Pumping Iron to Fergie with your own personal rep counter is an unstoppable combo. Nice lifting. Let the gainz continue
2017-09-30 - Sat (DL emphasis)
Time: 110-min
Feelz: Better.. slept about 10-hours today
BW: 214.4
Macros: Cal - Carbs / Fat (Sat. Fat) / Protein
Fri: 3440 - 413 / 93 (16.3) / 228
Beltless Conv. DL: 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 405x1, 445x1 @9?, 370x5x5
TnG Bench: 45x10, 135x4, 185x4, 225x4, 240x4x6
5-0-3 Tempo Squat: 45x6, 135x6, 225x6, 275x6x4
Incline DB Press: 75x8x6
Pumping Iron to Fergie with your own personal rep counter is an unstoppable combo. Nice lifting. Let the gainz continue
Ryan, thanks
2017-10-03 - Tue (Squat emphasis)
Time: 85-mins
BW: 215 (yay!)
Feelz: Lymph nodes still swollen, throat is sore, mentally meh... but if lifting is an indicator, I'm feeling better.
Macros: Cal - Carbs / Fat (Sat. Fat) / Protein
Sat: 3800 - 507 / 116 (25.3) / 208
Sun: 3130 - 388 / 97 (16.8) / 187
Mon: 3743 - 501 / 117 (19.7) / 197
Squat: 45x8, 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 365x1, 405x1, 445x1 @8.25, 375x5x5
- Weight felt heavier than usual, not sure why I was so slow with the single
- Really concentrated on balance in the feet and ensuring I don't overshoot parallel
P. Bench: 45x10, 135x4, 185x4, 230x4x6
- Easy breezy!
RDLs: 135x7, 235x7x6
- Grip limited... switch to straps after competition(?)
- Very happy with how much flatter my back has gotten
2017-09-28 - Thurs (Bench emphasis)
Time: 70-mins
BW: 215
Feelz: Ok.
~3-weeks out from competition.. need to start planning how to peak..
C. Bench: 45x8, 135x5, 185x3, 225x1, 245x1, 265x1, 285x1 @8.5, 227.5x5 x 6 sets
P. Squat: 45x8, 135x4, 225x4, 330x4 x 6 sets
OHP: 45x7, 95x7, 120x7x6
Chinups: 3x10
Time: 90-min
Feelz: Good. Lymph nodes still sore/inflated. 3-weeks out.
Macros: Cal - Carbs / Fat (Sat. Fat) / Protein
Fri: 3460 - 500 / 84 (12) / 197
Beltless Conv. DL: 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 405x1, 450x1 @9?, 375x5 x 4sets, 375xF
Felt a slight tweak in lower back on the first rep of the 5th set (vid). Decided not to push it...
Pain subsided after benching, but skipped squats anyway. Took 2 ibuprofen after workout.
TnG Bench: 45x10, 135x4, 185x4, 225x4, 242.5x4 x 6 sets
Incline DB Press: 75x8 x 6 sets
2017-10-10 - Tue (Squat emphasis)
Time: 85-mins
BW: 214.4
Feelz: Nervous about lower back, it's been getting better slowly... otherwise ok.
Macros: Cal - Carbs / Fat (Sat. Fat) / Protein
Mon: 3460 - 500 / 93 (9.6) / 180
Squat: 45x8, 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 365x1, 405x1, 425x1, 455x1 @9 [PR], 405x3 x 4sets
- Back felt fine as weight increased
- Wanted to try 455 just to see how hard it is, since I'm just about 2-weeks out and knew I wouldn't fail it
- Planned on doing 3-sets of 405, but it was a bit easy. Added a 4th set at around @7.5-8
P. Bench: 45x10, 135x4, 185x4, 225x4, 232.5x4 x 6 sets
RDLs: 135x7, 245x7 x 4 sets
- Straps after first set, knurl was hurting too much
2017-10-12 - Thurs (Bench emphasis)
Time: 85-mins
BW: 213.2
Feelz: Tired, lack of sleep, migraine
C. Bench: 45x8, 135x5, 185x3, 225x1, 245x1, 265x1, 287.5x1 @9.5, 227.5x5 x 6 sets
- Wow, single felt heavy...
- Lots of forearm pump
P. Squat: 45x8, 135x4, 225x4, 330x4 x 6 sets
OHP: 45x7, 95x7, 120x7x6
Chinups: 3x10
Time: 105-min
Went boating yesterday, so doing Sat "workout" today. 2-weeks out, no more tests/screwing around after this. Have my openers and second attempts figured out now, I think
BW: 215 lbs
Feelz: Good
Comp. DL (Sumo + Belt): 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 405x1, 455x1, 495x1 @8.5?
- Feet slipped using the deadlift slippers... glad I got to feel that prior to comp
- Thought I'd rip a callus... it hurt on 455 and 495
TnG Bench: 45x10, 135x4, 185x4, 225x4, 245x4 x 6 sets
Squat: 45x8, 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 365x1, 405x1, 425x1, 445x1 @8
Incline DB Press: 75x8 x 6 sets
killin it man! strong as hell
Cole, thanks a lot! Working on it. Hope to get some nice PR's next weekend!
Time: 80-mins
BW: 213.6
Feelz: Really tired after work... had problems with concentration/tightness
Squat: 45x8, 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 365x1, 405x1, 445x1 @ 8, 375x5x5
- Volume was a bit light...
P. Bench: 45x10, 135x4, 185x4, 235x4 x 6 sets
- Left shoulder hurts
RDLs: 135x7, 245x7 x 6 sets