starting strength gym
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Thread: "Alright, alright, alright..." - Bickford's Training Log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I like how with your first log entry, you're instantly ahead of almost everyone here. Going to be fun trying to catch up to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bickford View Post
    I'd like to only do the amount of volume needed to increase the weight on the ID.
    I think this is the most common approach, because why make volume day any worse than it already is, right? But then again, since you're already squatting in the 500s maybe you can't away with as much as those of us still languishing in the low-400s can.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Humboldt County, CA


    Hey, thanks man! Seems like there plenty of folks who have training logs on hear who are much stronger than me. I can go read Jordan's if I need a bit if inspiration.

    I have done a TM template for squats before and got completely buried because I increased the VD and the ID each week. I'm really excited to do it again so I can get a better grasp on the relativity of the volume. Should be good. Where's your log located?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Humboldt County, CA



    Squat 2x5x315
    Press 3x5x145
    BB Curls 3x10x62.5

    Light day felt light (that's a good thing). I'm taking final exams this week and I've been able to sleep surprisingly well. Usually training takes a dip in weeks like this. I recovered nicely from the volume on Monday. I'm very excited for Friday's training.

    Lastly, I signed up for the Seattle seminar. I fit squarely into the "about the obtain a kinesiology degree and have a CSCS" category, so I'm currently putting in more work into rereading SSBBT and PP in hopes of taking the SS coach exam. I'm rather intimidated by the pass rate so I decided to devote my winter break to cracking to books and refreshing my biomechanics and A&P. My sister who just started training (go scope out her log, MsTuffnel) has put a spark under my ass to learn to become a coach. I try to listen to her because she's rock solid and dishes out nothin but the best advice.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Oakland, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Bickford View Post
    My sister who just started training (go scope out her log, MsTuffnel) has put a spark under my ass to learn to become a coach. I try to listen to her because she's rock solid and dishes out nothin but the best advice.
    Gotta find a way to get this glowing endorsement on my resume...

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Humboldt County, CA


    Squat Intensity - 1x5 at 435 (PR)
    Bench - 3x5 at 237.5
    DL - 1x5 455 (PR)

    I really hope I can ride the LP for press and bench up to 185 and 275 for 3x5 respectively. I have a lot of growth to make on both lifts and some technique to improve on. Early in my training career I ignored the upper body lifts because they were difficult for me. I'm just now starting to actively improve my technique and it's paying off a bit. Lastly, weight gain is the only thing that improves the lifts every time, so gain weight I shall.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Humboldt County, CA


    I had a very poor training session yesterday. My regular gym closes down for a couple weeks this time of year so I made my way to the health club. For starters, I forgot my belt, it was just volume day but it was a wonderful reminder of the training effect of the belt. I also squatted on a bar with no center knurling that had a considerable amount of bend when loaded with a mere 365#. I cut my VD short at 3x5 and omitted my last 2 sets. I failed on my first sets of press as well. The poorly designed power rack did not permit presses so I had to clean into my press. I'm not accustomed to doing this let along pressing without my belt. I went 4, 4, 3 and was hopping mad. I left early without doing RDLs and chins as planned. I had two people give me horrified looks while squatting and then ask "doesn't that hurt your back?" and I was ready to get the fuck out of there. The night was salvaged because the remainder was spent cooking steaks and sweat potatoes with my old man and watching the Warriors dominate the Sacramento Kings.

    In summary...

    Squat - 3x5 at 375 (VD)
    Press - 4, 4, 3 at 147.5 - I will reattempt the weight in 2 training sessions.

    Belts matter,
    Bars matter,
    Training environment matters.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Humboldt County, CA


    Wed 12/24

    Bench 3x5 at 240
    Chins 3x5 with BS plus 15#

    This was supposed to be a light squat day for the TM but I omitted it because my hip flexor was cranky. Bench and chins went really well. I'm hoping to ride the LP for bench to 275 for 3x5 sets across.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Humboldt County, CA


    Saturday 12/27

    I traveled to Wisconsin to hang with my Lady's family. The gym we found was chalk free and didn't have a bar with center knurling to squat with. I was hoping to do a 5RM on my ID at 440 but I did my last warmup set at 405 for a single and the bar was too squirmy to use safely. Bullshit. She astutely mentioned that I only get angry when training gets fucked up due to poor equipment. Next week we're going to make the drive to a powerlifting gym in Green Bay for Monday's volume day and Fridays ID. Wednesday we'll train in Madison. The good thing is that the local cuisine in WI may be some of the most anabolic food any state has to offer. In addition to having cheese and milk served with everything "America's Dairyland" really brings it with the steak and taters, and fried fish. Now all I need is to find a barbell to make sure this anabolism packs mass on my hams and glutes and not on my gut.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Humboldt County, CA


    Weird week of training in WI. Got sick and had to train at weird gyms...

    Monday 12/29, started to feel sick and shouldn't have trained. No squats today because of aforementioned poor equipment.

    BP: 3x5x245
    Chinzzz: 3x5x BW + 17.5
    BB curls and Lyring Tri extensions for 3x8

    Wednesday 12/31, got to train in a good gym today, so I switched my intensity day and light day to use a good gym. Got to meet up with my girlfriend's S&C coach from college at University of Wisconsin. He owns a private gym now after he parted ways with UW. He has a big poster of Russel Wilson phrasing his training and coaching. It was badass.

    Squat: 5RM at 435
    Press: 3x5x 135
    I was sick and shouldn't have trained again. I didn't DL because I was gassed.

    Friday 1/2
    Squat: 2x5x325 (light day)
    BP: 3x5x250 (PR)

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Humboldt County, CA


    starting strength coach development program
    Monday 1/5, had a 12 hour layover in Denver so we went and trained at a random PL gym

    Squat: 5x5x375, volume day at 85% if ID weight
    Press: 3x5x137.5
    RDL: 3x5x295

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