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Thread: Herbison's Training Log

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Tuesday, 12 April

    Power Clean: 265 x 1 x 5 EMOM
    Pullup: Bodyweight x 7 minutes, 36 reps
    Ab Wheel: 7 minutes, 22 reps
    Run/walk: 40 minutes, 11.25 laps

    Ah, conditioning. Fun stuff that I totally want to do. I've never done much with an ab wheel before, so that was a new experience. It's a lot more taxing on the shoulders, chest, and even biceps than I expected.

    I'm working on my running, but for now it's run one lap, quick walk one lap, repeat. My calves have been hurting since Sunday for whatever reason, and this didn't really help, but they did seem to loosen up a little after about 30 minutes. I'm working on fixing my running form, but I'm probably going to need some help on that. Still, I'll improve over time.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Garage Gym


    I would suggest doing the Ab Wheel the way Chris Duffin teaches. I touch my nose to the floor on every rep.
    The Ab Wheel is something I may be able to beat you at. I can do 40 or so consecutive reps.

    Last edited by Meshuggah; 04-12-2016 at 06:50 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Flyover Country


    I never realized that you're younger than me. Not by much, but still.

    As far as your running form, your PCM should be able to refer you to the physical therapy section in the MDG, at least at the ones I've been to they're willing to help people with their running form. Most places also have running improvement classes, and while it would definitely get in the way of your lifting, they're usually fairly intelligently programmed, in that you're doing a lot more sprinting or high intensity work, and they help you with your running form. I wouldn't blame you at all for not wanting to go either or those routes, but it's worth mentioning at least.

    One thing that's worked for me in the past is to do a lap as quickly as you can, and that lap time becomes your rest period before you run the next lap, and I would usually do 6 laps. It's similar to what you described there, except the rest period is an actual rest period instead of the walking, and you'll almost definitely rest for less time than you spent walking this time. I think the key here is to get the last few laps time down, not to significantly improve the first lap. Either way, good luck with the running, I feel your pain.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Califon, NJ


    One less log to track over in the intermediate section.

  5. #15
    Brodie Butland is offline Starting Strength Coach
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Herbison View Post
    Am I doing this right?

    Need more Count Chocula and Crunchberries. But aside from that looks pretty good.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Wednesday, 13 April

    Deadlift: 405x4@7, 425x4@8, 445x4@9
    Bench + Bands: 185x4x2@8, 195x4@9
    RDL: 315x7@7, 335x7@8, 345x7@9

    I am terrible at doing deadlifts for any amount of reps greater than 1. I'm not even sure you could honestly call them sets, considering how much time I took between reps. Hands were on the bar though, so we'll go with it. Working on keeping a straight back, as that is a huge weak point for me.

    Never used bands before, so I messed up my first set of bench and ended up going straight to RPE 8, but I'll get used to it. Used green bands, but I'm not sure if that's ideal. Someone smarter and/or more experienced weigh in on this.

    No belt for RDLs, but I did use straps, as my hands were a bit shredded by then and my grip may or may not have held.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Thursday, 14 April

    Power Clean: 270 x 1 x 5 EMOM
    1-Arm KB Row: 70 x 7 minutes, 52 reps each
    Pallof Press: 7 minutes
    Rower: 0:30/4:00 x 6

    Think I'll stick with pullups or similar in the future for my upper back work. This was oddly taxing (painful) on my lower back. Did Pallof presses with a green band. That was a new experience.

    Had an overall average of 546 watts during the sprint portions of the rower work, but somehow on my second it jumped to 620, which I thought was weird. Guess I'll aim to improve with that metric.

    I'm not sure I like Jordan anymore. That's probably a good sign for my programming.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Meshuggah View Post
    I would suggest doing the Ab Wheel the way Chris Duffin teaches.
    That's actually the video I watched to learn how to do them correctly. Though to be fair, I've got a bit further to travel than he does, and a lot less muscle to use along the way, so our actual technique may look a tiny bit different.

    The Ab Wheel is something I may be able to beat you at.
    I don't doubt it in the slightest.

    Quote Originally Posted by blandrick View Post
    As far as your running form, your PCM should be able to refer you to the physical therapy section in the MDG
    Noooot going to happen. Last time I "accepted" their help I had to not squat for four months, and I didn't improve in the slightest.

    Most places also have running improvement classes, and while it would definitely get in the way of your lifting, they're usually fairly intelligently programmed, in that you're doing a lot more sprinting or high intensity work, and they help you with your running form. I wouldn't blame you at all for not wanting to go either or those routes, but it's worth mentioning at least.
    I appreciate it, but yeah, I'll give it a miss for now.

    Either way, good luck with the running, I feel your pain.
    More or less literally, unfortunately.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Herbison View Post
    Thursday, 14 April

    Power Clean: 270 x 1 x 5 EMOM
    1-Arm KB Row: 70 x 7 minutes, 52 reps each
    Pallof Press: 7 minutes
    Rower: 0:30/4:00 x 6

    Think I'll stick with pullups or similar in the future for my upper back work. This was oddly taxing (painful) on my lower back. Did Pallof presses with a green band. That was a new experience.

    Had an overall average of 546 watts during the sprint portions of the rower work, but somehow on my second it jumped to 620, which I thought was weird. Guess I'll aim to improve with that metric.

    I'm not sure I like Jordan anymore. That's probably a good sign for my programming.
    I like the timed work for accessory. Gets a little conditioning in too I'm sure.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Never used bands before, so I messed up my first set of bench and ended up going straight to RPE 8, but I'll get used to it. Used green bands, but I'm not sure if that's ideal. Someone smarter and/or more experienced weigh in on this.
    Depends on who the mfg. is for the bands, but I like using "mini" bands (mine are red).

    No belt for RDLs, but I did use straps, as my hands were a bit shredded by then and my grip may or may not have held.
    Yes to straps on supplemental deads

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