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Thread: Kyle lifting in Delaware

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


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    Well that was something. Couple days before Memorial Day weekend I woke up to bad neurological stuff down my left leg. I'm guessing a bad sciatica but it had pretty intense pain down to my toes and some loss of feeling and motor control...and a little bit of unwanted pee. Anywhoo, that got my attention so I went to the doctor, couldn't stand up straight or walk farther than 5 yards without resting for a few weeks, but after some drugs, nerve glide stretches, and time I tentatively went back to the gym today. I'm going to take it reeeeaaaal slow for the first two weeks until all the Ridiculopothy is totally gone.

    Also I couldn't really eat for 12 days, so I managed to lose 30 pounds in a month, so that's a plus, makes me think that when I go back to competing maybe I'll aim to be 120 instead of a 120+

    Anyways, here's what I did.

    Bike, chest supported rows, lat pull downs, bench 3x5 @135, RDLs 3x5 @45

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Baltimore, MD


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Martin View Post
    Also I couldn't really eat for 12 days, so I managed to lose 30 pounds in a month, so that's a plus, makes me think that when I go back to competing maybe I'll aim to be 120 instead of a 120+
    WOW! I imagine that by the time you read this, you're eating normally. Are you managing to keep the weight off? How are you feeling otherwise?

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