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Thread: DirtyRed Attempts Legitimacy

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Good News: Knee didn't hurt at all on intensity day
    Bad News: I am getting mildly sick and between the dizziness of squatting 535 half asleep and being doped up on Advil while I did it, I probably wouldn't have realized if I broke my leg.

    Still managed to get it done, though the squats were harder for this first intensity day after a deload than they were the LAST full intensity day BEFORE the deload. That's probably just being at 85% in general right now. More sleep, more Ziacam, and more porn will surely remedy this.

    Squats: 5x1 535 lbs
    Bench Press (paused): 5x1 280 lbs
    Deadlifts: 3x1 485 lbs

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Ugh, still mildly sick. No one has been made to suffer like DirtyRed does on a daily basis, this I know.

    Volume Day 2

    5x5 440 lbs
    Bench Press (paused): 5x5 240 lbs
    Speed deadlifts: 3x3 315 lbs

    Took a big jump in weight on the speed deadlifts so they might actually be heavy enough to matter. This is probably a good starting point for now.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2015



  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Does anyone else feel embarrassed when they write down the shit they did for Light Day? "Oh hay, let me chronicle this workout that didn't cause me to breathe hard, break a sweat, or strain at all, so that future generations may know of my weakfulness."

    Good news: No longer feel sick, so Friday should be 100% less miserable than it was last week.

    Light Day 2

    2x5 315 lbs
    Standing Press: 3x5 170 lbs
    Chin ups: 3x8

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Grand Haven MI


    Quote Originally Posted by DirtyRed View Post
    Does anyone else feel embarrassed when they write down the shit they did for Light Day? "Oh hay, let me chronicle this workout that didn't cause me to breathe hard, break a sweat, or strain at all, so that future generations may know of my weakfulness."
    I tell myself it may some day be useful data. And always make sure to state "Light Day" in bolded font.

    Also- subscribed and excited to follow along. You have an entertaining writing style that made me think you were much older and not this damn strong.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Intensity day went well, except for the ONE SQUAT I am apparently required to fuck up by having knees cave in and hips shoot forward and under the bar and generally lose tightness at the bottom. Still GOT the rep, but this shit needs to stop before I start trying to use weights I can't get away with mistakes with.

    Intensity Day 2

    Squats: 5x1
    540 lbs
    Bench (Paused): 5x1 285 lbs
    Deadlifts: 3x1 490 lbs

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Whoops, forgot to update this yesterday. Got the World's Fastest Volume Day done because of shit constantly coming up. Right side of lower back was aching right at the SI joint before I even started, it was aching after I finished, and it aches just the same now. No idea why

    Volume Day 3

    5x5 445 lbs
    Bench (paused): 5x5 245
    Speed Deadlifts: 3x3 320

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Hooray for Light Day! The one day a week DirtyRed ventures out into the mass of unwashed scrubs for absolutely no reason other than habit and because he hates himself and requires that he suffer for his no doubt MANY sins.

    Light Day 3

    2x5 315 lbs
    Standing Press: 3x5 175 lbs
    Chin Ups: 3x8, fury and flailing signifying fatness

    This all took at least goddamn 30 minutes longer than it needed to because some legit brain damaged asstard would not shut the fuck up and leave me the fuck alone. Unlifting dipshit wants to keep extolling to me the benefit of really heavy quarter squats and the Gospel According To Arnold (if Arnold supports even half the shit this retard spouts, he is a terrible human being), and tell me all about his Harbinger straps that velcro around one's wrists and how that'll totally help with power cleans (all while I'm trying to do The Goddamn Press). It takes him forever to actually say that shit too, because he's always babbling 90% disjointed gibberish, using "yeah you know man fuck man" like it's a fucking comma. This shit adds at least a fucking half hour to anything I'm doing.

    He spends more time harassing me and everyone else that doesn't just run away at the sight of the skull-caved idiot than I do sitting on the couch at the front, reading Men's Health and giggling to myself, while shouting at people from across the gym that I'm still on the squat rack and require 20 minutes of sleep between each volume day set.

    I shit you not, I was trying to take a dump in the bathroom by the basketball court because for some reason the one in the locker room always smells like someone lit a sewage treatment facility on fire, and this fucknut walks in an starts talking to me (only after trying to rip the door to the stall off before I confirmed that I was indeed in there, hence it being locked). Then he shut the fuck up, said he'd stop talking to me, and went into the next stall and kept saying shit to himself in what I could only assume was an attempt to get me to comment and rope me into another conversation.

    NATURALLY this was one of those sloppy deuces that took forever to triage so I was in there for at least 10 minutes, frantically trying to finish the wetwork, listening to this mental patient mumble to himself about the "Philosophy of Truth."

    Not making a goddamn word up. "Philosophy of Truth" is a verbatim quote.

    It should be legal to hit people like this. It's self defense, really. He is so aggressively fucking dumb that it's giving me Chronic Idiotic Encephalopathy. It's what happens when repeated exposure to the lowest dregs of human intelligence causes your brain cells to kill themselves in order to end their suffering.
    Last edited by DirtyRed; 12-29-2016 at 03:16 AM.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Tasmania, Australia


    If you don't get a bunch more people following this log after that little rant, I'll be very surprised. Almost choked on my Rocky Road Thermowhey.


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Felt some mild shoulder pain while benching. Will apply the DirtyRed protocol (i.e. Ignore it) and see how it develops.

    I THOUGHT I might avoid That One Dipshit, since I was in the gym earlier than usual in order to get it done before I had shit to get to in the evening. TOD was, of course, there. He's always there. He was still there when I left. I'm not sure if he ever actually LIFTED anything or did anything but annoy everyone he could get the attention of. He probably hangs out at the gym because no one will ever love him.

    This time, not only did TOD want to repeat Arnold's retard "maxing" procedure, but also babble about all of the great fitness equipment available for purchase at Dick's. They have boxing gloves, MMA gloves, weightlifting gloves! Can't buy the retard a brain. He also mentioned some Asian guy who, he claimed, knew as much about lifting as TOD. A graver insult I have surely never heard. Mike Tyson came up. Another thirty fucking minutes lost trying to get this idiot to shut up so I can do Squat Rep #3.

    He later goddamn beelined to me while I was walking to the bench to ask me what I was doing. I'm attempting to paint the ceiling with the barbell, but my arms are too short. The fuck does it look like I'm doing. At least I got to shit in peace this time.

    All that lead to me rushing through shit in order to get out of there on time, which may have been a mild aggravating factor for the shoulder. It all got done, but it's not going to if this shit keeps up in four weeks when the weight is much heavier.

    I might move.

    Intensity Day 3

    5x1 545 lbs
    Bench (paused): 5x1 290 lbs
    Deadlift: 3x1 495 lbs

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