You might enjoy reading this:
Forged Passion - Doug Hepburn | RAW with Marty Gallagher
And this:
Paul Anderson
I was born less than 3 miles from Paul Anderson's home for wayward boys. Most of his workouts was 2 sets 0f 10 squats with 660 pounds, take 30 minute break and drink milk. Squat 830 for 3 reps, take another break and drink milk, then 900-980 for a single, take break drink milk and then keep doing singles, resting, and drinking milk until done which sometimes was 10 singles with 980! I have used both Anderson's and Hepburn methods. I love 8x3 Hepburn method. Then his 4 singles working until 10 singles.
I use the 8x3 until hitting the wall then switch to the singles. I'll be glad when my back heals so I can start over, again! Good luck.