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Thread: Tweak's First Meet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Tweak's First Meet

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Not sure if I should be posting in this section yet or not, but I just recently decided to compete in my first oly meet this spring at MuscleDriver's Spring Open. It's right up the road from me and I really have no reason not to.

    I am rehabbing from a QL injury about 2 weeks ago. Once I get back to full strength I'll be moving on to Texas Method for about 8-10 weeks, then the TM Oly Hybrid 9weeks out as outlined in PP3e. stats: 6'4, 220lbs

    Rehab Week 1 9/29/14
    Mon: SQ 45 3x10, Press 145 3x5, DL 135 3x10, Chins BWx7x5x3
    Wed: SQ 135 3x5, Press 147.5 3x5, DL 135 3x10, Chins BW 10x3
    Fri: SQ 155 3x5, Press 150 3x5, Chins BW x9 -> ran short on time
    Sat: DL 185 1x5, Jerk 155x3, 165x2, 175x1 (never jerked before. just practicing), Chins x6x6x4

    Rehab Week 2 10/6/14
    Mon: SQ 185 3x5, BP 225 3x5, DL 275 1x5 (too much), chins x7x6x4
    Wed: SQ 205 3x5, OP 155 3x5 *PR*, DL 225 1x5, chins 12 x3
    Forgot my fractional plates, so I had to just sack up and hit 155. New PR. Felt awesome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    SQ 225 3x5, BP 230 3x5, DL 185 x5, 225x5, 275x5, Chins x7x6x5

    Squats felt really good today. Back felt fine. DL's were so-so. BP was heavy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    10/12/14. SQ 245 3x5, Press 157.5 x5x5x4 *PR, DL 225x5, 275x5, 295x5. Chins x8x5x2. Squats felt great. Probably dropping down to triples on Thursday for press. Deadlift is coming along slower. Back has to be absolutely perfect each rep or I start to feel it. Usually reps 3-4. Chins I didn't take enough rest.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    Squat- 265 3x5
    Bench- 232.5 x5x4x3
    Hang Power Snatch 95 5x3
    Chin 13x3

    QL got a little aggravated during squats today, so no deadlifts. Power snatching from the hang was fine. Just working on form. Missed on bench. Dropping down to triples on press and bench now. Working on some mobility in the hip. Lax ball to the ass cheek hurts like hell.

    Very frustrated w this lingering back injury.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Squat: 270 3x5 - felt good. no problem. taking 5lb jumps from here for the next couple of weeks. back slowly healing.
    Press: 160 3x3 - felt great. chugging along.
    Deadlift: 185x5, 255x5, 295x5 - this time DL felt very solid. 315 next. 20lb jumps on this for a while to get back up to where i was. Probably will start power cleaning again in a week or two.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Hit the gym on short rest today. Felt good and wanted to keep pushing it. Next lift day will be 10/21. Just realized that I hit 237.5, not 235 on Saturday... so I jumped 5lbs instead of 2.5.... which explains why the triples felt so much harder. Awesome PR... I guess it's 240 next.

    Squat: 275 3x5 - These felt a little high, not very smooth, but I think this was because I was in a different rack at a different gym without a stupid mirror in front of me to distract.
    Bench: 237.5 3x3 - PR. Felt really heavy, but I was also taking shorter rest than I normally do. The gym's bars seemed to be of a smaller diameter than I'm used to and really made everything feel strange. Terrible gym. I won't go back.
    Deadlift: 315 1x5 - Felt awesome. 335 next.
    Chins BW x7 x5 x4

    Back is really coming around well. I feel great today after taking Sunday off as well as today, so I plan to hit it hard tomorrow. Probably will power clean at some point this week. Still working on kinks in my form for squats. We'll see how Tuesday feels at 280.
    Last edited by tweakxc03; 10-20-2014 at 08:46 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    Great day today... power cleaned with no pain, squats felt great, although i was a dumbass and loaded the bar uneven (15lb bumper on one side, 10lb bumper on the other). Some idiot put both 10lb bumpers on the same side of the rack. My own stupid fault for not checking.... couldn't figure out why the bar felt weird.

    SQ: 275 3x5
    Press: 162.5 3x3 *PR, plenty left in the tank.
    Power Clean: 185 5x3 -> these felt great. a little rusty on form but taking a wider grip has helped with the rack issues i had previously.
    Chins: 14x3 Stretched the crap out of my hamstrings during rest between sets here.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    Awesome workout. Squats 100% pain free, big PR on bench which felt EASY, DL felt better... still a little sketchy if my back isn't set perfectly, but WAY better than before. Movin on up.

    SQ: 285 3x5
    BP: 240 3x3 *PR
    DL: 335 1x5
    Chins: x8x5x5

    Mobility work - t-spine with the lax ball, PVC roller to the IT band/quads, stretched hamstrings and worked on the triceps long head in shoulder extension.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    SQ: 290 3x5 - easy. no pain. felt great.
    OP: 165 3x3 PR... heavvvyyy
    PS: 125 5x3 first workout finding work sets here. i probably need some instruction. form feels ugly.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    SQ: 295 3x5 - easy and smooth. this minor injury reset has actually done wonders for working out kinks in my form
    BP: 242.5 x3, x3, x2 - missed last rep due to being a moron and not taking enough rest. the first two sets felt EASY, then the last set was just horrid. need to start taking minimum 5min between sets here. I'm going up to 245 next bench workout anyway. No reason to repeat here.
    PC: 205 5x3 -> I was originally going to do 195, but I was feeling good and wanted to get aggressive... probably stupid, but I hit the weights and form felt pretty good. Trying to be a little aggressive here now that my back is almost 100%. I'll microload on PC from here. Wider grip has fixed the wrist issues... just need to stretch out the shoulders and really work on violent full extension.

    great workout.

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