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Thread: TM for powerlifting - 10 weeks to 1400, courtesy of PPST3

  1. #541
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hertford, UK


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    WDFPF Worlds was yesterday. Placed second in my category, didn't hit the numbers I wanted but went 9/9 and took everything I had in me on the day so pleased with how I executed.

    Prep - flew to Sicily with the family on Friday. Long day, hot flight, was 2kgs light at the end of it and never made the weight back up. Drove an hour south on Friday night to our villa, then 90mins north on Saturday night to a pre-meet hotel. Which double booked me so I had to find a shitty hostel last minute and didn't manage to eat anything much. Actually slept ok but could have done without it. Weighed in at 122.9kgs, far too light.

    Squats - 235, 250, 260kg (573lbs) - PR and a real grind. Much harder than 257.5 was a couple of months ago so I knew I was off my game a bit.

    Bench - 140, 145, 150 (330lbs) - equal PR. Very long pause and poor spotting so didn't push for a new PR

    Deadlift - 235, 245, 252.5 (557lbs) - 2.5kg PR, had planned on 260 but knew during warm ups I didn't have it so decided to play for places. Was in a three way battle with two other guys - one jumped from 255 to 272.5 for his second then missed it twice. The other had to make his third to outplace me and failed, so we had the same total but I weighed in lighter so took 2nd ahead of him.

    All in all pretty pleased to go 9/9 at my first overseas meet and first World Champs, sneak a couple of PRs and add 5kgs to my total (662.5kgs / 1460lbs) in less than perfect conditions.

    Some of the judging was shocking. One judge fell asleep during my first deadlift! And one of the other two couldn't decide for himself so just followed the other judges on every call. It was embarrassing.

    Definitely learned that hitting all your lifts is a priority to build a total. Two guys bombed out on squats and another on bench. Two others only made their benches on their third attempts. Everyone else missed a lift or two. I was probably only 5th strongest there but placed 2nd by going 9/9.

    Few days to chill out in Sicily before we head home. Going to mix my training up for a couple of weeks while I recover and plan priorities for next year.

  2. #542
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Fine lifting there - especially as it was your first meet under those circumstances.

  3. #543
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    New Jersey


    outstanding meet. Congrat's on your performance and PR's. I hate shitty spotters.

  4. #544
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DeriHughes View Post
    One judge fell asleep during my first deadlift!

    Congrats on your performance.

  5. #545
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    At least the press command judge didn't fall asleep. Great work Deri, 6 plates squat is huge!

  6. #546
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hertford, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by Chris McCarthy View Post
    Fine lifting there - especially as it was your first meet under those circumstances.
    Quote Originally Posted by lou t View Post
    outstanding meet. Congrat's on your performance and PR's. I hate shitty spotters.
    Thanks guys!
    Quote Originally Posted by Will Knowland View Post

    Congrats on your performance.
    It was a joke mate.. They failed my first dead in the confusion then one of the refs over ruled it. Very Italian!
    Quote Originally Posted by Derf123 View Post
    At least the press command judge didn't fall asleep. Great work Deri, 6 plates squat is huge!
    Finally got there! Next stop 600..

  7. #547
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hertford, UK


    Holiday recovery GPP - 90 second sprint then bunch of step ups, burpees and lifting rocks overhead for 10 minutes. Basically Crossfit.

  8. #548
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hertford, UK


    Got back from Sicily at 1.30am this morning. That was fun with two kids under three. Hit the garage at 9pm tonight for some light high volume fuckery. Everything was paused and beltless.

    Saturday 7th Nov

    Overhead squat - 10kg x 5, 20 x 5, 30 x 5 - using these as a warm up and shoulder stretch. I really suck at them.

    Dynamic Effort High Bar 'Squats' - 60 x 5, 100 x 5, 120 x 2, 130 x 2 x 12 EMOM - long pause every rep, focused on accelerating hard out of the hole

    Flat back good morning to pins - 60 x 8 x 4 - harder than expected

    DE Bench - 60 x 8, 80 x 3 x 12 - also long paused and explosive

    Blood Flow Restriction Bench - 30kg x 20 x 4, 30 seconds rest - don't think wraps were tight enough. Trying these for some extra volume.

    Barbell Rows - 70 x 8 x 4, strict, short rest

  9. #549
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hertford, UK


    Still fucking around while I recover from the meet. Combination of meet fatigue, calorie deficit, and trying some new movements makes me feel very weak. Trying not to sweat it too much though, and deliberately keeping everything below rpe 8 anyway

    Monday 9th Nov

    Chins - BW x 3 x 5 - easy, will build from here one rep a week. Slowly but surely I will be a respectable chinner one day

    Press - beltless, EMOM, 70 x 3 x 8, 70 x 2 x 2 - 28 total reps. I was on 80kg for over 33 reps a couple of months ago I think

    Tuesday 10th Nov

    Snatch grip Deads, Oly shoes, straps, no belt - 5 x 60, 100, 130, 150, 150, 150 - about rpe 7 by the end

    Slingshot bench, no belt - 8 x 60, 80, 100, 110, 115, 110 - 115 set was at 8 so dropped back for the last one

    BFR Bench - 30kg x 20 x 2, x 10 x 2 - got the wraps tight enough. This hurt. And my son was crying on the baby monitor all the way through.

    Front squat, straps (damn short humerus), oly shoes, no belt - 8 x 40, 60, 60, 60 - my thoracic spine is weak as shit. Hoping these will progress quickly.

  10. #550
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hertford, UK


    starting strength coach development program
    Thurs 12th Nov

    Good mornings, 8s - 35, 45, 62.5, 70, 70

    Banded chins, 3 sets - 8, 6, 6

    Turkish get ups - just fucking around with my trainees

    Sat 14th Nov

    DE High Bar Pause Squats, no belt - 60x5, 90x5, 110x5, 130x2x12 - easy and quick. Done with these now, need to get acclimatised back to low bar and 5s from next week

    DE Pause Bench, no belt - 60x8, 80x3x12 - worked on getting super tight in set up, felt good

    BFR Bench - 30x20, 30x15x3 - 30s rest. Painful.

    BB rows - 70x8x4 - no dramas

    Going to start new programming soon, based on Andy Baker's simple six week programme. Looking forward to moving some real weight again.

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