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Thread: Lindsey Likes It Raw

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Sverige (Sweden)


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Welcome back. Good job with all your lifts.

    Very deep squats. You can shave on them to lift even more!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Florence, SC


    Also, you probably have the best lifter youtube name ever.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Impressive lifts you've got there Lindsey! So how long have you been training, and what kind of programming are you doing right now?

    Ps. By the way, I hope you don't fail the squat again, but if you do, do it in a squat rack with adjustable uprights. That 4th failed rep seemed dangerous...
    Last edited by Rezart Erindi; 05-02-2014 at 06:59 AM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    North Carolina


    Hey guys, I know that failed rep looked bad. The pins are adjustable, I just forgot to adjust them. I have never forgotten before; I'm not sure what distracted me that day. I spend a lot of time stretching in that exaggerated bottom position, so the drop was more awkward and unexpected than uncomfortable. I thought I could lower it to the pins; when that didn't happen I just let it roll off my back.

    ANI stands for As Nature Intended, and it's a company that makes really lightweight athletic shoes that I learned of while browsing YouTube's strength channels one day. They're about $75, and the all-black ones I want won't be available until June (last I checked).

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    North Carolina


    Quote Originally Posted by Tennisgolfboll View Post
    Very deep squats. You can shave on them to lift even more!
    I'm too scared of a high squat! I'm pretty comfortable with that range anyhow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Stroup View Post
    Also, you probably have the best lifter youtube name ever.
    Haha thanks! I thought of it back in 2006 around when I starting lifting, and I just couldn't believe it wasn't already taken!

    Quote Originally Posted by LeonidasfromSparta View Post
    Impressive lifts you've got there Lindsey! So how long have you been training, and what kind of programming are you doing right now?
    Thank you. I lifted for about three years in high school/college for track, starting in 2006. After that I did my own uneducated thing until about a year ago when I read Starting Strength and began actually planning my workouts. My "program" is loosely based on the one outlined in the book, however I haven't completely eliminated my habit of wanting to just do what I feel like doing when I go to the gym.

    Quote Originally Posted by King of the Jews View Post
    Everytime I read the title, I am reminded of odb (Wu tang is for the children)
    *Covers face* Ashamed to say I don't get it.. quickly googled it and I'm still lost! 😔

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Sverige (Sweden)


    Quote Originally Posted by Linds View Post
    I'm too scared of a high squat! I'm pretty comfortable with that range anyhow.2;
    Carry on then. Fine squats!
    Last edited by Tennisgolfboll; 05-03-2014 at 02:49 AM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    North Carolina


    @King of the Jews It's my understanding that weightlifting shoes have an elevated heel in order to aid a lifter (more commonly Olympic) in hitting depth/maintaining balance during a squat. I've just never felt they were necessary for me.

    Catching up!

    5/6/14 (Tuesday)

    Squat 215x6x4
    Press 90x5x3
    Deadlift 260x5x3
    Pullups BWx8

    5/7/14 (Wednesday)

    Squat 230x5x3
    Paused BP 135x4x4
    Chins BWx8x4
    Dips BWx5x4

    Took Thursday off. One of the other cooks at the restaurant I work in got a bad cut at his other job Friday morning, so my early prep shift turned into a weird sorta-double and I missed my workout.

    5/13/14 (Tuesday)

    Squat 235x4x4, 205x8
    Press 100x2, 95x3x4
    Deadlift 275x3x3, 255x6
    Chins BWx9x3

    Deadlifts felt kind of funny today. I was trying to focus on keeping my lats tight, but I think the bar may have been a little too far away from my shins at the start. The bar kept swaying after lockout as well. My lower back was not happy for the rest of the day. I also think I figured out why my videos are so small: the app I use (YouTube Capture) only shows videos full screen when you film them with the phone turned sideways. Next time!

    5/14/14 (Wednesday)

    Squat 220x5x5, 135x5x2 (form check, no rest)
    Bench Press 155x2 (paused), 150x2x4 (paused), 115x10 (touch-n-go)

    Squats have been feeling a little off lately. I feel like I'm trying to find my form again. More research is in order!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    North Carolina


    Interesting, I'll have to read up on that. I'm not even exactly sure what lateral instability in a squat is. I'm deadlifting barefoot for now until I get some flatter shoes, but I never wear a belt! I used to put one on from time to time because I thought I had to (from watching my peers during track practice), but now that I realize it isn't a requirement, it's just my preference not to wear one at all.
    Last edited by Linds; 05-14-2014 at 09:55 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Again, a belt and shoes are not necessary to lift, but they offer significant advantages to lifting
    Most notably, lifting heavier weights, thus getting stronger, thus lifting heavier weights, thus getting stronger.

    Still, nice numbers lately :-)

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    North Carolina


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by King of the Jews View Post
    Again, a belt and shoes are not necessary to lift, but they offer significant advantages to the same way a bowl makes it easier to eat cereal with milk, but you could just pour the milk in the bag.
    That's funny--is my not wearing a belt really as ridiculous sounding as this??

    Pretty good workout today, and (slightly) better videos:

    5/15/14 (Thursday)

    Deadlift 260x5x3
    Pullups (close grip) BWx8x3
    Front Squat 155x5x3
    Single-Leg Squat BWx6x4

    The single-leg squats were done on a box. I haven't done these in years, and I kept losing my balance. I think I'll keep doing them. Deadlifts felt much better today.

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