starting strength gym
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Thread: CJ Gotcher Log- "What is Best in Life"

  1. #201
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    8 JUN

    AM: Competition Squat: 262X6@7, 282X6@7.5, bad juju stop

    PM: Competition Bench: 208X6@7, 218X6@8, 228X6@9.5, 218X6@9, 208X6@8.5
    3ct Pause Bench: 176X6@7.5, 186X6@8, 196X6@10 (bad groove on the last rep, definitely could have been easier), 186X6@9

    I finished the 282 set of squats feeling great, and as I was walking out from underneath the bar after racking it, I felt a ka-klunk in my higher left hip. The pain was instant, a deep, strong throbbing that lasted for a couple of hours and interfered with walking, sitting, everything. After an 800 mg Ibuprofen and some moving-through-the-pain, it dulled enough that I could finish the bench section. I finished out the day at full rest with occasional hip circles and stretches, popping another 1600 mg of Ibuprofen before the night. Felt good enough to do DL the next day after extensive warmups.

    For reference, things-I-did-different-today:
    Shortcut'ed the warmup: spent 45 minutes working with another lifter on their squat and DL after the general warm-up and got cold going into the W-U squat sets.
    Usually, I'd have today as a rest day, but in the reshuffle to get all the volume in after the meet, I cut this rest day out.

    Competition Deadlift: 308X6@7, 328X6@8, 352X6@9.5 | 323X6@8.5, 318X6@9
    Touch n' Go BP: 198X6@7.5, 208X6@7.5, 218X6@8.5 | 208X6X2@8, 8

    Felt good. The new DL belt felt nicely supportive without driving up into my rips. Hip pain was mostly gone- It felt like something 'reseated' in there and maybe irritated tissue along the way. Kept the DL to a reasonable level (rather than my usual 8,9,10), and the TnG BP was an e1RM PR. Easy day.

  2. #202
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Hope that hip turns out ok, CJ!

  3. #203
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Skillin View Post
    Hope that hip turns out ok, CJ!

    10 JUN

    Conditioning Day:
    Clean high pulls: 154#X8@7, 174#X8@8.5, 154#X8@8
    10 minutes ring rows: 82
    10 minutes turkish situps: 30 each side
    HIIT on the Versa Climber: 1274 feet total, 7 intervals, ranged from 220 ft/min to 260 ft/min

    @#$! the Versaclimber.

    And my resignation paperwork from the Navy is officially in! I will be out in the real world by January next year.

    Speaking of which, if you know of anyone looking to hire/intern a first-time strength coach at the turn of the year, I have a friend who might be interested....

  4. #204
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by CJ Gotcher View Post
    Speaking of which, if you know of anyone looking to hire/intern a first-time strength coach at the turn of the year, I have a friend who might be interested....
    I'd be shocked if you didn't earn the SSC credential after giving it another shot, CJ. I don't know if you're willing to relocate, but there are opportunities out there if/when you do.

  5. #205
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Skillin View Post
    I'd be shocked if you didn't earn the SSC credential after giving it another shot, CJ. I don't know if you're willing to relocate, but there are opportunities out there if/when you do.
    Definitely willing to relocate (pretty much a certainty), and I'm definitely trying again for the cert. I'm signed up for the seminar in July, and I've been practicing coaching on a few willing victims *ahem* lifters here at our work gym, not to mention scouring the form checks. Fingers crossed.

    11 JUN

    3ct Pause Bench: 164X6@7.5, 174X6@7.5, 184X6@9 | 174X6@8.5, 174X6@9
    CG Bench Press: 198X6@7, 208X6@8, 213X6@9 | 203X6X2@8.5, 8.5
    Press: 132X8@8, 137X8@9 | 132X8@9

    Total gym time, 1:30. The groove is clearly such a huge part out of the bench: the difference between the @10 last week and @9 this week was nothing but maintaining strong shoulder/pec tension and keeping the bar in as near a vertical path as possible.

    I'm a huge fan of the old DC cartoon shows (Batman/Superman Adverntures, Justice League Unlimited, Teen Titans), and they're doing a reboot: "Justice League- Gods and Monsters..." Holy shit! If you're into that sort of thing, check out the shorts on Batman vs. Harley Quinn/Superman vs. Brainiac. Whew. Heavy.

  6. #206
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by CJ Gotcher View Post
    Definitely willing to relocate (pretty much a certainty), and I'm definitely trying again for the cert. I'm signed up for the seminar in July, and I've been practicing coaching on a few willing victims *ahem* lifters here at our work gym, not to mention scouring the form checks. Fingers crossed.
    Good luck man. You definitely have the brainpower for the job, and need to be an effective communicator to pass the platform. Fortunately you have access to a lot more video of the individual lifts being coached (Art of Manliness series, and now the DVD being posted in parts) to get the progression/model down pat.

  7. #207
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by CJ Gotcher View Post
    And my resignation paperwork from the Navy is officially in! I will be out in the real world by January next year.
    Hey congrats on moving onto the next part of your life. I'm sure our navy is a lesser fighting force for it though, and I don't mean that in my usual facetious manner, either. On your end, you get to keep the duds, yes? Because...reasons (courtesy of Viola, sort of):

  8. #208
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA


    Of course- i just need to switch the zippers and buttons to velcro. Just considering backup career options in case the S&C Coach thing doesn't pan out

    12 JUN

    2CT Pause DL: 242X6@8, 252X6X2@8.5, 9
    Floor Press:220X6@7.5, 230X6@8.5, 235X6@9 , 225X6@9.5, 220X6@9
    Front Squat: 132X6@7, 152X6@8.5, 176X5@10

    I figured out the wrist issues with the front squats... only to realize I just suck at front squats. Certainly more work to be done there. Beyond that, today was an exercise in hitting the numbers.

    Long 4-and-a-half-hour (turned 6 hour) drive to North California to hit up the Supertotal Powerlifting/Olympic Lifting seminar with Chris Duffin, Nick Horton, and Tamara Reynolds. I'm stoked!

  9. #209
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA


    Drove out to North Carolina for the "Supertotal" seminar- a 2-day COI with Chris Duffin and Nick Horton on the powerlifts and olympic lifts. Chris focused a great deal (half the first day) on strong, complete abdominal bracing and spinal stability, as well as hip and shoulder mobility (practicing movement patterns, not foam rolling or leopard dancing). Nick focused on the barbell snatch and the process of athletic development. It was interesting looking at their movements under the bar and seeing how, actually, they were remarkably close to the SS model with a few differences.

    For one interesting example, Chris' DL would pass at an SS seminar, but the cue to drive was very different, the idea of arching of the back into a neutral tension replaced by the act of 'wedging' the hips into the bar. The primary driving cue was to aim the glutes up and forward and the shoulders down and back. The movement looked the same as my standard DL, but it felt incredibly different: my glutes were burning when it was done, but my back was (relatively) spared, and the final posture (a braced antishrug) caused by the bracing progressions and the mental cue to suck the chest down and back shortened the bar path by about an inch or two. I'll definitely be playing with the cues/techniques these two phenomenal coaches had to offer. If they do "Supertotal" in your area, definitely check it out.

    15 JUN

    AM: Competition Squat: 286X6@7, 301X6@8.5, 306X6@9 | 296X6@9, 286X6@9

    PM: Competition Bench: 208X6@7.5, 218X6@8, 228X6@9, 218X6@9, 213X6@9
    Press: 132X6@7, 142X6@8, 152X6@9, 142X6X2@8
    6 Ying-Yang triplet snatches @44# (36/100)

    All in all, good day. The gym was 95 degrees and humid enough that the bar was 'sweating'- that was definitely a challenge to fight through, but it was worth it. The movements felt solid after the seminar- squat and press e1RMs improved along with the general feeling for the technique. I'm working YYSs into my warmups and cooldowns to reach 1000 barbell snatches in the month to work on technique and practice the concepts I learned at the seminar. It also just adds a little bit of volume, and I think I'm ready to add more total volume to drive gainzzz. Of course, I'll need to rest better, but that's a separate issue

  10. #210
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    Hard to imagine what exactly some of those cues mean, but it is interesting. I've seen some of his videos on the tubes... His coaching style is interesting too, very aggressive and he seems to throw a LOT of cues a people all at once during a set - was that your experience at the seminar?

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