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5'7", 150, 17% bf - measured using calipers, but it was my first time, so could be off. Most of the excess fat is stored in the midsection with virtually none in the butt, legs, chest or arms. No visible abs. I don't want to get shredded, but would like some visible abs and a big reduction of the muffintop/love handles. After the vacation, I'm back to bulking, so getting super lean is a waste of time.
For the next several weeks, I'm ok with lifting the same amounts for those lifts at which I'm near my 3x5 max (and for which increases are going to require lots of food), and I'd like to continue to make progress on the lifts where I'm far from my max.
I'm thinking cutting out most of the carbs, including my morning oats (keeping the eggs, etc.). The thing I'm most worried about cutting back on is the milk. I'm drinking 1/4 - 1/3 gallon of whole milk a day. Will cutting back on the milk force me to decrease the weights?