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Thread: Z's Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Winston-Salem, NC

    Default Z's Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I've logged here off & on, but it's been months since I last updated anything. I certainly haven't stopped lifting, and I've been lurking around here pretty regularly. But I've recently signed up for my first meet, so I've decided to try & start keeping up with a log here again.

    And I don't know how justified it is to throw this into the Competitive section, but here goes.

    My name is Zack. I'm 33. Just under 6', and hovering around 235 lbs right now. I live in NC. I lift alone, in my garage, and usually early in the morning.

    I can trace my lifting history back 20+ years, but like a lot of folks here I spent a lot of that time doing Silly Bullshit. Over the past 3 or 4 years I've been taking things a little more seriously, although you wouldn't really know it based on my numbers. During that time, I've hopped around between some of the different SS variants, Texas Method, 5/3/1, and no real program at all. I don't really see it as programming ADD so much as changing goals, or life getting in the way. I've also had a handful of injuries that have led to some pretty big resets. And I'll fully admit I've spent some time just spinning my wheels. I'm certainly not trying to make excuses though.

    I'm currently running a pretty standard Texas Method setup, Sunday / Tuesday / Thursday. I'll likely be transitioning towards a 4 day split at some point soon; VD & ID are both starting to take longer and longer.

    I'm not really planning on doing anything drastic or special leading up to the meet. I did stop Pressing as a main lift, at least for now, and I've been trying to increase my pulling volume (I'm aiming to hit work sets of about twice as many reps as my bench / press work sets). I'll also probably do a brief taper, along the lines of what's on 70s Big or the Texas Method e-book.

    My last ID was:
    Squat 335x5
    Bench 250x5
    Deadlift 385x3

    I had run the Squat & Bench up higher on triples and singles, but took a small reset to work back up on 5's. The squat & deadlift have always given me fits though; I'm sure I"d benefit drastically from some coaching, but I haven't bitten that bullet yet.

    My meet is on November 2. I have pretty modest goals - basically don't fuck up, and put up a total. Even better would be to go 9/9 and break 1000. I've been thinking maybe 365/255/405, which should all be pretty reasonable.

    Here goes!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Winston-Salem, NC


    Yesterday was:

    August 11
    Volume Day

    These were a mixed bag; definitely not consistent. Some felt great, and some felt like I just forgot how to squat, especially towards the end. I think a big part of it was just fatigue though. May be time to back off of 5x5 again for a bit.

    215x5x5 kind of
    Ran out of gas and missed the last rep. Then went back and hit it as a single.

    Chin ups
    Took a chance on these; my left arm has been bothering me a lot lately, especially on chin ups & pull ups. These felt pretty good though.

    Speed Deadlift
    On a 1:00 clock, start to start.

    Power clean

    These were surprisingly easy after everything else, especially considering I haven't done them in a few weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Winston-Salem, NC


    Skipped recovery day today. I had a rare chance to sleep in, and needed that more. May still get to squeeze in some quick lifting, but it's doubtful. May also try to hit it tomorrow. The rest of the week is looking pretty brutal for me though, so I'm just hoping to pull off a decent Intensity Day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    I am looking forward to seeing your progress, as you prep for the meet in Novemeber, Zack!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Winston-Salem, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by Oldman View Post
    I am looking forward to seeing your progress, as you prep for the meet in Novemeber, Zack!
    Thanks man! Hopefully some accountability will be a little extra motivation!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Winston-Salem, NC


    August 15
    Intensity Day

    Nearly skipped today too. I've had life stuff popping up more than usual this week. Plus, sleep has been shit and my hips are feeling rough. I definitely feel a lot better having NOT skipped this though. Pretty decent overall, but I did get rushed towards the end (after benching).


    PR. I wanted 5, and felt like I could've had 5 - these were flying up and felt a lot easier than ID weights have been feeling. But, I was falling forward a little and my knees were caving so I cut it short. Almost went for another triple but held back on that.


    PR. Not too bad. My butt came up on the last rep, and my elbows were flaring a little. Otherwise pretty decent. I need to work on the pause a little more though.

    I'm so pissed about these it's not even funny. I reset between every rep; I'm not sure why I've all if a sudden picked that habit up, but I don't go into a set thinking that's what I'll do. They all felt pretty decent; my deadlifts are actually feeling like they're in a pretty good groove lately. But after I finished the set I realized I misloaded the damn bar - it should've been 395.

    Rack pulls
    I was still pissed.
    Last edited by crucified_ego; 08-15-2013 at 08:38 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012


    I got a meet in November myself, good luck!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Winston-Salem, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by alexkennedy View Post
    I got a meet in November myself, good luck!
    Hey, thanks! Good luck with yours as well! Are you doing a weightlifting meet or powerlifting? Looks like you're training both?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Winston-Salem, NC


    August 18
    Volume Day

    Lifted a little later in the day than I have been, which definitely didn't hurt. I got a lot of work in too. I was moving pretty quick, but at the same time I wasn't in any kind of rush for a change.

    As rough as last week was I probably shouldn't have bumped up the weight, but I was feeling pretty good today so I went for it. These were all nice and solid. Still need to work on keeping my knees out, but that wasn't awful today. I'm getting pretty burned out in 5x5 squats, but as long as I'm feeling good and making progress I'm gonna try not to mess with it too much.

    Well, I'll mess with 5x5 here. I ran ladders for a while before and made some good progress. It's a nice change if pace here. Plus, more sets = more pausing first reps.

    Arms / elbows were feeling pretty good again. Gonna keep taking these easy though.

    Speed Deadlifts
    Nice and easy.

    Curls (EZ)

    Jump Rope intervals

    Ab Wheel

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Good luck for your November meet. What fed is it? With your current lifts I'd say you're definitely good to hit 365/255/405 already. I look forward to following your log and seeing how the TM works out for you. I ran TM for bench and press for the better part of a year and made some decently good progress. I think I started around 215 for 5x5 and ended up with 282.5 for 5x5 over the course of 9 or so months, starting with adding 5lbs every other week to bench then eventually 2.5lbs every other week.

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