Deadlift 275?
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Moving over due to specificity, and programming. My intermediate log is here.
Male age 43
These lifts @a bw of 215
Squat 435 ( sleeves and belt)
Bench 265
Deadlift 475
Press 200
I will continue to use RTS based blocks and regulate my work using the TRAC tool. I Made progress last cycle on a three day a week approach and will continue this approach until I need more volume.
My past 7 days was on a cruise ship and I returned to Baltimore this morning.
Cruising is great for weight gain. Plenty of food and drink and I took many naps.
Started at 215 weighed 225 today I may try to keep it.
The next cycle starts Monday. today I finished a week of GPP and general easy on the joints hypertrophy work.
A quick review of the week
Saturday 17 May on the ship
Leg press to x5@9,5% drop x5@9
Machine bench x5@9,5% drop x5@9
Monday 19 May on the ship
1 leg squats ( leg in bench , ship rocking and rolling ) 5x10 1 minute rest between sets
Incline dumbbell press 50's( heaviest on the ship)5x10 1 minute rest
Rolling tricep extensions 20's. 5x10
Beach and snorkeling in Bahamian waters is GPP right?
Dumbbell rows
50s 5x20
Standing dumbbell press. 50's 5x10 2 minute rest last set was to 7 rested a minted and got 3. A different challenge on a boat.
Speed rack pull simulation , below the knee ~200. 3x5( cable machine maxed out)
Flat dumbbell press 50x20
Chin-ups 20 or so.
Friday. May 23,2014
You are recovering much better than expected. Add 2 extra sets to each movement or 3% fatigue to your planned training.( yeah on a caloric surplus and vacation that's not a surprise)
Combined stress: 1.5 Low Stress
Weekly Avg Stress: 1.6 Low Stress
Recovery Rate: 10
Fatigue load: 3 Moderate Stress
Training( stuck to the low stress hypertrophy focus for today, trained at the MAC in the Baltimore inner harbor)
303 tempo squatno belt or sleeves
303tempo incline press 45x5,135x5
Machine cable rows ( 303 tempo)to 130x7@8 then 120x7 ..meaningless weights just more muscle work that's easy on the joints.
I will start accumulation on Monday back home.
Last edited by Bryan Dobson; 05-24-2014 at 10:35 AM.
Deadlift 275?
Found and subscribed
I'll be following along on the new log. The vacation sounds great!
I'm thinking of getting the RTS manual, primarily for the read, but perhaps to apply some of the principles to my training. My program is still working, so there's no reason to change up now, but I have noticed a lot of folks moving to RPE-based training. You think the book is worth it?
To be honest, no. I think you can get all the information you need from reading the articles section of the RTS website.
If you like to have text material on hand it would be a good reference but Mike T has changes some of his programming thoughts since the book was published. I think the online courses and seminars are an excellent value. http://forum.reactivetrainingsystems...-and-Hard-Work
Can you explain how TRAC works? Like what data you put into it.
TRAC has detailed instructions on taking heart rates ( a heart rate monitor is basically required) there are 4 specific heart rates that are taken in the morning upon waking. These are input, then you enter some subjective measures such as Level of soreness in specific muscle groups, how rested I feel, how it expect to perform that day relative to my capability and my motivation/interest in training. The system learns your patterns after a while and becomes more useful with consistent long term use.
The outputs are interpretations of stress levels, training fatigue, recovery rates and training recommendations based upon recent trends such as adding or subtracting training volume, focusing more on recovery etc.
An example is if TRAC recommends I add 2% fatigue to my training due to better than normal recovery and I have a 5% planned on my program I will work those sets to 7% fatigue.( in a program with set reps and sets such as 5x5 you would then due 7sets of 5)
The opposite is true when fatigue is high and recovery is poor.
Most days I get a continue training as normal recommendation. That means stick to my plan. This tool allows me to train with adjustments I wouldn't be able to self regulate with out a few more years of experience.
Last edited by Bryan Dobson; 05-24-2014 at 09:25 PM.
Sunday 5/25/2014
Accumulation week 1, Low stress week( no drop sets)
I am using Sunday as a training day as that is when I compete so might as well get up and get used to lifting on Sunday mornings.
As usual I feel shitty coming back home from sea level so while my body is making more red blood cells I pissed out on vacation I need to be careful, TRAC report indicates this.
Continue training as normal.
Combined stress: 4.5 High Stress
Weekly Avg Stress: 2 Moderate Stress
Recovery Rate: 3
Fatigue load: 2 Moderate Stress
primary squat/ no belt no knee sleeves.45x10,135x4,185x4,225x4,275x4
365x4@9 ( a sort of pr +20 pounds from last cycle). I am getting more confident with going belt less to focus on perfecting back angle.
Form was good depth was perfect.
secondary bench/2 count pause bench. 45x5,95x5,135x5,175x5,
225x5@9.5. Good speed today.
Deadlift supplemental/ snatch grip deadlift. 135x7,
255x7 I called it an easy @8 probably had more but feeling out these higher reps carefully.
I felt a bit winded from the long range of motion and the higher reps. Good speed.
Today's tunes Country
Last edited by Bryan Dobson; 05-25-2014 at 12:16 PM.