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Thread: 76 year old olympic weightlifter

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Seaford NY


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Is this John from HGRT? Love your log. Always inspirational.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    adelaide, south australia


    Is this John from HGRT?
    C'est moi, Mike. Thank you for your kind words. Hardly anyone was reading, so i came here.

    Thurs 24-8-2017.

    stick warmups.
    Jerk Thrust. (45 k) 5. (55) 5. (60) 5.
    Clean pulls. (45) 5. (55) 5. (60) 5.

    some last minute light lifts.
    split snatch. stick - (20 k) (25) 1.1.1. (30) 1.1.1. (35) 1.1.
    split c+j. stick - (20 k) (25) 1.1.1. (30) 1.1.1. (35) 1. (40) 1. (45) 1.

    The 5/2 fasts seemed to have worked and weight has dropped below 85 k.
    So with a bit of luck i might do something on Sat. Going to be cautious, due to a probable loss of strength.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Seaford NY


    Good luck this Saturday John. And I hope the refs don't screw you yet again!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    adelaide, south australia


    Good luck this Saturday John. And I hope the refs don't screw you yet again!
    Thank you Mike. I screwed myself in an unprecedented, total disaster.
    6 out of 6 ruled out.
    The first 2 snatches were pretty alright. i'm the only splitter, and the judges are used to squat lifts, where they pull up and catch it overhead, although i have seen pressouts with this (usually passed). The split snatch is a pull-push : after the pull, you use the bar to push yourself down into a deep split. It is fast, and should not be classed as a pressout, any more than a jerk. So i just have to get my lifts just perfect.
    The remaining 4 lifts were just crap and fully deserved being failed.
    I did get my bodyweight down to well under 85, so that was good. Took my energy down, though. Should not have tried all those technique tweaks.
    I will live to ride again. Next comp 6 weeks.

    Mon 28-8-2017. Recovery session.

    stick warmups.
    breathing sq. (55 k) 4. (91 k.) 20.
    power J.B.N. (27.5 k.) 5. (30) 5.
    heels raise, flexing. 19. 18.
    lat mach, flexing. (120 lbs.) 11.11.
    tri pressdowns, flexing. (80 lbs.) 10. (90) 10.
    O.A. rows, flexing. (18 k.) 13. 13.
    Split C+J. stick - 2.2. (20 k) 2.2. (25) 2.2. (30) 2.2.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Sorry to hear about the Comp.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    Get 'em next time! Fire in the belly for this next 6 week block!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Seaford NY


    Bummer John. Go kill it next time. Are you going to stay at 85kg?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    adelaide, south australia


    Sorry to hear about the Comp.
    Thank you Chris. It was in my hands. I should have been smarter and more effective.

    Get 'em next time! Fire in the belly for this next 6 week block!
    Oh, yeah. Nothing like humiliation and self criticism to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.

    Bummer John. Go kill it next time. Are you going to stay at 85kg?
    Thanks Mike. I am determined to make it happen. Yes, i will stay in this weight class at this stage.
    I was surprised how my energy and power dropped so much with the bodyweight loss. This year i have been nudging my body fat down slowly, with no problem until this event. My body had gotten where i wanted it to look as an ultra skinny teen. I have the things i always wanted - fine delts, v shape, calves, gunz. It's a matter of getting the waistline down for looks and health, while maintaining muscle size.
    Once i get there, i'm going to let bodyweight go where it naturally wants to, with no forcing.

    thurs 31-8-2017.

    stick warmups.
    power clean & paused front squats. (42.5 k) 5. (47.5) 5. (55) took this off the sq rack, as i am still in recovery mode - 5.
    horizontal leg press heels raise, flexing. (160 lb.) 15. (170) 15. (180) 14.
    thumbless Cleans + Presses. (30 k) 3. (35) 3. 3.
    romanian D.L., thumbless. (65 k) 10. 10. 10.
    curls, flexing. (20 k) 14.13.13.
    skull crushers, flexing. (20 k) 12.12.12.
    rows, flexing. (130 lbs) 13.13.12.
    split snatch. stick -2.2. (20 k) 2.2. (25)

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    adelaide, south australia


    Mon 4-9-2017.

    Stick warmups.
    Paused Breathing Sq. - (75 k.) 15. ....... + 20 Rader pulls.
    JBN. (25 k) 5. (30) 5. (40) 1. ?????? last time i did this exercise a month back, it was a comfortable 5. Energy and power now non-existent.
    palms up lat machine. flexing. (110 lb) 13. (120) 12. 11.
    Jerk Thrust. (47.5 k) 5. (55) 5. (60) 5.
    SLHR. flexing. 13.13.13.
    Clean pulls. (47.5 k) --- (55) --- (57.5) ---
    Bent over lateral raise. flexing. (3 k's) --- --- ---
    Split C+J. stick 2.2. (20 k) 2.2. (25) 2.2. (30) 2.2. (35) 2.2. ----
    Just had to abandon workout half way thru. couldn't lift the damn weights, and couldn't snap back between sets. Ah, well, Thursday will be another day. Hopefully i will adapt to this low calorie regimen.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    adelaide, south australia


    starting strength coach development program
    Thurs 7-9-2017.

    Stick warmups.
    Olympic Deadlifts, thumbless (70 k) 5. (85) 5. (95) 5.
    Olympic Deadlifts, normal grip. (105 k) 4.
    SLHR. flexing. (10 k) 13.13.12.
    Snatch pulls. (42.5 k) 5. (50) 5. (52.5) 5.
    One arm military press. flexing. (8 k) 13.13.13.
    Incline curls. flexing. (8 k's) 13.13.13.
    Lying side laterals. flexing. (3 k) 14. 13. 13.
    cable crunch. flexing. (120 lb) 15. (130) 13. (140) 10.
    split snatch. stick 2.2. (20 k) 2.2. (25) 2.2.2. (30) 2.2.2. [10 sets]

    Strength is way down. Wonder if it's the 5 k weight loss? Duhh.

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