starting strength gym
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Thread: Skid (Marc's) log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Weight 219

    Row 500M 1:56

    Squat - 385 - 3,3,3 - on my last set/2nd rep my left arm cramped up - made the decision to keep going - struggled with the last rep as my concentration was all messed up.
    Chins - OH - 25lbs - 10,10
    Chins - UH - 25lbs - 10,10 kipped a little on last 2 reps but wanted to get 10. Increasing to 35lbs next time
    Barbell Rows - 185 - 6,8,8 - a little baked from chins so these sucked
    Curls 70lbs + curl bar - 8,8,10 Found these don't bother my shoulder so will continue with these.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC

    Default Got Meat!

    Made a quick business trip up to Haida Gwaii yesterday. Got to spend the afternoon fishing on the west coast. Managed to catch quite a few 10-20 pound Coho's and Spring salmon and several rock fish. Had the fishing lodge flash freeze them and box them up for travel back today. They fileted them too so I had a 50 pound box of dressed meat to bring home on the plane today. Good for gainz!

    Weight unknown - Had a few beers and glasses of wine with dinner last night, and a so so sleep in the camp so 1 wasn't 100% today. Tried to sleep on the plane but some kid behind me was playing a movie on his I pad with the volume cranked up so I couldn't sleep.

    Light Press - 185 - 3,3,3,3,3 - Went up easy - trying for bar speed...
    Bench Press for 3's - 300 - 1,3,2,3,3 - I was trying to do 3 sets of 3. It took a big effort to get this done. I gave up early a couple of times as I didn't think I could successfully complete another rep, but since this is a sticking point weight wise for me I wanted to try and push through it. Last rep was a total 100% effort. Will add weight next rotation of 3's.
    Sling shot Bench 355 - 1,1 after grinding out the 3's I could barely do this. Almost got stapled on the 2nd set but ground it up.
    Incline dumbbell press - 65 - 11,11 went easy on these as I was tired
    Decline dumbbell press - 85 - 8,8 ditto to above.
    Last edited by skid; 08-25-2016 at 10:35 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Weight 219

    500M row 2:06

    Some days the weight goes up easy. Probably because I took a day off of work and had a good sleep.

    Light Squat - 315 - 5,3,3,3,3 - Did 5 by mistake on the first set. Got good bar speed throughout - 2 minutes rest between sets
    Deadlift - 455 - 3,3,3 weight seemed fairly easy - adding 10lbs/ rotation - 5 minutes between sets
    Deficit stiff leg deadlift - 275 - 8,8 added 20 lbs from last week. Starting to feel good instead of hurting...
    shrugs - 355 - 10,11,11

    Fish for dinner tonight Registration for the BCPL IPF fall classic opens Sunday at 6pm. Hoping to get on the roster. Wifey is interested as well. Ordered her a singlet...

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Registered my wife and I for the BCPL Fall Classic on Oct. 15! This is an IPF event, similar to the one I participated in last year which I thought was very professional and well run. Saturday is the women, men's sub junior and Master's powerlifting events, and Sunday is the Men's junior and open power lifting. I'll be lifting with the kids, women, and geezers Saturday

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Weight 218

    Age 53 - Birthday today!

    Press 225 - 1,1,1 Felt strong today - instead of adding 5 pounds I added 10 from last singles rotation - Went up surprisingly easy - First set was press 2.0, second sets were more strict
    Close grip bench - 265 - 8,7,5 - My mom called to wish me happy birthday between my second and third set. talked for 1/2 hour and got cold for the 3rd set. Still - got 8 reps and no less than 5 so adding weight for next week.
    Dips +35lbs - 7,8,8 will repeat this weight until I get 10 easy. I probably could have got 10 but left a few in the tank as I'm being careful with my shoulders. No shoulder issues yet!
    Cable press down 180 - 8,8,9

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Weight 220

    500M row 2:10

    Squat - 415 - 1,1,1 increasing by 10 pounds per rotation. Starting to feel heavy
    Chins - +35lbs - OH - 5,6 Pretty strict - left 1 or 2 in the tank
    Chins - +35lbs - UH - 6,6 ditto to above
    Barbell Row (non stop) - 205 - 6,8,8
    Curls - Curl bar + 70 - 10,12,12 - Will put 45's on each side next workout.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Just checked the BCPL website to see what the British Columbia provincial records are now for my weight class (105kg) and age group (Masters II) in men's unequipped. When I first competed a year and a half ago I set all 4 records by virtue of exceeding the minimum standard for the weight class. My numbers in pounds were 417 squat, 275 bench, 487 deadlift, 1179 total.

    The records are now 430 squat, 357.5 bench, 572 deadlift, 1313 total. At this point I can only aim for the squat record. Some fairly strong geezers here in BC... However I think I can bring my total up 80 to 100 pounds from my last comp.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Happy Birthday for yesterday!!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Thanks Chris!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    starting strength coach development program
    Weight - Unknown

    Row 500 - 2:05

    Light Press - 180 - 3,3,3,3,3 easy, good bar speed
    Bench Press - 300 - 1, competition 2 second pause - Likely my starting weight in the upcoming meet
    Bench Press - TnG - 330 - 1 - PR, Fail - Probably didn't rest enough but my spotter (oldest son) was going out the door to football practice so I hurried up
    Bench Press - 315 - 1,1 Since I didn't have a spotter I lighted the load a bit. I have safeties on my cage but my new Rogue bench sits a little higher than my previous bench so I need to drill another hole an inch higher in my rack.
    Incline DB press - 65 - 15,15
    Decline DB press - 85 - 10,10

    As mentioned in my first post I'm currently doing Andy Baker's over 40 5/3/1 routine. It is geared toward improving squats/deadlifts/press, however the bench is relegated behind the press in emphasis as this routine is more for the Starting Strength meet which doesn't include benching.

    Since I am competing in a IPF meet with bench pressing, I'm going to change the order of the lifts starting next week. I feel pressing first is tiring me and taking a little away from my bench so I will swap the order in which those exercises are worked out by putting the benching first.

    I'm still pretty happy with the program as I am getting good results without getting too beat up like I did earlier with a few months of Texas Method.

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