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Thread: Quaitemes Training Log

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    11/16/2020 Monday

    Squat: 300lbs 3x5

    Press: 177.5lbs 2x5
    Press 177.5 lbs 2x4 Failed 3rd set on last rep. Got super pissed and almost immediately tried again. Failed on last rep again. Fuck it, Im gonna count it and do 180lb next time.

    S. Row: 195lbs
    P. Row: 195lbs

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    11/17/2020 Tuesday Bodyweight 279.2lbs BF: 22.9% (Renpho Scale)

    Bench: 240lbs 3x5 (felt much lighter than last time)
    Bench: 225lbs 1x7 (spotter helped a little on last rep)
    Bench: 205lbs 1x5 <1minute rest
    Bench: 185lbs 1x5 <1minute rest
    Bench: 155lbs 1x5 <1minute rest (Im fucking dying at this point)
    Bench 135lbs 1x10 3minutes rest.

    Deadlift: 365lbs 1x5 (last rep grip failed and I didnt lock it all the way out, shoulders still rounded forward. Im still gonna count it.)
    Deadlift: 315lbs 1x5 easy peazy

    Clean and Press: 135lbs 1x5 Did this for a little cardio and for fun

    Chins -100lbs 3x12. This weight feels a little too much. Im cheating pretty hard to finish the sets. Ill see if I can clean it up by next week, otherwise maybe deload.
    Last edited by Quaitemes; 11-17-2020 at 02:16 PM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    11/18/2020 Wednesday

    Squat 1x295lbs Screwed up, and thought this was 305 at first
    Squat: 1x305lbs was tough, but not ugly. Immediately afterwards very very sore on hips, and feels like pain radiating down my leg bones. after 10 minutes not getting any better, no way Im gonna finish my sets. Called Workout early. Maybe just need a rest day today and tomorrow, and hit it hard again Friday and Saturday.

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