I had a strange night of training tonight. My Dad wanted some help with his bench form and offered to make dinner to sucker me into training at his place instead of him training here. Crock pot roast won me over and we trained at his house.
His bench is not as nice as mine and I am spoiled with my Jesup powerbar and is sharp knurling. My heads were sliding out on the Walmart special bar that he has. I got him to retract his should blades and crush the bar, and his form improved dramatically.
For me:
Warm Ups: 45, 135, 155, 185, 205
225x9 my hands were slipping little by little on each rep. Not cool. Next time we are training at my house. Roast be damned!
Accessory work:
DB rows
50x50 (heaviest ones he has)
Lat Pulldowns
100x12 8 sets
Here is the best part of the night. My Dad wanted to learn more lifts that involve his core. So I taught him how to deadlift. My mission for this year is to get him squatting and deadlifting so we are only in February and I am half way there. His form on the first few sets was pretty bad, but I gave him a few basic ques to remember and he was doing much better by the end. My Dad is 59 so I am just happy he is willing to try something new. He was only comfortable going up to 115 pounds for a few sets of 5, but he handled it well. It blows his mind that I can pull 530 now that he has come concept for the movement.
Overall, it was totally worth the mediocre training session to help him out. I just hope he sticks with it.