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Thread: At Home on the Platform

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Akron, Ohio

    Default At Home on the Platform

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    I am a new competitive powerlifter, and new to powerlifting in general. I have recently competed in my first meet (USAPL's battle of the great lakes in April--my numbers for push/pull--bench: 115lb, deadlift: 290lb) I have absolutely fallen in love with the sport.

    I have a lot of previous lifting experience in more of a bodybuilding aspect, but have always loved training my ass off and being as strong as I can be...I also love to actually eat good food. Therefore, in my humble opinion, powerlifting is perfect. I've also noticed that powerlifting is a much nicer and more humble sport than bodybuilding. Athletes encourage, yet still compete...and they compete not just against each other, but against themselves.

    Age: 24
    Weight: 173
    Gender: Female

    Today was my first full workout after having surgery 6 weeks ago. I was off of lifting completely for about 5 weeks, so it feels amazing to be back in the gym. I have to take it VERY easy the first few weeks back, but I know that strength will come back quick.

    75 x 3 x 5

    I actually did my squats yesterday, but got the OK at the doc to do upper body work today, so I'm including it in this workout. I am recovering from tendonitis in my hip flexor. It was one of the most painful and annoying injuries I have ever had. I have been doing leg swings between every set, including warm-ups, and it seems to help keep me loose. I also am making an EXTRA effort to really drive my knees out and not let them collapse in on my drive up. Still working on form.

    65 x 3 x 5

    My weakest lift. This weight was jokingly easy, but I have to ease back into it gently. I hit 115 at the meet, failed my 120 attempt. Bummer. I'm really going to be concentrating on my bench for next meet. My goal is a solid 135.

    135 x 1 x 5
    This weight was very easy for me even though I'm still recovering from surgery. I'd like to see at least a 315 deadlift at my next meet in November.

    My boyfriend, Vince Cifani, is my coach and is FANTASTIC. He trains consistently like a maniac and keeps a great and detailed log. Check him out of this same forum-- "With Winning In Mind"

    Thanks for reading!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Akron, OH


    Fantastic first post. I'm glad you're going to be logging here. :-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Akron, Ohio



    80 x 3 x 5

    Right hip is feeling progressively better. I am going to continue with leg swings between each set because it seems to really keep me loose. I still have a bit of pain on the drive up, but working on form and really driving my knees out has taken a lot of the pain away.

    45 x 3 x 5

    I really need to work on my form. All sets were sloppy and my bar path was all over the place.

    155 x 1 x 5

    Felt good and strong

    Moving up, slowly but surely, 5 lbs every workout. It feels great to be back to training!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Akron, OH


    Quote Originally Posted by seay16 View Post

    45 x 3 x 5

    I really need to work on my form. All sets were sloppy and my bar path was all over the place.
    It's a very technical exercise. Practice makes perfect!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Akron, Ohio



    Ahhh today was a great workout. I know that the weights are easy now, but adding 5 pounds each workout is going to creep up on me fast. But, again, it just feels so nice to be back to training.

    85 x 3 x 5
    Left hamstring felt very tight during set 1. Really concentrated on forcing knees out on sets 2 and 3. The tightness was still there but was lessened. The pain in my right hip flexor is also still doing very well. Going away slowly every workout!

    70 x 3 x 5
    I kept my form really tight on all 3 sets. This weight felt good and easy.

    160 x 1 x 5
    Very strong set of 5. Form was good, and I just felt really strong today even thought this was at the end of my workout.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Akron, Ohio



    90 x 3 x 5

    I warmed up pretty good for these. Did a couple sets of leg swings and 2-3 warm-up sets with body weight and 65 lbs. My right hip was very tight my first working set. Less tight the 2nd and 3rd sets. My stance and form needs some adjusting. My toes are pointed out too far, and i think my stance may be a little too wide. I'll be working with Vince to get my form corrected later on next week. (check out Vince's training log--"with winning in mind"!!!) There were a TON of bros and broettes at the gym today around where i was training. It was a bit distracting. I just put my head down, headphones in, and got it done.

    50 x 3 x 5

    Still really working on form for the bar path is HUGELY curved on the way down. I think I'm afraid of hitting myself in the nose. On the bright side, i felt very tight and consistent with my form and hip drive on the way up.

    165 x 1 x 5

    This was a very easy set, went up quick and strong. I'm excited to start cleaning again once my deadlift progression slows.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Akron, Ohio


    starting strength coach development program

    Today was a pretty great workout. I got to train with Vince and he helped adjust form on all of my lifts, and i feel more confident about them, and performing them correctly.

    95 x 3 x 5

    I narrowed my stance and brought in the angle of my toes a bit. I also really concentrated on keeping my abs tight each rep. This really helped with not hyper extending my lower back. (which i have a problem with) I continued with leg swings between each set and forced my knees out. The tendonitis in my right hip flexor seems to be almost completely gone. (thanks to proper form, pushing out knees, and leg swings) My left hip was starting to bother me from previous sessions, but i think the reason for that was from my stance being too wide. Now that that's corrected, i feel less pain.

    75 x 3 x 5

    Form felt really good and very tight. I've really been practicing to drive my feet into the ground and digging them forward, per suggestion of one of Jennifer Thompson's training videos. My last set was probably my best, except i was distracted at the end of rep 4 by Vince saying great and good together=grud. Hahaha i laughed as i held the weight before rep 5, composed myself, finished the set, and then busted up laughing. He was hoping i didn't hear him, but i didn, I couldn't let him get away with that.

    170 x 1 x 5

    I really need to work on flexing lats and pulling the slack out of the bar before pulling. When reminded to do this, each rep is so much stronger. Now i just have to remember to do it when i dont have my coach there! All in all, this weight felt good and strong. I cant wait to start cleaning again.

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