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Thread: Herbison's Training Log

  1. #641
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Monday, 29 October

    Exercise Weight x Reps @ RPE
    Front Squat 225x3x5
    w/ Snatch-Grip Deadlift 365x3x2 DOH
    365x3x3 Straps
    Pin Press
    Forehead Height
    w/Seated DB Curl 30s x 8 ea x2
    30s x 10 ea x2
    That's the first time I've ever done pin presses. Interesting. Definitely going to consider making them a more regular part, considering how much of a sticking point that is for me.

    Also back to running. I started before, then ripped my toe open and stopped. Starting up again now.

  2. #642
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Wednesday, 31 October

    Exercise Weight x Reps @ RPE
    Olympic Faffery Light x not that much
    Clean Deadlift 225x10x4
    Something's off with my right shoulder. I noticed it being a bit achy during Monday's lifting, but today it actually interfered with what I had planned.

    Friday, 2 November

    Exercise Weight x Reps @ RPE
    Snatch 225x1 (forward), 1 (behind)
    225x1 (forward), 1 (forward)
    225x1 (forward), 1
    225x1 (forward), 1 (let go behind)
    225x1, 1 (forward)
    245x1 accidental power snatch
    265x1 high pull
    265x1 (forward)
    DB Hammer Curls 30sx15x4
    So many not heavy yet missed snatches. More to come.

    Saturday, 3 November

    Exercise Weight x Reps @ RPE
    Front Squat 315x2
    w/ Push Press 255x1, 1 (power jerk)
    w/ Clean Pull 405x2
    545x1 (really deadlift + shrug)
    w/DB Hammer Curls 45sx10x6
    Not sure if it counts as a superset the way I was doing it, so I suppose I was actually doing circuit training. I think I'm going to have to admit that my strength is somehow really down this much. Whatever the reason, I'm consistently way down on just about everything. Even 365 on front squat was dang near @10.

    Also, I'm super out of shape. I've been fatter, but I don't know if I've ever been in worse cardio condition. I biked to Walmart after lifting, and even though it's only about 2 miles each way, I was struggling. To be fair, that's the first time I've really ridden a bike in... maybe a decade? But still, my childhood self would kick my current self's butt at this point.

    But hey, I'm working on it. Obviously I have lots of room to improve, so I'll look at it that way.

  3. #643
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Monday, 3 November

    Exercise Weight x Reps @ RPE
    Snatch 225x1 (forward)
    225x1 (forward)
    225x1 (forward)
    225x1 (power, on purpose)
    225x1 (forward)
    225x1 (behind)
    235x1 (forward)
    235x1 (forward)
    Clean and Jerk 225x1x2
    225x1 clean
    Press 45x10x2
    Front/Side Raise 10s x 5 ea alternating x6
    w/ DB Curl 45x5 ea x4
    Yet again, so many missed cleans. Man... I just cannot hit that bottom position correctly. I can power clean it all day, but trying to not lose it at the bottom of an overhead squat eludes me. I seem to be going backward on that part of technique.

    I'll get some video up in the next couple days so I can get some feedback. I'm always hesitant to put up video of not great form, but just getting feedback on your good sets kind of defeats the purpose.

    Also, my shoulders today:

    My right shoulder was acting up again. I noticed it a little with the last few snatches, but shook it off. No such luck with clean and jerk, or even just clean. The presses and front/side raises were basically just to work through the ROM. Felt a bit better by the end, at least.

  4. #644
    Join Date
    Jan 2018


    ... your shoulders are "delicious", "thicker", and "salty" ???


  5. #645
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Fulcrum View Post
    ... your shoulders are "delicious", "thicker", and "salty" ???

    I mean... I can't comment on delicious, and thicker depends on what you're comparing them to, but I suppose they were indeed salty while I was working out. So... yes?

    Tuesday, 6 November

    Exercise Weight x Reps @ RPE
    Shoulder Ow x No
    Wasn't happening. Meh. Bit frustrated with training recently (rather large understatement), and this shoulder thing isn't helping.

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