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Thread: Texas Method Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    British Columbia

    Default Texas Method Check

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    I have been running the Texas method for 3 weeks now. I was running the butchered Madcow variation of one of Starr's programs for about 5 solid months. I admit I subbed rows in for cleans too often, but I learned my lesson from that (deadlift stalled a lot).

    Here is what I am running now...

    Squat 5x5
    Bench 5x5
    Power Clean 5x3
    Row 3x8
    Abs (ab wheel, 4 sets to failure)

    Squat 2x5 (80% of Monday)
    Press 3x3
    SLDL 3x8
    Chin-ups - As many sets as it takes to achieve failure
    Abs (leg raise, 3 sets to failure)

    Squat 1x1,2, or 3
    Bench 1x1,2, or 3
    Deadlift 1x1, 2, 3, or 5
    Abs (side bends, 3 sets to failure)

    I should mention that I perform all ab workouts in the higher rep range, 8 reps per set as a minimum.

    Recovery day comments: On recovery days, chin-up sets usually start at around 5 reps per set (I chin with an Olympic bar across the top of my rack). I work up to a PR rep total for all sets each week. I figure the chin-up volume might help my shitty pressing ability, but I don't know if I am going a bit over the top (total reps for all chin sets are usually 30+). Maybe I should just focus on 3x sets, trying to set a rep PR for each set every week.

    Intensity day comments: Being a bigger fellow (with a noticeable gut), I find it difficult to do 5 straight reps without running into serious lack of oxygen problems. I noticed from my past program, that while doing 5rm sets, if I stand up away from the barbell for 10-20 sec to get a good few breaths in, my performance is a lot better, but I don't know if taking such relatively long breaks between reps affects the rep range spectrum to the extent that I really end up doing 5 singles.

    My ultimate goal is to compete in strongman or powerlifting in a year or so, once I get my base strength up to a semi decent level.

    Current stats:

    -Age: 27, male
    -Bench: 275 (1rm), 245 (5rm)
    -Squat: 385 (5rm), 420 (1rm)
    -Press : 165 (5rm)
    -Deadlift: 425 (5rm), 445 (3rm)
    -Power clean: 205 (5rm)
    - 6'3", 260lb.
    Last edited by Mark Rippetoe; 02-09-2010 at 12:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Don't you think the SLDLs are a bit too much for a recovery day?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    British Columbia


    I suppose SLDL's are a bit overkill. I wonder if glute ham raises will serve my purpose of providing extra glute and hamstring work without totally shafting my recovery (as I have never done glute ham raises before, I assume they will be a humbling experience at first).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    I don't have any experience with glute ham raises, but if you want to keep the SLDLs maybe put them in the volume day instead of rows (or cleans or both), or even as a backoff set for the deadlift on the intensity day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    If this is working for you, you probably shouldn't change anything until it stops working.

    I agree with coldfire though that you'd be better off with SLDLs on volume day and cleans on recovery day. Your cleans will be better without the fatigue from 5x5 squats first, and cleans are easy to recover from so they shouldn't impact intensity day.

    When I first started doing 5RMs on intensity day lack of oxygen was my biggest problem but I stuck with it trying not to take any more breaths than I absolutely had to and after a few weeks my body adapted and my aerobic capacity for things like running (which I usually try to avoid) is better than it used to be.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008


    BCguy, are you doing 3 sets of 5 reps powercleans, or 5 sets of 3 reps? The latter is what is usually done

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    I would take out the SLDLs all together and put the rows on Wednesday. I don't know how many times you've done that volume day, but by the looks of it, by the time the rows came around I'd be exhausted and unable to make a real effort on them. Putting them on Wednesday means you'll have a bit more energy to spend on them. But if it works for now, do it for now.

    I also noticed you weren't sure how to program chins. I like to set a number, like 15 or 20 reps, and do them in as few sets as possible, then increase the target number of reps when you can do them in 3 sets or something. The 3 sets for max reps that you mention is okay too. Just doing max sets and reps to failure might be a little too taxing for recovery.

    Remember the recovery day rule - on a good recovery day, you should walk out of the gym feeling less sore and tired than when you came in.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    British Columbia


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by isis View Post
    If this is working for you, you probably shouldn't change anything until it stops working.

    I agree with coldfire though that you'd be better off with SLDLs on volume day and cleans on recovery day. Your cleans will be better without the fatigue from 5x5 squats first, and cleans are easy to recover from so they shouldn't impact intensity day.

    When I first started doing 5RMs on intensity day lack of oxygen was my biggest problem but I stuck with it trying not to take any more breaths than I absolutely had to and after a few weeks my body adapted and my aerobic capacity for things like running (which I usually try to avoid) is better than it used to be.
    I did clean during the first week on Wednesday instead, with rows on Monday. I was certainly able to focus on cleaning form more. My back is usually fried for a day or two after the Monday workout with the current setup. I think I will try moving cleans back to Wednesday, using the 5 set x 3 rep scheme I use on Monday.

    Quote Originally Posted by stronger View Post
    BCguy, are you doing 3 sets of 5 reps powercleans, or 5 sets of 3 reps? The latter is what is usually done
    5 sets of 3 reps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alex Bond View Post
    I would take out the SLDLs all together and put the rows on Wednesday. I don't know how many times you've done that volume day, but by the looks of it, by the time the rows came around I'd be exhausted and unable to make a real effort on them. Putting them on Wednesday means you'll have a bit more energy to spend on them. But if it works for now, do it for now.

    I also noticed you weren't sure how to program chins. I like to set a number, like 15 or 20 reps, and do them in as few sets as possible, then increase the target number of reps when you can do them in 3 sets or something. The 3 sets for max reps that you mention is okay too. Just doing max sets and reps to failure might be a little too taxing for recovery.

    Remember the recovery day rule - on a good recovery day, you should walk out of the gym feeling less sore and tired than when you came in.
    I was thinking of rowing on Wednesdays, but was unsure at the time if it would affect my chinning ability...and yes my upper back in particular is certainly more fatigued after than before.

    I think based on my response so far, I don't think rowing is useful for me. I really don't care much for rows at all and would prefer to do away with them (rather than row like some websites mention I should for improving my bench...dare I mention

    In summary, I think I will move 5x3 cleans to Wednesday and SLDL to Monday for 3x8. Rows will be dropped all together (with the chinning and pressing, I don't think I really need more 'lat' and shoulder stability work...seems to me rows are especially popular amongst the lifters that rarely overhead press). I will try using a set amount of reps for chins within the 3 set frame (I think I will mentally be better able to do chinning lasts about 15min as is, which is no doubt overkill).

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