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Thread: Loraine's Strength Journey

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    What a great meet performance! I want to be as strong as you!

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Loraine's Strength Journey

    Quote Originally Posted by SarahBeth View Post
    What a great meet performance! I want to be as strong as you!
    Thank you!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!

    BW 142

    Front squat w/ belt: 198x5, 210x5, 220x5 (PR!)

    CGBP: 135x5, 155x5, 170x5, 180x5
    Last edited by lcb; 02-19-2015 at 07:08 PM.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    BW 141

    Sumo DL w/ belt: 298x5, 319x5, 342x5 (rep PR) Felt GREAT!

    TnG Bench: 165x5, 176x5, 187x4...didn't go for a 5th rep. Not a solid bench day for me. Had a hard time getting tight and staying focused. Fatigue was setting in making my new set up with flat feet feel that much harder. I will attack it fresh next week and stop messing around!

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Atascocita, TX


    Just wanted to drop in and congratulate you on a nice meet. Very impressive lifts, from my novice point-of-view at least - very motivational as I look to my first meet this October. I hope I can bring that kind of focus to the platform. Good luck and continued success with your training.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Lofton View Post
    Just wanted to drop in and congratulate you on a nice meet. Very impressive lifts, from my novice point-of-view at least - very motivational as I look to my first meet this October. I hope I can bring that kind of focus to the platform. Good luck and continued success with your training.
    Thank you so much! I wish you luck in your first meet. You're going to have so much fun!

    BW 142

    LBBS w/ belt: 240x4 @6, 255x4 @6.5, 270x4 @7.5, 275x4 (PR) @8.5, 265x4 (fatigue). Squats felt great today with the exception of a little left groin twinge. It felt more and more fatigued as I went up in weight and luckily never turned into frank pain. But it did make me choose my weights cautiously, which is the main reason I didn't go for 280 today (despite feeling like I have it in me for dayZzZ...)

    Paused BP w/ belt: 165x4, 174x4, 185x2...felt AWFUL. Felt a lot heavier than it should have for me. This may have been due to a combination of asking to bench 3times a week and still trying to get into the groove of benching with my feet flat on the ground. It's possible that I may just need Jordan to be there every time I bench to yell "HEELS!!!" at me until it becomes second nature.

    Power cleanZzZ: 155x3x3. BOOM. Thank you, Austin, for making me do this. Although, I will lower back is feeling tweaky in a way that I haven't felt since my "back injury days." Probably because I haven't bent over to pick up a weighted bar conventionally in MONTHS. I may just end up doing chins twice a week. We will see...

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    BW 142

    Press 2.0: 100x5x3

    Wingate sprints: 0:20 work, 1:40 rest x5 = death. It'll get better, right?

    Super pooped. Focusing on feeding my body and hopefully getting awesome rest tonight. Back at it tomorrow!
    Last edited by lcb; 02-25-2015 at 07:50 PM.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Just catching up on your log. What an amazing meet!! Congratulations!

    Hope all goes well with the eating for performance goal! I too enjoy my quesadillas a little too much! LOL

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Aleli View Post
    Just catching up on your log. What an amazing meet!! Congratulations!

    Hope all goes well with the eating for performance goal! I too enjoy my quesadillas a little too much! LOL
    Thanks! Taking it one day at a time and trying to not think about all that cheesy tortilla goodness...haha

    BW 140

    2-ct paused LBBS: 225x4, 235x4, 240x4, 220x4 (fatigue)

    TnG Bench: 155x4, 165x4, 175x4, 185x4, 165x4 (fatigue)

    Chins: 9,9,9

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    BW 142

    Sumo DL w/ belt: 315x4 @5, 335x4 @7, 355x4 @8.5, 320x4 (fatigue). Pulls felt awesome today...even after last night's celebratory bourbon! (or maybe because of the bourbon) hee hee!

    CGBP: 165x5, 175x5, 185x3. I keep running into this problem...I pour a lot of effort and focus into the first lift of my training session, then I get to benching and I stall out. The thing that I'm lacking big time in my top bench sets is focus. So I end up getting less reps than I intend with weights that I'm confident I can crush. I will consider flipping some of my future sessions so that I bench first. Maybe that will halp?

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    BW 142
    Operation lose 2kg is underway. I signed up to compete in the USAPL Military Nationals down in Atlanta. It's just 2 weeks away! And I'd like to compete as a 63kg lifter. Apparently I am now on a cheese restriction. Sad times. Really excited for this meet, though! It will be my first USAPL meet and its in my "home" (i.e. The South) and my parents are driving up from Florida to cheer me on and I get to show my husband some of the things I love in Atlanta. PUMPED.

    LBBS w/ belt: 255x1, 275x1, 300x1 @8.5, 260x3, 270x3, 280x3 (rep PR!), 255x3 (fatigue)

    Paused BP w/ belt: 160x1, 180x1, 200x1 @8.5ish, 165x4, 175x4, 185x3. Surprise, surprise...I've stalled out. What the eff!!! I was glad to see that I can easily hit 200 in training in spite of the new set up (feet flat), but the running-out-of-gas deal with my work sets is getting frustrating. We will see what happens when I bench first on Wednesday!

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