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Thread: Reset to Advanced Novice

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


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    Quote Originally Posted by ZKP
    Anybody here feel like they jumped the gun on Intermediate programming? I weigh 230 and can 1rm 425 in my Squat. I'm thinking of Reseting to an advanced novice program and seeing if I can milk it () for a few more months of adding 40 lbs a month to my sets of 5. Any of you guys/gals have any experience with this?
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex Bond
    If it works, don't fuck with it. If it stops working, change it up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stacey
    If it's working for you, keep doing it 'til it doesn't work anymore; milk your current version of SS for gains as long you can, then change it up as you see written in PP.
    I have a question I feel to be pertinent to this discussion: Are you still gaining weight? I think if you zoom past the 230lb barrier with help from The Dollar Menu you could be more aggressive with your projected progress. If you're like me and are getting soft around the midsection at 230 and are now maintenance eating or less, you'll have to be less demanding with your programming.

    Can someone corroborate what I'm saying here? Am I on target with this? I would appreciate some feedback on my comments because I am dealing with a very similar situation.
    Last edited by cjangelo; 01-29-2010 at 09:11 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    You all raise good points.

    I've been here before, at the point where you want to increase still, but where you're starting to become a beach ball. I can certainly tell my strength has wained in the last week of a little cutting back, but after 220, the dollar menu just turns to slop an I have to be a bit more careful with what I put in my mouth. I'm 5'10, and have a 36'' waist at 230, at 220, it's a 34". I don't really gives a fuck but, but I'm too old to just eat myself fat and call it "big". I'm jealous of you fuckers who need to gain 60 lbs. Aside from it being expensive, It's a lot of fun watching peoples reaction to downing the food. This is a testament to what really "eating to gain" is compared to folks who think they are but are really just wasting time.... I would eat meat by the Lb literally, going for 5 lbs a day, plus milk, plus dessert, required. I would also have to eat a Cheeseburger every night right before bed, and kept PB in the bathroom if I woke up to take a keep that shit up once you hit a good BW for your height and you become a fat piece of shit in short order. The trick now is to reduce excess calories but maintain proper protein, and to be honest with myself It's more challenging that just eating everything......
    As far a squat programing goes, Heavy light Heavy, but with a less aggressive loading progression will do fine for me now. Not to say another 20 lbs on my frame, wont happen, but it'll take some time and tweaking at this point.....
    Last edited by ZKP; 01-30-2010 at 07:10 AM.

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