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Thread: Ed's Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Ed's Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Current Notable PRs (Lbs):

    Squat- 330x3x5, 290x5x5, 375x1
    Bench- 185x3x5, 175x5x5, 205x1
    Deadlift- 405x5, 335x5x5, 455x1
    Press- 135x3x5
    Power Clean- 145x5x3
    Preacher Curls- 90x3x10, 100x3x5

    Background Information:

    I am currently a graduate student in Physics. I started lifting seriously in 2009. However, I have only trained for a month or two every year with no obvious consistency. I did barely any physical activity in 2012, and certain no powerlifting. I became serious again near the end of February in 2013.

    I began powerlifting with the coaching assistance of elVarouza (See: in 2009, as he was learning from Starting Strength. Even though I have been very sporadic in my training, I have progressed to a decent level via the Starting Strength program.

    My Stats: (I think that we should be teaching the metric system, almost exclusively, in the USA... But, I will be using the USA customary units... Because... That is what I am accustomed to...)

    Height- 5'7"
    Weight- 205 Lbs (I believe that I weighed around 180 Lbs before I started lifting in 2009.)
    Age- 24 Years

    My Lifts:

    Squat- 325x3x5 Lbs [This was extremely difficult to finish.]
    Bench- 175x3x5 Lbs [I suck, seriously. I can not seem to progress here.]
    Deadlift- 385x4, 405x1 Lbs [The 405 felt really light, surprisingly... But, it was my first 1RM attempt ever; These where not on the same day.]
    Press- 135x(5,5,4) Lbs [This was a month ago and I failed on the last rep.]
    Power Clean- 145x5x3 Lbs [I literally just started doing these again. This was my first attempt in years.]
    Preacher Curls- 90x(6,6,4) Lbs [Just for fun... And bigger arms... I only started these recently... :P]

    My method has mostly been strictly the SS Novice method, but I've wavered a bit here and there. I don't think that this method will last much longer on any of my lifts, so I'm open to discussion about what I should do from here. Also, I have not read SS. All that I know is from what elVarouza taught me.

    Goals: Well, I am not sure. To get stronger, for sure... I'd like to do a 365x3x5 Squat, a 225x3x5 Bench Press, and a 455x5 Deadlift. I'd also like to do a competition at some point in powerlifting. I may or may not attempt some MMA at some point in the more distant future.

    I am open to, and welcome, any questions, comments, or criticisms. In fact, please do comment. I am interested in learn more about lifting and about hearing suggestions. (Especially suggestions on how to fix my terrible, terrible bench press...)
    Last edited by Rascal; 08-06-2013 at 07:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013


    I may suffer some criticism for my work sets today, but they were the following:

    Press- 135x(4,3,3) [Sadly, I've been suffering from some intense pain in my arms that emanates from my elbows. The pains shoot up and down my arm, but mostly down toward my hands. This has severely affected my ability to press and to bench press. Any suggestions about how to calm this pain would be helpful. It started after I began squatting 315+ Lbs.]

    Squat- 275x5x5 [This was very easy, except for the fact that I had intense pain in my elbows/arms.]

    Preacher Curls- 70x3x10 [This felt fine, but I didn't attempt 90 Lbs because of my arm pain.]

    Deadlift- 335x5x5 [This was also very easy. Though, I understand that this much volume may not be recommended considering my maximums.]

    I also have realized that this may have been a bad time to start a log. The reason is that I am going on vacation and will not have access to a suitable gym for normal lifting for about two weeks. I may, however, be able to deadlift using some old school equipment.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Deadlift- 422x1 [Used old school bar and weights.]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Clean And Press- 132x3x5 [Still on vacation.]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Nice. Is the bar you're using standard diameter?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013


    No, it's smaller. I think that it is literally just an unmodified iron bar. But, I was sure to measure its weight. I will be back to my usual gym with standard equipment on Monday.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013


    I'm back from vacation, and:

    Squat- 330x4, 315x2x5 [I failed on the 5th rep. I attempted a second set at 330, but it just was not going to happen... So I did the 315s.]
    Bench Press- 155x3x5 [I cut back on these because I have been stuck at 180 for too long and because I haven't been seriously training for a couple weeks now. The effect was obvious during the squats.]
    Deadlift- 385x5!!! [I got it. I think this was my third attempt at this weight. The two week break seemed to help in this case.]
    Curls- 70x3x10 [Whatever.]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Today was a very off day, unfortunately...

    Power Cleans- 135x5x5
    Presses- 115x3x5
    Flys- 25 in each hand x3x10 [1st time ever doing these.]
    Skull Crushers- 60x3x10 [1st time ever doing these.]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Two factors probably were at work in today's downfall: a coming sickness and fatigue. I believe that I've learned a valuable lesson, tough, in that it seems that I have reached a level of lifting where I cannot progress in lifted weight every session. That being said, today's results:

    Squat- 320x3, 280x3x5 (Failed on the forth rep of the 320.)
    Bench- 160x3x5
    Deadlift- 395x1, 345x5 (Could not get a second rep despite getting 385x5 on Monday... Blah to fatigue.)
    Curls- 80x3x10

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    A decently solid day:

    Squat- 285x5x5
    Bench- 165x5x5
    Flys- 27.5 in each hand x3x10
    Skull Crushers- 70x3x7

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