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Thread: Skid (Marc's) log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC

    Default Skid (Marc's) log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm not really a serious competitive lifter, but have entered one meet so far, and am planning to enter another local meet this fall in October if I can get in before it fills. The last local meet sold out in less than a day...

    I work out in my garage gym which is equipped quite well, so I have pretty much every thing I need although I could use some 90 pound plus dumbbells...

    Age - 53 (in 3 weeks)
    Height - 5'9"
    Weight - 215

    Best lifts from last meet approx. 1 year ago:
    Squat - 417
    Bench - 275
    Deadlift -487

    Short term goals for upcoming meet:

    435 squat
    325 bench
    500+ deadlift
    225 fairly strict press (not contested, just want to do 2 wheels)

    Physical issues:
    Right Shoulder - always a bit sore from pressing, especially close grip and inclines. Keeping it in check with face pulls and rowing which seems to help.
    Right hip - little sore, deadlifts seem to affect it the most. Not a big problem right now
    Groin - A little sore, bothered by squats, no effect on lifts.
    Flexibility/mobility - As flexible as a 2x4. Really need to work on this...

    I'm currently doing Andy Baker's "Blog Post" Routine.

    This week is singles week. Today (Monday):
    Warm up - 500 Meter row in 1:56 at "5" on my rowing machine.
    Press - Worked up to 215 (body weight!) for 3 singles. Failed on the first two attempts as I didn't warm up enough trying to preserve strength.
    Close Grip Bench - Worked up to 265 for 3 sets of five. No way could I get 8 so I will have to repeat until I get one set of 8's and no less than 5 on the other sets. Did 260 for 8 last week...
    Cable press downs - 3 sets of 8 - 10 with 190. My pulley system on my home made cable machine takes twice as much weight to give half the effort so I'm really only using 90 - 100 pounds or so.
    1 arm overhead dumbbell extensions - Omitted, right shoulder acting up and these aggravate the shoulder...

    Went for a 1/2 hour walk after dinner.

    Tomorrow - Squats, arms and back...
    Last edited by skid; 08-08-2016 at 11:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    On my drive home today from work I felt tired, was yawning. Didn't think I would have a lot of energy.

    Started my workout with a leisurely 500 meter row at 2 minutes 6 seconds. Felt more energized and warmed up after that.

    Squats - Added 10 pounds from last singles week. Did 405 for 3 singles. Felt good and relatively easy.
    Chin-ups - Put 25 pounds on the weight belt and did 2 sets of 8 O.H., and then 2 sets of 8 U.H.
    Cable rows - Loaded up 270 (approx. 135 real weight) and did 3 sets of 10
    Curls - 35 lb dumbbells for 3 sets of 10. Curling aggravates my R. shoulder so I went easy on those

    All in all a good day...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Felt energetic today - Started workout with a 500 meter row in 1:47. My bodyweight is around 215 first thing in the morning after I relieve myself. I'd like to drop to 205 since my body fat is probably 15-20%. I can just barely see my abz.

    Light press - 5 sets of 3's at 175
    Bench Press - 3 singles at 325. These were real grinders 100% effort with a little bounce off the chest. No where near a pause bench.
    Bench with sling shot - 2 singles at 345 - fairly easy with the spring off the bottom from the sling shot. Getting used to heavier weights...
    Incline bench press DB - 65 lbs - 16, and 15 reps
    Decline bench press DB - 85 lbs - 10 and 9 reps

    Pretty happy with today as I am continuing to progress. Tomorrow deadlifts
    Last edited by skid; 08-11-2016 at 08:43 PM. Reason: typed wrong weight

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Weight - 216 Gained a pound from yesterday despite going for a long walk last night.

    Felt sapped today, very hot outside and inside my garage. Couldn't find my iPad as one of my kids had it so had to listen to the local crappy radio. Daughter found it just in time before the deadlifts Listened to meathead millionaire...

    500M row in 2:10
    Light squat - 305 - 3,3,3,3,3 Felt like a heavy squat. Tried to get as much bar speed as possible but was slower than normal
    Deadlift - 480 - 1,1,1 - did a back off set of 2 at 405 too.
    Stiff leg deadlift - 245 - 8,10 getting the hang of these so still pretty light for weight
    Shrugs - 345 - 15,15

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Weight - 216 Gained a pound despite going for a long walk last night

    Felt tired and sapped today. Hot outside and inside my garage as well. Couldn't find my iPad as one of my kids had it so I had to listen to the crappy local radio station. Daughter found it just before deadlifts Listened to meathead millionaire.

    500M row - 2:10
    Light squats - 305 - 3,3,3,3,3, felt like heavy squats. Tried for bar speed but slower than normal
    Deadlift - 480 - 1,1,1,
    Stiff leg deadlift 245 - 8,10 getting used to these so weight is still pretty light
    Shrugs - 345 - 15,15

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Weight - 218- Gained 3 pounds over the weekend. Too much bacon I guess. I'm trying to eat quality foods and lose a little fat. Maybe I gained some muscle instead!

    500M row - 2:06
    Press - 195 - 5,5,5, first two sets went up fairly easily,
    Close grip bench 265 - 5,6,6, added two reps from last week but didn't reach 8 so repeat weight next week
    Cable press down - 190 - 10,8,11
    Dips - BW - 5,7,10, Very gingerly tried dips as my son left the dip attachment on the cage. Didn't feel too bad on my shoulder so will slowly build up weight and reps.
    Last edited by skid; 08-15-2016 at 08:17 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Weight 217

    500M row - 2:01
    Squats - 355 - 5,5,5 Nice and deep, went up easier than expected
    Chin-ups OH with 25lbs - 9,9 - added 2 reps from last week
    Chin-ups UH with 25lbs - 8,9 some body English on the last rep (added one rep from last week)
    Barbell rows 135 - 10,10, 155 - 10 Stopped the cable rows and going with barbell rows now. Weight seems pretty light, will add next week.
    Curls - did a couple but my right shoulder hurt a bit so I stopped. Curls used to be so easy and painless for me...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Weight 218 - So much for losing weight, I'm gaining. Waist is still the same though..

    500M Row - 2:05
    Light Press - 180 - 3,3,3,3,3 went for bar speed but weight was getting heavy
    Bench 285 - 4,5,5 Should have pushed the 1st set for one more. Adding weight next time regardless
    Slingshot Bench - 315 - 3,3 went easy
    Incline press db - 85 - 10,8
    Decline press db - 85 - 10,11

    Shoulders feel ok, but 85lb dumbbells are hard to manage by myself. May switch to barbells for inclines and declines

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC


    Weight - 218
    Weather - friggin hot!

    Music - Rammstein live Los

    250 meter row 1:00 - too hot to row...
    Light Squat 315 - 3,3,3,3,3
    Deadlift 425 - 5,5,5
    deficit stiff leg deadlift (non-stop) 255 - 8,8
    Shrugs (non-stop) 345 - 11,11 too tired and hot for 3rd set...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Paradise Valley, BC

    Default 3's week

    starting strength coach development program
    Weight - Didn't check this am. Probably fatter after the weekend...

    No row cause the base of my neck hurts a bit from sleeping funny on it. Or perhaps just old age. It's weird how aches and pains come and go as you get older...

    Press - 205 - 2,3,2,2 - Need to get 3 sets of 3 to add weight next 3's week. Did an extra set because ... fuck. Sore neck didn't help.
    Close grip bench - 265 - 7,7,7 Need to get one set of 8 to add weight. Gained 4 reps from last week but took a slightly wider grip so my wrist didn't complain, about a finger width into the knurling.
    Cable press downs - 180 - 7,6,8 - tried slow so I didn't get momentum from the top portion. seems to work the tri's better that way.
    Dips - BW - 10, +25 - 6,8,10 - I can't believe my shoulders aren't complaining. Perhaps all that glucosomine, Lakota pills, and snake oil actually does something! Will continue to push this...

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