Got elder and weaker covered.some of the more informative and entertaining logs I've ever read have been from some of the elder / smaller / weaker members .....
i have been admired for years for my dedication ---- which is bullshit because training is my pleasure and delight. it is not driven by determination, drive, endurance, and mental power....... who show extreme dedication and application regardless. Chris
but i suppose i have no other option, as i see myself as an athlete and warrior, and if i did not train like them, my conscience would give me no rest.
Thurs 27-7-2017.
Stick warmups.
Olympic Deadlifts, thumbless (70 k) 5. (80) 5. (95) 5.
Olympic Deadlifts, normal grip. (105 k) 2.
SLHR. flexing. (10 k) 12.12.12.
Snatch pulls. (42.5 k) 5. (47.5) 5. (52.5) 5.
One arm military press. flexing. (8 k) 13.12.12.
Incline curls. flexing. (8 k's) 13.12.12.
Lying side laterals. flexing. (3 k) 13. 13. 12.
cable crunch. flexing. (120 lb) 15. (130) 11. (140) 10.
split snatch. stick 2.2. (20 k) (25) 2.2. (30) 2.2. (32.5) 2.2. (35) 2.2. [14 sets]