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Thread: 76 year old olympic weightlifter

  1. #891
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    adelaide, south australia


    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I have been doing something different myself. Slow lifting.
    Greetings friend Jerry. Have read that slow lifting, and smooth turn arounds are just great for lifting injuries, and when you need a change.

    Mon 16-10-2023.

    Well, I'm a mess. Can't raise my hands higher than my chin. Constantly weary. Can only squat half way down, slowly.
    The doc had scans done on my shoulders.
    “Chronic partial tears of both supraspinatus. Tendinosis of subscapularis and infraspinatus bilaterally. Bony irregularity at both AC joints.”

    So, at end of the month I am getting bilateral shoulder steroid injections.

    I have gotten together a daily workout that his every muscle and joint in the body in a light and testing way.
    Funny thing, I was doing sets of 10 in the sq with a heavy (for me) weight, and it didn't fuss my quads.
    Now, with all the slow lowering to chairs and garden tasks, my quads are screaming. There you are – negatives strike again.

    I have been steadily losing weight, and just don't feel hungry.
    These are interesting times.

  2. #892
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    Sorry to hear this. I've read the slow lifting is good in general, not just when your injured. If you have time check out Doug Mcgruf on YouTube. I've also read about timed static contractions although I've never tried them they may be something to try Good luck.

  3. #893
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    Have you researched the side effects (especially for weightlifters) of cortisone injections?

  4. #894
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    adelaide, south australia


    I've read the slow lifting is good in general, not just when your injured. If you have time check out Doug Mcgruf on YouTube. I've also read about timed static contractions although I've never tried them they may be something to try Good luck.
    Hi friend Jerry. Have read some of Mcgruf at times but haven't tried it before. Timed static contractions? If they are isometrics, I've done them. When i've had my injections, i'll lay some dark plans of how to proceed next.

    Have you researched the side effects (especially for weightlifters) of cortisone injections?
    Have some knowledge of cortisone on the lifter bod. Apparently weakens joints and muscles, and is bad news. They are giving me some sort of anabolic steroid, which mimics testosterone.
    Thanks for your concern Fred. I'll sure ask for the prognosis of what they are doing.

    Thurs 19-10-2023.

    Daily half hour, whole body and every joint WO.
    Also about 7 sets of abdominal isolations, tai chi forms and yoga.
    Apparently with partial tears in the small muscles in each shoulder, my lifting days might be over.

  5. #895
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    adelaide, south australia


    Fri 27-10-2023.

    Getting on as best i can. Doing the Essentrics training session every day, spiced up with abdominal muscle controls and gardening work and stretches. Still stiff and sore and tight.
    Get my shoulder injections next week. Just as well i'm not dying, given the pace of medical appointments here.

  6. #896
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by 76now View Post
    Fri 27-10-2023. Getting on as best i can.
    You've always been an inspiration to us older guys. Hang in there.

  7. #897
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    adelaide, south australia


    Thank you for your kind words David.

    Been quite an experience. About 5 weeks that started with intense shoulder pain that stopped me lifting arms higher than my forehead, then morphed into whole body joint and muscle pain and tightness. Was a struggle to get up from a chair, and couldn't squat down. Just had no appetite, and have lost almost 5 k.
    They determined i had partial tears in both supraspinatus (?), and i have had injections ( one at a time ) in my shoulders.
    I treated myself with muscle control and tai chi and an interesting exercise system called Essentrics. All this helped, and mobility and ease of movement is back, and i got back to the gym yesterday. Still not pushing my shoulders.

    My break in workout went like this -
    Warmup bends and stretches 5,5.
    sideways stretches 5,5,5.
    deep squats, no weight 3,3,3.
    seated calf (31.3 k) 20.
    Ab crunch 10.
    Rows (27.2 k) 5. (32.7 k) 5. (41.7 k) 5. (50.8 k) 5.
    took 20 minutes. Will ramp it up on Mon, and try out my shoulders.
    None of the doctors will offer an opinion if i will be able to olympic lift in future.

  8. #898
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    Great to read your back at the gym. Have you read the article hear my Mark on shoulder rehab. I don't know how to forward it, but if you use the search function here it will come up. Maybe you can rig up something in the gym and give it a try.

  9. #899
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    adelaide, south australia


    Have you read the article hear my Mark on shoulder rehab.
    Thanks Jerry. Yes, i have studied it, and will use it anon. At the moment i am testing and working the shoulders with Essentrics.

    mon 6-11-2023.
    bend & stretch & squats. 5 each.
    Front sq. (20 k) 3. (25) 3. (30) 3. (35) 3. (30) 3.3. --- not as clever as i thought i was. Wanted 50 k.
    Palms up rader pulls .
    press to chin level and hold. (20 k) 3. (22.5) 3. (25) 3. (27.5) 3. (30) 3.
    Seated calf machine. (41 k) 10.
    seated rows. (50.9 k) 5. (59.9) 5.5.

    workout took 25 mins.

  10. #900
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    adelaide, south australia


    starting strength coach development program
    In the afternoon following my Mon workout, I received a delegation from my thighs. "We are now gentlemen of leisure. What's this squatting shit?"
    They then proceeded to hurt me, for a long time.

    Thurs 9-11-2023.
    Bend, stretch, squat. 5 reps each.
    Front squat. (20 k) 3. (25) 3. (30) 3. (35) 3. (40) 3. (45) 3. (50) 3.
    Palms up Rader Pulls. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5.
    press to chin level and hold. (20 k) 3. (25) 3. (27.5) 3. (30) 3. (32.5) 3.
    Seated calf machine (46 k) 12.
    Seated rows . (50.9 k) 6. (59.9) 6 (68.9) 5.
    workout time 52 minutes.

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