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Thread: Cole's HLM/TM

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    LP session 5

    265 x 5 x 3

    215 x 5 x 3

    Chins (+5lbs)
    5, 5, 5

    notes: hip flexors are still destroyed. i officially hung up my jogging/running shoes. i have a rower at work i can bring home since no one there uses it. it is not a c2 and not near as nice, but it should work better for HIIT than sprints.

    as far as todays session goes, squats felt great technique wise. 3nd set was a little bit too wide stanced and i couldnt get to depth as well, but i narrowed it up a bit for 3rd set and was hitting depth and no chest cave either. will stick with that narrow stand going ahead. bench was fine and so was chins. nice day in the garage listening to pearl jam trying to relax as work stress has been high.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by Cole Gorton View Post
    Funny bc I read that whole book so you think I would have gotten at least that out of it.
    No shade thrown, as we all miss something every time we look through it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cole Gorton View Post
    i have a rower at work i can bring home since no one there uses it. it is not a c2 and not near as nice, but it should work better for HIIT than sprints.
    Fantastic! Nothing like free, as long as it isn't something that will injure you.

    C2 has WODs here, although it's a mix of HIIT to LSD from day to day, so you'll have to decide which ones to use. Their Training Guide (PDF) also has a few examples, just to give you a bit of variety.

    Keep at it!

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Thanks Bill!

    LP session 6

    275 x 5 x 3

    130 x 5 x 3

    305 x 5

    notes: signed up for the Colorado State Championships in Denver this coming Feb. At last years showing I matched my total PR and I se a DL PR, so I have a high bar to beat this time around. Plus, for the first time ever, I have some family that want to see me compete. I told them it was boring as a spectator (especially since my family is typically more endurance sport favored) but they want to go at least for a bit. Maybe a 2nd and 3rd squat attempt would be good.

    today went well, squats are still really easy but i am trying to give my low back (SI/facet joint?) as much time as possible to start feeling better. still have some hesitancy on hip drive, and i feel like i cant explode like usual. presses felt great, and i think i will be focusing on equal press/bench even after LP, at least until i start my 8 week meet prep in December, then i will go back to bench focus. pulls went fine, really trying to create that wave of extension (step 4) so i can pull with the flattest back possible.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Cardio - HIIT

    Treadmill/rower 3 rounds - total: 18:00

    Treadmill - 5:00@3.5mph, 7% grade / rower 25 reps @ level 3

    notes: This will not work. Small rower I took from work fell apart. Not to mention it was sliding all over the ground and into the wall. So I put the rug under it and the rug got completely bunched up. Pieces fell off the rower. Batteries flew out and I had no idea how much time I was rowing for so I counted the rower reps instead. I like the variety of walking at an angle and then high intensity bouts but I will have to figure out another machine. Maybe I need to fork over the $ for an airdyne.

    Listened to Rip read from PPST on spotify. Excited to train tomorrow.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    LP Session 7

    285 x 5 x 3

    225 x 5 x 3

    Chins (+7.5lbs)
    5, 5, 5

    notes: Filmed my first work sets on all 3 movements today. Squats seem ok, need to stop moving my head so much and prob bring my gaze out a little instead of looking straight down. Depth is hard to check from front but I cant film fron the rear or side anymore bc there is no room. Bench shocked wrists were completely bent almost 90 degrees the whole time, not sure how that doesnt hurt me but it is a power leak for sure. Also, my grip was way too wide. I have been widening my grip over the last year starting with when I had bicep tendonitis bc it felt better, but now that the tendon is resolved I should be bringing the grip back in a little. Sooooo, the bench video is actually my 2nd set after making some corrections. Used wrist wraps and brought grip to pinky on the notch instead of middle finger. looked better on video and I will be doing this going forward.

    I brought in the stupid little rower from the house to the garage and it worked alright as a warmup tool to use prior to barbell training. About 2 minutes on level 3 was allz i needed to get warm for squats. Hip flexors are still tight from hill sprints last week! never again!!!!

    squat - YouTube
    bench - YouTube
    weighted chins - YouTube

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    LP Session 8

    295 x 5 x 3

    135 x 5 x 3

    320 x 5

    notes: Did a light backoff set of SLDL bc low back is not feeling great, tendonitis....Need to work on keeping shoulder blades over the bar longer during the first half of the pull and keeping back flat

    squat - YouTube
    press - YouTube
    DL - YouTube

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    LP Session 9
    BW: 222 a.m.

    305 x 5 x 3

    Bench Press
    235 x 5 x 3

    Chins (+10lbs)
    5, 5, 5

    notes: Very technically sound today. I think bringing the stance in an inch on squats and the grip in an inch on bench has been an improvement. I noticed my descent on squat and bench has gotten a little slow as of late so I need to work on speeding the movement up a bit while staying tight. Weighed 222 even though I have doubled my protein shake quantity and have been eating like crazy. This morning had my usual 4 eggs, 2 packets of oatmeal w/blueberries, 2 scoops whey with 12 oz whole milk.

    squat w/sausage dog - YouTube

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    LP session 10

    315 x 5 x 3

    140 x 5 x 3

    335 x 5

    notes: I love lifting first thing in the morning! Felt amazing. Added a depth check vid for last set of squats since my depth is always a bit suspect. I have to make a conscience effort to get below parallel otherwise my natural tendency is to squat slightly high. PULLS FELT GOOD - low back getting much better. I could actually focus on the pulling not the discomfort today which pleases me. Still there from ground to knee, but diminished significantly. Been slacking on cardio as I dont have a C2 rower or airdyne yet. Doesnt seem to affect my lifting as I think im in decent shape. 2 scoops whey, 1 scoop creatine, fish oil and probiotic then off to the store to get a cake for my sons 8th bday party today!

    squat - YouTube
    depth check - YouTube
    Press - YouTube
    DL - YouTube

  9. #129
    Join Date
    May 2018


    Nice lifts and a sweet gym, Cole.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Cole Gorton View Post
    Added a depth check vid for last set of squats since my depth is always a bit suspect. I have to make a conscience effort to get below parallel otherwise my natural tendency is to squat slightly high.
    squat - YouTube
    depth check - YouTube
    Cole — I agree, that depth is suspect. You're right at parallel on a couple, and a couple look a smidge high. It's because you aren't getting back into your hips enough on the way down. The giveaway for that is that when you start driving your hips up, your knees slide backwards.

    Back to basics, lock those knees in place on the descent, get the hips back and the chest down. Then your knees remain in the same position on the rebound when you drive your hips up. Look at your first video and you'll see that your back angle varies on the way down compared to on the way up, with your chest more vertical on the way down and getting to a good-morning movement on the way up. You want that second chest angle for both phases so that by the time you get to the bottom, both your belt buckle and your nipples are pointed towards the floor, which also gives your hips the space to move backwards. Looking at that same video, watch your belt buckle as it gets between your thighs. Right when it gets there, your knees slide forward because your hips aren't back enough. It's not horrible knee slide, but it's too much. And all of those minor elements add up to insufficient depth.

    Lock the knees, get your butthole to the wall, and keep your belt and nipples pointed to the floor.

    I was doing the same thing earlier this summer. Then I got into a SS gym and had SSCs watch me doing the same thing. One extra cue that worked for me was to think about loading your quads, but only the top half between your knees and hips, since this is a hip-focused movement. Doing the three things above and paying attention to how the quads loaded during that sequence really smoothed out those minor things for me.

    Perhaps another inch between heels might help, too, although I'd leave that for later. Just work on those things and there won't be any doubt on your depth.

    Keep at it!

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