How much do you weigh, how much do you eat, how much weight have you gained, can you film your deadlifts so we can check your form, yada yada know the drill
I've had continual problems with the deadlift through my starting strength experience. At first I was simply too chicken to do them, and then I "didn't have time," and then I was essentially replacing the 1x5 with 5x1 with 15 sec breaks between reps, and so on. Yesterday, I found myself squatting 225 and struggling to deadlift 205, and knew I had to do something.
I'm not totally clear on the reasons for why my deadlift is lagging behind my squats. I think I've heard the common issues are grip strength, insufficient squat depth, and "pussy syndrome". I'm quite confident in my squat depth, so I think it comes down to the other two.
The reason this is in the programming section, is that I'm considering switching the focus of my programming from squats to deadlifts for just a little while, until the deadlifts catch up. Something along the lines of starting my workouts by deadlifting 3x5 monday and friday with 5x3 powercleans on wednesday.
Any thoughts, suggestions, angry tirades about why I shouldn't fuck with the program when I could just as easily add assistance work?
How much do you weigh, how much do you eat, how much weight have you gained, can you film your deadlifts so we can check your form, yada yada know the drill
Haha, I didn't think we'd have to go through all that.
My second try at SS has gone like this:
1/5/10 - 1/30/10
Bodyweight 182 ->194
Squats 165 ->225
Bench 115 ->135
Press 75 -> 90
PC 95 ->115
Deadlift 195 -> 205
It sucks to see it laid out like that actually... it really shows me how much my missed sessions have hurt me. It sucks to realize that out of 12 workout days since my start date, I've missed at least 2, maybe 3. That's 16-25%. I could've made that much more improvement if I'd've just gone to the damn gym.
I'm finishing off my gallon of milk every day, and eating a bunch of other stuff as well. I'm guessing I'm in the 4-5kcal range, but I'm shooting for 5-6 kcal.
I'll see what I can do about getting video