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Thread: What should I weigh minimum?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I am 195cm 96kg.

    Although my lowerbody lifts are doing fine 5x 130kg deadlift
    3x5 110kg squat

    I am terrible at chin ups/pull ups.
    This hole in upperbody strength is unacceptable.
    Now doing the advanced novice programm which includes chins and pull ups twice a week while trying to maintain weight.
    Was thinking about throwing some metcon in aswell to speed up the progress.
    Losing weight is not really the point since less than 95kg on my height looks pretty skinny.

    Wondering if this approach is more effective than bulking up in order to increase strength/weight ratio and my chin up/pull up weakness.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Koalala View Post
    I am 195cm 96kg.

    Although my lowerbody lifts are doing fine 5x 130kg deadlift
    3x5 110kg squat

    I am terrible at chin ups/pull ups.
    This hole in upperbody strength is unacceptable.
    Now doing the advanced novice programm which includes chins and pull ups twice a week while trying to maintain weight.
    Was thinking about throwing some metcon in aswell to speed up the progress.
    Losing weight is not really the point since less than 95kg on my height looks pretty skinny.

    Wondering if this approach is more effective than bulking up in order to increase strength/weight ratio and my chin up/pull up weakness.
    For strength, less is more.

    I learnt this the hard way by doing stronglifts for the whole of last year with copious efforts to gain in both pull ups & dips in addition to the main lifts.

    I would perhaps even suggest sticking to the basic novice programme for much longer. Your lifts are not big for your size, you have a long ways to go on the basic progression. It is best to focus on less at a time.

    If I was you, I would focus on getting my squat to 150kg and my deadlift to 200kg before adding other exercises.

    And when you do start to work on pull ups as a goal, keep it simple. If you can do 5 reps to failure, just do as many sets across with 1-3 reps per set. This method is excellent for building pull up rep max.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    Have you got a picture/form check video?

    Im interested to know what 208 looks like.
    I'm currently puffier than I want to be, but as long as my lifts keep going up, I'm willing to live with it for the time being. Here are some pics I took just now with my phone.

    Not sure what's going on with my shorts in the #3 pic, heh.

    Overall, it's not a particularly impressive physique, but it's certainly much improved from my skinny fat days. I've always had a pretty wide trunk and spindly arms, and I carry the vast majority of my bodyfat as a spare tire and on my butt. My thighs are about 25" around, but it's hard to tell when the pictures are overwhelmed by my gut :-)

    So again, 5' 8.5", 208 lbs. Current lifts are SQ 315, BP 215, DL 345, OHP 131, PC 175, all for reps. Not doing the full GOMAD, but only because I sit at a computer all day every day; I'm gaining weight at a satisfactory rate on 1/3 to 1/2 GOMAD.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Thanks for putting the pics up. It looks like you have a heavier frame than me, (thick wrists etc) it is going to be a lot more effort for me to attain that kind of bodyweight.

    My thighs are about the same size as yours already, but everything else is puny.

    I do not have bodybuilding/physique goals. It is just that my body clearly correlates with my lift ratios. I cannot press or bench much at all.

    It took me a whole year of training to bench one plate each side. (60kg) still am a few weeks off doing that for 3x5. My press is half that and has been stalled for several months.

    If my arms & shoulders were bigger, they would move more weight surely. This is what I need.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    I've already had all my trousers let out once, and had to buy new casual trousers too. I ride a bike, but both my old leather suit and Gore-Tex combo don't fit any more.
    I know I could gain more weight, but I just can't afford it, right now.
    LOL, Rip should include a warning at the beginning of SS:BBT about this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    This is me, 155lb @ 5' 8" my BW and squat has both been stuck.
    I'm 5'7", 149lbs, and you look much bigger than me. Especially your legs. Must be my bellyfat. But I'd have guessed that you weigh 170.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Interesting thread...but please no more fucking underwear pictures. Jesus people. Unless you're a woman of course.

    I'm 6'0" 228 on my way to 240.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    Thanks for putting the pics up. It looks like you have a heavier frame than me, (thick wrists etc) it is going to be a lot more effort for me to attain that kind of bodyweight.
    I don't know. Maybe. All through high school, I weighed no more than 145. During college, it was 160. When I got married five years ago, 170. I was always pretty skinny, but slowly put on bodyfat as I progressed through adulthood, without getting particularly stronger. When I started SS, I weighed 183 and carried around more fat (in absolute terms) than I do now.

    In fact, I was thinking: I have few regrets in life, but one of the bigger ones is not discovering SS until I was 30.

    Quote Originally Posted by Webbie View Post
    Interesting thread...but please no more fucking underwear pictures. Jesus people. Unless you're a woman of course.
    Whatever, dude, it's For Science. And technically, mine are basketball "dazzle shorts." Because of SS, they're tight enough that I never wear them anymore; when I was skinnier, I'd go running in them. I don't even know why I haven't thrown them away yet. I'm never going to be that small again, and lord knows I don't keep them for the name!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    For strength, less is more.

    I learnt this the hard way by doing stronglifts for the whole of last year with copious efforts to gain in both pull ups & dips in addition to the main lifts.

    I would perhaps even suggest sticking to the basic novice programme for much longer. Your lifts are not big for your size, you have a long ways to go on the basic progression. It is best to focus on less at a time.

    If I was you, I would focus on getting my squat to 150kg and my deadlift to 200kg before adding other exercises.

    And when you do start to work on pull ups as a goal, keep it simple. If you can do 5 reps to failure, just do as many sets across with 1-3 reps per set. This method is excellent for building pull up rep max.
    If I do the basic programm In the end i am usually pretty tired and my chins suck even harder.
    But you suggest leaving them out for a while?
    I like the idea but not training areas in which I suck makes me feel like a pussy :P

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Taking the Piss


    starting strength coach development program
    at a minimum, you should weigh.... more.

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