing the weights to get you go 130/165 before this meet.
My CNS was fried from yesterday. Today's lift was tough.
Squat 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 275x2, 315x2, 365x1, 390x5x3
Bench 45x10, 135x5, 185x3, 225x2, 255x1, 275x5x3
Hey Bro. Great to see whats going on. Maybe I'll see you Saturday!
Saturday 1/26
Just worked on technique stuff with Josh. During snatch I was not dropping and easing my self down into the hole. Instead of softening my landing he made me stomp my feet back into their foot prints. We also worked on sntach balance. Fixing these technical issues had me dropping alot faster. Best snatch that day was 100kg. I've been tossing my jerks slightly forward having to chase them. Josh used the power jerk to teach me how to drive the bar straight up, and this carried over nicely to my split. As soon as he had me split I finally bent my back knee for the first time in my life. The split jerk felt completely different. Did a bunch of sets at 100kg doing 1 power clean, 1 power jerk, and 1 split jerk. Later that night I front squatted 345x3, 355x3, 365x3 PR. I have not done a front squat in over a year and my previous best was 375x1 with extremely tight powerlifting knee wraps. Based on 365 I think I could probably do that weight for 5 now with out them. Polished off training with 3 sets of 8 chins.
Monday 1/28
Power Snatch
110x1x4 was getting light headed after every rep. I chugged a gatorade and started to feel a little better. Also stance was splitting wider than usual that is why I stayed here for so long
100x1 best this has felt yet
Squat 45x5, 225x5, 315x2, 405x1, 455x1, 495x1x5 These felt way better than last week. Got last rep on video, will post tomorrow.
Press 45x5, 135x5, 185x2, 205x1, 225x3x3 PR Fuck yeah!
Last edited by Nick D'Agostino; 01-28-2013 at 07:39 PM. Reason: chins